By Anna Von Reitz I cannot possibly overstate the urgency of the information I am sharing with you. The actual sovereign government and its immediate structures is shown in red. The Federal Government operating under powers delegated to it by the sovereign government is shown in blue. Here's how the American Government actually organized and authorized delegation of power
By Anna Von Reitz The Fourth Maxim of Commercial Law is crucial. It establishes the Due Process of Commercial Law by demanding that someone stick their neck out and declare their responsibility for telling the truth to the court by providing an affidavit. TRUTH IS EXPRESSED IN THE FORM OF AN AFFIDAVIT. (Lev. 5:4-5; Lev. 6:3-5; Lev. 19:11-13: Num. 30:2; Mat. 5:33; James 5: 12). I have not had much respect for Commercial Law and haven't studied it a whole lot, mostly because I noted years ago that it was broken. It doesn't work the way it should. Specifically, affidavits don't work. The courts ignore them. Now, almost by accident, I know why and it is so simple, it's stupid. First, via the "US Citizen" political status fraud, the vermin re-defined us as "decedents" --- that is, people who willingly declined their birthright estate. Next, they "enfranchised" us --- created multiple business entities and public trusts and public utilities named after us -- all that remained on the public record were incorporated entities: JOHN DOE, JOHN M. DOE, and JOHN MARK DOE, and it was these incorporated entities that the courts addressed. And the "Rest of the Story is......." ---- incorporated entities can't create affidavits. They have no ability to take Oaths, swear to anything, or provide any testimony. So by enfranchising us, the demons both subjected us to commercial law and rendered us helpless under it. Quote my new BFF, Magnus.... ".....The Undeniable Fact That Artificial Entities (Corporations) Cannot Take Oaths, They Cannot Make Affidavits. See, E.G., In Re Empire Refining Co., 1 F. Supp. 548, 549 (Sd Cal. 1932) ("It Is, Of Course, Conceded That A Corporation Cannot Make An Affidavit In Its Corporate Name. It Is An Inanimate Thing Incapable Of Voicing An Oath"); Moya Enterprises, Inc. V. Harry Anderson Trucking, Inc., 162 Ga. App. 39, 290 S.E.2d 145 (1982); Strand Restaurant Co. V. Parks Engineering Co., 91 A.2d 711 (D.C. 1952); 9a T. Bjur C. Slezak, Fletcher Cyclopedia Of Law Of Private Corporations § 4629 (Perm. Ed. 1992) ("A Document Purporting To Be The Affidavit Of A Corporation Is Void, Since A Corporation Cannot Make A Sworn Statement") - (Footnote Omitted). Rowland V. California Men's Colony • 506 U.S. 194, 203 (1993)." And he is absolutely correct! This, at last, is why there has been no remedy and no hearing for the victims of this fraud scheme. Commercial law can't work without an affidavit, and incorporated entities --- public trusts and public transmitting utilities --- can't issue affidavits. End of story. We were totally boxed in, so that the judge couldn't even hear us. Literally. We had no recourse, and only the "appearance" of justice. They let us talk and run the meter, charged us for their "service"---and left us without any possible relief. The Bar Association Members --- British Merchant Marine Shipping Clerks -- colluded with the politicians and the banks to set up the Perfect Crime, an ultimate Identity Theft Scheme that rendered the victims voiceless and helpless and without recourse. It's almost funny when you finally see it--- a real guffaw-worthy sleight of hand, something so preposterous, so obvious, and yet --- unless you had cause to think about both the identity theft and this particular bit of commercial law, you'd never put it together. So, everyone ever issued a BIRTH CERTIFICATE has been trafficked, impersonated, and defrauded. Every such PERSON ever addressed by one of these COURTS has suffered barratry and been subjected to a foreign jurisdiction and form of law, within which they were specifically disabled and unable to defend themselves. No more filthy, repugnant, criminal scheme, nothing more unjust, despicable, cynical ---- and in the end, cowardly, can be imagined. They attacked little babies in their cradles and used a petty, pathetic scheme like this to steal them blind and enslave them for life. Even I am stunned. But there it is, and there you have it. We have come full circle at last. In the end, this is all that anyone needs to know -- what they did and how they did it. That, and the realization of how many million--- nay, billions--- of innocent people have suffered because of it. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: By Anna Von Reitz What I am going to observe to you today is going to change your world. It's going to change the way you look at things. And hopefully, it's going to light a fire under your tail. Remember studying about the Civil War? Remember studying about the "Reconstruction" afterward? The Reconstruction never ended. 150 years later, and it never got finished. Why? Because evil men in Parliament and traitors and fools in Washington, DC chose not to finish the task that they were morally and lawfully and legally mandated to do. Britain and France both gained influence and were able to pull off con games against this country that made these European Freebooters rich at our expense and which embroiled us, their own countries, and most of the rest of the world in endless wars for profit. Who is at the bottom of this? Bankers, The bankers influence the politicians and the politicians influence the military, and pretty soon --- there you have it: endless greed giving rise to endless war. Your mission is to finish the Reconstruction that began in 1865. The situation is too complex to describe in a Facebook post or email among friends. I just want to observe a couple things for you as mental preparation--- a framework. The first thing is that the entire job of the "Federal Government" was to exercise the "Delegated Powers". Those nineteen "Delegated Powers" all exist in the international jurisdiction of the sea. Even the "interstate commerce clause" exists in that jurisdiction, because our states are also nations. Everything that the Federal Government was ever mandated to do, is thus supposed to be of an international nature and was meant to be limited to the nineteen functions assigned to them. To enable the Federal Government to do its work a National Level Government peculiar to them and dedicated to performing only the assigned tasks was established. Because we already had "territories" back in the 1790's and because of the need to function on the High Seas and Inland Waterways, a Territorial Level Government was also established. Finally, to operate the new capitol as a place where all the States and people could congregate on an Equal Footing, a Municipal Level Government was established and the members of Congress were entrusted to run the municipal government for the capitol city. (Article I, Section 8, Clause 17). As a result, there were three levels of government established to function together as the Federal Government: national, territorial, and municipal---- and all designed to do one thing: exercise the Delegated Powers in behalf of the States. The National Government was supposed to control and direct the functions of the Territorial Government and the Territorial Government was supposed to host and protect the Municipal Government, like a set of nesting dolls. Taken altogether, this Federal Government exercising only the Delegated Powers, is called The United States. It may be the National United States, the Territorial United States, or the Municipal United States that we are talking about when we say, "United States". And here's the really odd part: the National Government was run and controlled by the States, but the Territorial Government was run by England as part of the horse-trading to end the Revolutionary War. So from the very start, the Territorial Government was under foreign control. Now--- keep in mind that above and beyond the Federal Government that was designed to exercise the Delegated Powers, there is a government that delegated those Powers in the first place. That government is the original "Holding Company" known as The United States of America, which was formed by the States on September 9, 1776. The United States of America holds all the international and global powers that the States decided to share in common, and it is the entity that then delegates the Delegated Powers to the three different levels or "branches" of the Federal Government. Think of the individual States, like Florida and Maryland, pouring their international and global powers into a tank labeled "The United States of America". Picture those powers being separated into two bins labeled "International" and "Global". Then imagine the International bin being separated into two more bins labeled "Delegated" and "Non-Delegated". And finally, imagine the "Delegated Powers" being shunted into a bin labeled "Federal Government" that is divided into smaller "National", "Territorial" and "Municipal" bins. The "National" bin is composed of "States of States" doing business as The State of Florida, The State of Michigan, The State of Ohio.... The "Territorial" bin is composed of other "Territorial States of States" doing business as the State of Florida, State of Michigan, State of Ohio..... (Notice the subtle difference.) Originally, the "Municipal" bin was just the City of Washington, DC. Over time, it usurped power and created "Municipal STATES OF STATES" doing business as STATE OF FLORIDA, STATE OF MICHIGAN.... Neither the Territorial States of States nor the Municipal STATES OF STATES were ever allowed to exist under our actual Constitutions. They were created "by necessity" -- or rather, by British greed and immorality -- after the Civil War, which resulted in our National Level States of States being moth-balled and their assets rolled over into State Land Trusts doing business as, for example, the Florida State, Michigan States....and the British-controlled Territorial Government taking over "for" us. Your Mission is to Assemble your State Jural Assembly for Florida, Michigan, Ohio..... and to restore your National Level State of State doing business as The State of Florida, The State of Michigan, The State of Ohio.....and finish the Reconstruction begun in 1865. Go to: to connect and get started. The States in pink need to be Assembled first. ---------------------------- See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: By Anna Von Reitz The Most Important Part Somehow, though I repeat and repeat the most important part of the message isn't getting through. There are and there have always been two (2) populations of people in this country. Pay attention. This is critical. The two groups as defined by the Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783 are: the "free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States" and the British "inhabitants" left here after the Revolutionary War to provide-- as Article IV of all three Constitutions puts it --- "essential government services". The Brits are subjects of the King (or Queen). No mystery about that. The Americans are supposed to be acting as "free, sovereign, and independent people", but thanks to British Breach of Trust and legal chicanery and deliberate falsification of public records and bankruptcy fraud and identity theft --- you have (nearly all) been mis-characterized as "volunteer" British Territorial Merchant Mariners and British "citizens". It's up to you to correct the falsified public records and clearly identify your permanent domicile on the land and soil of the state where you were born, and to stand your ground and properly identify yourself in the face of any police or court action--- but most importantly, to behave accordingly. Think about it --- if you really were a "volunteer" in the British Merchant Marine service, you would be expected to obey their rules, would you not? That's the presumption that the courts have. As a result of falsified public records and various mistakes you have made over the course of your life seemingly allowing them to identify you as a "citizen" of the British Territorial United States, you have been tagged as a British "federal employee" and as a "Tax Payer" and as a "criminal" and as a "Withholding Agent" and all sorts of other things. None of which you are. It's up to you to become aware of who you are and who they are, and to put them resoundingly in their places when they approach you with their false presumptions about your political and employment status. Some of the first questions you may want to ask after you present them with your Mandatory Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act Notice are: Who gave you permission to address me? We want to get to the bottom of who is responsible for mis-directing the police and the courts to address Americans "as if" they were British subjects. Eat your way up the food chain. It's a simple question and deserves a simple answer. By what right or evidence are you presuming to know my political status? Again, we want to get to the bottom of the dog pile. Are you aware of the fact that I am owed The Law of Peace and all aid that you can provide me? This is bound to be big news to the Equity Judges who think that they are here to rule in the Queen's stead and to exercise her "prerogatives" over her subjects. Present them with a copy of Department of the Army Pamphlet 27-161-1. This British Fraud Scheme has been going on a long, long time, so don't be surprised if you meet resistance and dumbfounded expressions ("OMG! The horses are talking!"). We've been asleep for 150 years. They aren't expecting us to wake up. One of the key things for you to do now is to recognize the difference between "us" and THEM. We are free, living sovereigns of this country. They are "dead" corporate franchises merely residing here, doing the job of providing "essential government services". They owe us their Good Faith service in performance and exercise of the delegated powers. We owe them payment for performing those nineteen enumerated services. It should be a simple relationship, but generations of self-interested British Bunko and false claims have confused both sides of the issue. One is reminded of a Grade B Hollywood movie based on mistaken identities. They profit by claiming that we are one of them, and we have been deceived by clever constructive fraud and similar names deceits into allowing this confusion of identities to exist. When we step back "over the line" and onto the land and soil of our native state, we "retire" from all presumptions and obligations of federal service--- regardless of what age we are when we do so. We are no longer "eligible" nor obligated to participate in Social Security (except to receive back what we mistakenly put in), and we are certainly not federal nor federated "State of State" Tax Payers of any kind. We are not obligated to register anything as belonging to the Territorial or Municipal "State of States", not obligated to pay any mortgages owed by these entities, nor to be licensed for any activities except: interstate sale or transport of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. We are not obligated to participate in any "Selective Service" registration process, either. They are they and we are we, and what all this amounts to is that THEY owe the return of all our assets free and clear and unencumbered. Now. THEY also owe the return of all the credit owed to us -- all that we paid in federal taxes that we never owed, all that we paid into Social Security under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit, all the money we paid in to mortgages that were in fact owed by their organizations and not by us at all, all the money that was owed to our parents and grandparents as a result of usury against our actual silver and gold, all the money they collected as property taxes based on false titles---- all due and payable and on our side of the ledger. Now. They have attempted to claim that we "abandoned" all this credit owed to the American States and People, but that is not the case. They have attempted to distribute our gold (from the 1933-34 confiscations) and our credit to all the other nations in the world and make themselves out as great philanthropists in the process. The truth is that they have acted as common identity thieves and fraud artists and that they did this in gross Breach of Trust. The further truth is that they have plotted -- in desperation to avoid the truth -- to kill off 90% of the world population in an attempt to avoid paying all their Creditors. They've also knowingly and illegally foreclosed on millions of Americans who are in fact their Priority Creditors. These are all commercial crimes and war crimes of the most profound nature and THEY are rightly scared witless of the consequences. If you are still acquiescing by inaction and ignorance to being tagged as a British Territorial "Citizen" you should be making tracks out of Babylon as fast as you can go. However, the vast numbers of innocent people who have been duped begs for mercy. Therefore, what we have proposed is a simple step-by-step process by which the central banks forgive all debts and the government corporations stop all commercial prosecutions of people living on the land worldwide. Upon forgiving all debts, the banks can be allowed an equal amount of credit for distribution. To begin with, according to our plan, everyone on Earth has their guaranteed and inviolable identity secured to them, their own unique account, and two lifetime stipends --- one sufficient for basic living expenses and one for making investments. These stipends are non-taxable, private, and lifelong. All titles to land are to be returned to the living people they belong to and all public land titles returned to the actual land jurisdiction States or counties or provinces where they belong. Beta Tests have already been run to gauge the affect of our plan. 1. It avoids hyper-inflation entirely. 2. It provides permanent insurance for losses and damages for everyone worldwide. 3. It provides for all necessary government services without taxation ever again. 4. It provides for secure private identities and new hack-proof, secure internet and banking services. 5. It provides a base-line income for everyone young or old in every country, so that abject poverty will be a thing of the past and all the economies will be stimulated by new consumers. 6. It provides a basis for individual investment in the world economy and de-centralizes investment decisions, which has proved to be a a superior model for maximizing investment potential. Our plan also provides substantial planetary social benefits: 1. New investment in infrastructure and technology worldwide. 2. New investment in pollution control and clean up. 3. Excellent early retirement options. 4. Free continued education 5. Job mobility. 6. Improved preventive medical and dental care. 7. Improved upkeep and maintenance of homes and other structures. Best of all, with our plan, there doesn't have to be any big social upheaval or displacement. Nobody has to die for their participation -- witting or unwitting -- in the criminality of the past. It's clean, it's efficient, it helps everyone and harms nobody. At which point, compared to the other plans that have been brought forward, our plan stands nose and whiskers above all others. And it is assisted by the fact that the lion's share of all this credit is owed to us, as are all the charters of all the Territorial and Municipal governments worldwide --- so this is the option being promoted by the Priority Creditors of the entire world infrastructure. ---------------------------- See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. |
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz