By Anna Von Reitz
The past three weeks have been harrowing times to try men’s souls and our resolve as nation-states united, to stand together and to assist our brothers and sisters in times of hardship. The devastation wrecked by Hurricane Helene and to a lesser extent, by Hurricane Milton, have stirred the conscience of America and forced us to take actions that we would never have imagined. Lawsuits against FEMA and DOD. Investigations into the members of Congress who are occupying vacant seats as officers of foreign corporations. Hundreds of hair-raising search and rescue and supply drop missions daily. Scientific analysis of environmental crime scenes. Formal declaration of Land Law. Forcing local Sheriffs to occupy and exercise their Peacekeeping Offices. And now, the work becomes even more grim, as it shifts inexorably to recovery of bodies, a desperate race to save those in the higher elevations from death by exposure, and the horrific work of demolition and debris clean up in the middle of an ecological nightmare. Entire river drainage systems are polluted by the dead bodies of thousands of people and animals, compromised septic systems, industrial chemicals, and even radioactive waste. Soon, snow will come to the mountains, settling its white mantle of peace over scenes of destruction and loss impacting some of the poorest people and poorest communities in this country. And all Kamala Harris and her cohorts can say is that they are carrying through with their plan and sending billions of dollars worth of aid to Ukraine, and a whole $750 to each family who lost everything in Appalachia. By the God of our Fathers, this will not stand. These corporations will be toppled and their leaders arrested for their gross negligence and dereliction of duty, their breaches of trust, and their criminal violations of their service contracts — abuses which we have all suffered. The preliminary and greatest fault lies with House Speaker Mike Johnson, who has refused to immediately re-appropriate funds designated for other purposes, to the relief of Appalachia. Like part of the billions to be wasted on Ukraine. We are calling for his immediate arrest and prosecution for treason. We are calling for the investigation, questioning, and arrest of every member of the last five Congresses who: (1) voted for the pandemic mandates and yet, exempted themselves and their families from taking the shots; (2) extended the funding of the various Municipal Agencies (FEMA, BATF, IRS, DOD, etc.) for another three months past the conclusion of the UNITED STATES bankruptcy. Remember, these people are not our Fiduciary Deputies and are sitting as “Representatives” — officers of foreign corporations in the business of providing “essential government services”. As such, they have no State Immunity and no Public Office, but they have assumed public duties and may be held liable for their acts. By their actions and their inactions, they have harmed millions of people in seven (7) States of the Union, and they have done nothing sensible to ameliorate this circumstance. These are the facts. Republicans and Democrats alike. All have failed the test. All are owed removal and we are owed new, public elections. None of the elections from 1856 to today have been public elections, thanks to the deceit, malfeasance, and self-serving nature of the miscreant corporate denizens of Washington, DC. We have seen them at work in Gaza, through their front man, Benjamin Netanyahu. Now we see them at work in our own Blue Ridge Mountain communities. The only thing that holds them back from their avarice is international law and fear that the military and the people of this country will see what they are and fall upon them like the wrath of God. As we should, for these, their offenses. …
The banks that have given them free access to our credit and that have received our assets from them, full-well knowing that the assets they deposited did not belong to them, yes, the bankers deserve the same treatment, for without them, none of these travesties and injustices would have ever been possible. And for us, we are left to pick up the bleeding pieces. Those Americans who are reading this, please consider — do you have room at your hearthside this winter for others who desperately need a roof over their heads through no fault of their own? Can you spare a few bucks to help transport individuals and families to safety with friends and family members in other parts of the country? Our State Assemblies are open and helping to identify flood victims and helping them protect their land claims and maintain correspondence with them while they temporarily move to safety in other States. We need to get as many people to safety as we can and keep re-supplying those who remain with winter gear, stoves, fuel, tools, food, and clean water. Can you support our Land Courts and Counselors of Law, who will protect these families and communities from bogus claims of “Federal Rights of Eminent Domain” (that don’t exist) while they are away from home? Will you step forward into the gap at a time like this? Make no mistake. This is a long term commitment. We estimate that it will take upward of ten years for remediation and rebuilding, and we fully admit that a number of communities will not survive this attack. Until we regain full control of our government and our assets and our credit, times will be tough. We have millions of Americans to re-educate about their own history and law. We have hard work to do and a full plate of heartache set before us, but we have faced hard times before and we will face them, together, again. The evil doers, the Liars, and the Globalist thugs are due for their come-uppance, not their re-election. Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America In care of: Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 October 20th 2024 Source:
International Public Notice: Dear Donald Trump By Anna Von Reitz We find it interesting that you began your message concerning your corporation's new "Declaration of Independence" with a lengthy denial of all other claims and claimants, in favor, apparently, of the corporation you represent as President, the U.S.A. Incorporated. You make it sound like our claims are significantly different than yours, when in fact, over 90% of your Declaration playbook echoes us, our claims, and all the information that we have specifically provided not only to you but to every other American. The only part of your Declaration that we did not essentially author and don't agree with is the focus on the Act of 1871, which was repealed in 1874. The complaint against the United States Corp is deserved and understood, however, that is only half the story. The corporation that you represent as Commander-in-Chief existed prior to the United States Corp and the financial difficulties that you describe in the wake of the Civil War as the generative cause of the debacle, arose as a result of the war debts and bankruptcy of the United States of America, Incorporated. That is, the financial maladies were those of a foreign corporation acting as a Federal Government Subcontractor. Your corporation. It was not our government, not the sovereign American Government, that acquired the debt and went bankrupt. Think about it, Mr. Trump, only incorporated entities enjoy that privilege. Just like the United States Corp, the United States of America, Incorporated, is a separate incorporated entity. Just like the United States Corp, the United States of America, Incorporated, is a foreign entity engaged in providing "essential government services" under contract to our Government. The version of the United States of America, Incorporated, established prior to the so-called Civil War, was bankrupted by Abraham Lincoln in April of 1863. That was the source of the financial trouble. Your corporation's bankruptcy, Mr. Trump. Nothing has changed except that the Military engaged by that same corporation, woke up, realized that Abraham Lincoln left them in charge, and that everything in this country is going to dog dung on their watch. Well, good on you and good on them for that, but you can't fix it by telling more lies and trying to claim assets and credit that never belonged to your corporation in the first place. The Civil War, insomuch as it could be styled as a "war" was an illegal mercenary conflict between corporations and between foreign government interests on our shores. It had precious little to do with us or with slavery, either. The two corporations pitted against each other, the United States Corp and the United States of America, Incorporated, have kept this conflict going --- for their own profit --- ever since. The only break in the conflict came from 1937 to your inauguration, when the two corporations signed The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States, as a truce and collusion, which allowed both corporations to develop full blown "administrations" and prey upon the American Public with equal ferocity. Surely, you have noticed that we have two of everything? The IRS and the Internal Revenue Service, the DOD and the Department of Defense, the DOL and the Department of Labor, the DOJ and the Department of Justice.... we could go on, but this is self-evident and can only be accounted for by the 1937 Declaration of Interdependence referenced above. Do you really think that the American people needed complete redundancy and double-dipping, two complete (and both foreign) court systems, two Internal Revenue Services? Internal to what? Mr. Trump, surely, at this late date, both foreign corporations should simply surrender and accept the fact that this country belongs to its people and nobody else--- it certainly doesn't belong to any foreign corporation residing in the District of Columbia or the (British Territorial) State of Delaware or any foreign country (like Scotland) whatsoever. Two thieves arguing over the spoils is not the same as the actual owner showing up, and by factual definition the actual owner is and has to be: (1) American and (2) Unincorporated. Your corporation, like the United States Corp, fails on both counts. So, we believe that we have dispensed with all claims of all incorporated entities seeking to "represent" us, and claiming an interest of any kind in our land and other physical assets. Our venerable declaration, The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, serves us more than well-enough. We wish to point out, Mr. Trump, that the British Territorial Government is an instrumentality of the British Government as a whole, and that the British Government as a whole, is an instrumentality of the Pope, and that in matters of commerce, that means the Roman Pontiff. Both corporations, the United States Corp and the United States of America, Incorporated, are owned by the Pope and administered by the Pope acting as the Roman Pontiff. If we have been gullible and trusting and easily led, then so have you corporate moguls, who registered your corporations and gave up your ownership of them to other faceless Legal Fiction Entities and assumed Authorities. There. Did you finally, just now, feel the floor drop? The Pope owns both the United States Corp and the United States of America, Incorporated, because the very idea of corporations originated with the Roman Curia. He rules these creations of the mind under Ecclesiastical Law, and sits like Hammurabi as the final dictator of both Law Merchant and its codified cousin, the Law of Maritime Commerce. So the fight between the United States Corp and the United States of America, Incorporated, in 1861 or today, has only existed with his blessings and for his benefit, as both these corporations quite literally belong to him. And he is responsible for them. We, however, are unincorporated beings living under a free and independent ---and unincorporated--- government, in an actual and factual world, which is a Divine Creation. We are divine creations, too. We see through all of these illusions straight to the heart of the matter. We see who is responsible for this mess, and it isn't you, Donald Trump. Keep it that way. Stop trying to interpose your corporation as our Keeper, or Custodian, exercising a "stewardship" interest in our assets. We are quite capable of choosing our own Deputies (not Trustees) in free and open public elections, unsullied by the manipulations of political parties. We invited you to join us and to leave behind the ugly phantasm you've been living in. Click your silver slippers, Donald, and come home. Declare your birthright political status and take responsibility for your own DNA and your own soul and your own soil. It's not that difficult to be unincorporated and it's far more effective than tilting at paper windmills and worrying about paper debts. Yes, we have been defrauded and deceived, and so have you. As the Roman Civil Law says, "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived." and as we are beset by Romans, it would be good if you simply shook your head, woke up, and realized --- this is all phony. All these corporations and corporation franchises and codes and debts made of paper --- it's all fraud. It's all ridiculous. It is insubstantial. It's a sideshow schtick. We are not deceived, and so we are set free. And all the fraud against us must be set aside, or as the Romans say, "Fictio cedit veritati; fictio juris non est, ubi veritas." --- in English, "Fiction yields to truth; where truth is, fiction of law does not exist." Repeat that three times and understand what the phrase "people of substance" really means. We are people of substance, not "persons" made of paper. We know who we are, what we are, where we are, and more importantly, we know what we are owed both in terms of our physical assets and in terms of good faith services. Both the Pope's corporations owe us good faith service, so he and his "Empire of the City" need to honor their ancient cult laws and the Law of the City and the Roman Civil Law and the Ecclesiastical Law by which they are still bound. Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America In care of: Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 May 10th 2024 ---------------------------- See this article and over 4800 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States AssembliesInternational Public Notice: Concerning the Original Federal Constitution and the States of America4/14/2024 By Anna Von Reitz There is a general misunderstanding abroad in the world regarding our original Federal Constitution adopted in 1787, called The Constitution for the united States of America. The word "united" is used here as a descriptive adjective and is not part of the name, "States of America", which is the name of the American business entity being awarded the constitutional service contract with the States. The business name "States of America" was adopted for use by the Founders of our country very early on; it appears during The War of Independence and was used along with "the United States" and "The United States of America" as the doing business as name of the Confederation of States from 1781 to 1861. Thus, the original Federal Constitution adopted in 1787 only served to define the parts and functions of an American Subcontractor and Service Provider operated by the original Confederation of States, dba States of America. This particular Service Provider was popularly known as The Federal Republic. The American Federal Republic stopped functioning in April of 1861, along with the Confederation of States, which was responsible for the Federal Republic's operations. Anyone who says anything different is either ignorant, a liar, a cheat, or some combination of all three. We, the Americans, never lived under any Constitution; it's our Federal Employees who lived -- and still live -- under the Federal Constitutions. We, the Americans, live under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, instead. We are the Principals holding the other end of the purse-string establishing all three Constitutions. The American Federal Subcontractor run by the States of America (the doing business name of the Confederation of States) had its own separate foreign population of Americans who chose to adopt United States Citizenship under the terms and conditions specified by the first Immigration and Naturalization Act. INA 1 established a lengthy process by which Americans could adopt this special form of Federal Citizenship. Last time we looked, this process was summarized as Revised United States Statute-at-Large 2561. All Federal Employees under the Constitutional System are classed as citizens of one form or another and inhabit a separate and foreign jurisdiction from the rest of our population. United States Citizens worked for the Confederation of States doing business as the States of America and provided the workforce of The Federal Republic; they provided their services under "The Constitution for the united States of America" until 1861 when the Confederation itself shut down for lack of a quorum to conduct business. U.S. Citizens worked for the British Territorial Subcontractor doing business as the United States of America (later dba "the United States of America, Incorporated") and provided services under The Constitution of the United States of America. The citizens of the United States worked for the third Subcontractor under The Constitution of the United States awarded to the Holy Roman Empire and its Successors. There were three Federal Subcontractors and three Constitutions and three kinds of Federal citizenry. Now some people, President Trump among them, are talking about restoring "the original Constitution" of 1787, but they don't have the standing to actually do that. President Trump is the CEO of the United States of America, Incorporated, a British Territorial Corporation staffed by British Territorial U.S. Citizens; self-evidently, they don't have the standing to restore our American Federal Republic, nor can they restore The Constitution for the united States of America. Only the States of the Union and their State Citizens who created these Constitutions and adopted them in the first place, can restore them. No Federal Employee can do this. If Mr. Trump tried to restore the "missing" Constitution as the President of "the United States of America, Incorporated", he would only be substituting a British Territorial for-profit Governmental Services Corporation for the actual American Subcontractor owed to our States and People. He would be creating a British Territorial version of our American Federal Republic, and passing it off as such. Make no mistake: our Federation of States which was the Delegator of all powers delegated under the Federal Constitutions remains active and our member States are the Principals competent to Reconstruct both the Confederation and The Federal Republic. We are the only competent stand-in for the Confederation and The Federal Republic and our member States are the only States competent to act in International and Global jurisdictions on behalf of this country and its people. Neither the British Territorial Government represented by the United States of America, Inc. nor the Holy Roman Empire Successor doing business as the United States, Incorporated, etc., have the standing to do the work of the Reconstruction, and they do not have our permission to promote their version of "a" Federal Republic as a substitute for our own. Until further notice, the functions of The Federal Republic, have returned by Operation of Law to the Delegator of the powers enumerated and delegated to it. There is no other entity with the standing, provenance, and authority to do this work in the interim. The restoration (known as "the reconstruction") is entirely the responsibility of the American States, not any foreign federal subcontractor. If Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden wish to be honorable and help expedite the process for their employers who have "returned from over the sea", it's time for them to stop spinning narratives and release our purloined assets to the lawful inheritors. Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America In care of: Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska April 7th 2024 ---------------------------- See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here: #4742. International Public Notice: Concerning the Original Federal Constitution and the States of America To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. By Anna Von Reitz It has come to our attention that the remaining Federal Subcontractors, two parent Municipal corporations inhabiting the District of Columbia, have contracted with each other. Those representing the Municipal United States Government have contracted with the Territorial United States Government such that Joe Biden is proposing to act as the President of the United States of America, while basing his office and authority on The Constitution of the United States. This represents a basic usurpation of power reserved for the States and people of this country, and the creation of a conflict of interest to which we, the Delegators of all Delegated Powers, object. It was never intended, inferred, implied, or allowed by any Federal Constitution that Federal Subcontractors would contract with each other, as separate entities, for services for themselves. This leads to a situation in which the parent Municipal conglomerate generally spoken of as "the United States" incorporated has hired the Territorial service provider we created for our own uses, to provide itself with military services for hire. So, the United States, Inc., has purchased the services of the United States of America, Inc., for its own protection, which potentially places both corporations at odds with their actual employers and priority creditors. This is staging, via conflict of interest not allowed by our contracts with either service provider, to create a civil war in this country -- at the hands of our employees. We object to any such commingling of Municipal and Territorial roles and interests, especially any such commingling by contract that could confuse the allegiances of both Service Providers and lead to armed conflict on our shores. Our public employees at all levels, Federal, State, and State-of-State, are meant to serve us and our States and our interests, not their own. We pay them for their service, not their self-interest. We see Joe Biden's offer to function as the President of the United States of America (the Territorial Presidential Office) under the auspices of The Constitution of the United States, as a blatant affront to our constitutional system of government. Federal Subcontractors exist as a result of three (3) separate constitutional contracts and wield enumerated delegated powers when these separate contracts are fulfilled; absent that, there is no basis for these corporations to exist and nothing for them to do. If the entire reason for these District Corporations to exist is to fleece their employers, and usurp powers never granted to them, we can hire the mafia instead and get a better deal and more performance. It has also come to our attention that in an effort to promote legitimacy for the U.S. Armed Forces, all members of such Armed Forces are now technically considered Naval Officers and Enlisted. This, too, has no authority or basis in custom or Law, and has been used to try to paper over the fact that our own military has been unlawfully converted into a mercenary force and misdirected by the same Parties responsible for trying to redefine the American Armed Forces as an Auxiliary Force of the U.S. Navy under the command of his Royal Britannic Majesty. We object to these manipulations and "redefinitions" as the lawful government of this country in International Jurisdiction, and as the Principals and Inheritors of the Constitutions, which are stipulated and explicit Service Contracts that limit the role of His Britannic Majesty to that of a Trustee on the High Seas and Inland Waterways. Also with respect to these changes in the Service Contracts made without our knowledge or ratification, and deemed to exist only on the basis of acquiescence, we object to the proliferation and use of Admiralty/Maritime Courts on dry land, and their pernicious misuse to address our people under the force of an illegal and immoral quasi-military (mercenary) occupation of our country by the British Crown Corporation. The grant of all power over American Admiralty and Maritime matters was granted to the Federal Republic under the auspices of The Constitution for the united States of America (1787), and upon the dissolution/incapacity of the Federal Republic, returned by Operation of Law to the Delegator and Grantor of those powers, our Federation of States. It did not magically devolve upon any Trusteeship of his Britannic Majesty. The Constitution for the united States of America (meaning the Federal Republic and the 1787 Constitution) grants to the Federal Government (again meaning the Federal Republic) "all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction". In the absence of the States of America (our Confederation of States) and in the absence of the Federal Republic, the powers delegated to them return to the Delegator, our Federation of States doing business as the unincorporated United States of America, not to the British Territorial version doing business as "the United States of America, Incorporated". This usurpation of power based on a similar names deceit and widespread efforts on the part of the Perpetrators of these crimes to keep the substitution secret as a matter of their own separate "National Security", has run its course. We do not intend for our run-amok British Territorial and Roman Subcontractors to continue operating in this criminal and unaccountable manner, based on our purported absence and equally purported acquiescence to their every whim. His Royal Britannic Majesty is owed no trusteeship on land and the British Territorial Government has no basis in fact to claim any such position or authority with respect to our States; likewise, these Parties have no excuse for their usurpation upon our grant of power to other, former, Federal Subcontractors, allowing them to come in and run our courts of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction. The situation would be analogous to hiring Joe American to mow the lawn, and upon Joe being injured, having a foreigner named Jose show up and take over his job, with nobody being the wiser. This might be amenable to the extent that Jose fulfills the vacated contract with honor and keeps his nose to the grindstone, but is certainly not acceptable when he does not. This is precisely the situation we face here and to which we are objecting as a matter of international contract; we do not have a contract with His Britannic Majesty to operate our courts of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction. Over decades of gradually increasing corruption, these courts have been weaponized to pillage and plunder innocent Americans and an entire registration and impersonation scheme has been developed to support False Presumption of Admiralty and Maritime occupations and activities on land, so as to unnaturally subject these same Americans both to the British Crown and the Monarch operating, as ever, as an Overseer for the Holy Roman Empire. We are not deceived and we are standing in honor, as the Delegator of all delegated powers, demanding that our Federation of States is the lawful and legal inheritor of all grants of power over cases in admiralty and maritime. As a matter of international and commercial law, both the Government of Westminster and His Britannic Majesty have had their filthy paws in our business and have been corrupting our courts and impersonating our people --- and have been keeping this secret from their employers, simply because this substitution scheme based on similar names, has been immensely profitable for them. We are calling upon the international community and upon the High Courts of the world, upon our own shanghaied military, and every man who has a conscience, to peaceably return American courts to American control, and return the incorporated Federal Subcontractors to their stipulated roles. Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America In care of: Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 April 12th 2024 ---------------------------- See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here: #4750. International Public Notice: Conflict of Interest and Our Objections To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. By Anna Von Reitz Even when the American Federal Republic was functioning, the Federal Government had no authority to conduct offensive war. The contract is public, and it clearly stipulates defensive capabilities only, and its intent to defend the actual physically-defined States, is also clear. So the grant of power to the American Federal Subcontractor is: (1) defensive only; (2) pertains only to the physical States of the Union, not to business corporations operating as "State" Trusts or as State of State organizations, such as the so-called "State of Israel, Incorporated". The capacity for offensive war is reserved for the actual Congress, known popularly as the Continental Congress, with delegations of Fiduciary Deputies representing each of the States of the Union. No American Congress competent to declare war has done so, either in defense or offense, since the War of 1812. This is because the American Congress has not been in Session, and the Federal Republic Congress has not been in Session since 1861. All "wars" have been Mercenary Conflicts this entire time, and it remains the circumstance today. The only entity having actual War Powers is our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America on behalf of our member States of the Union. All so-called "War Powers" as in the "War Powers Act" are actually attempts to redefine Mercenary Conflicts carried out by and for privately held commercial corporations as "wars". Any war-making by Joe Biden, all "US" aid to Israel, all activities undertaken to intervene in the Mideast, should be, and indeed, must be, understood as the actions of a private, for-profit, foreign corporation acting in behalf of one of its franchise corporations --- and not as any action by our government. Recently, the vermin involved in all this fraud, war-mongering, and deceit, have sought to cover their actions by renaming their corporation "the American Government, Inc.". This is just another example of their generalized fraud and malfeasance, in which they pretend to be us, and also misuse our Title IV war flag. Make no mistake -- our grant-of-use and definition of the Title IV war flag is limited to: (1) defense of this country and its territories as physically defined; (2) defense of our shipping on the High Seas and Maritime provinces; (3) defense of our own air space. Rotters like Teddy Roosevelt and his Robber Baron industrialist cronies usurped against the clearly stated limits of the constitutional grants of power to "redefine" defense of this country to mean a grant of offensive power to address any real or imagined slight anywhere in the world --- but no such grant of power exists in black and white, and their abuse of power in our names only depended on the fact that our lawful government was not in Session, and therefore considered to agree in absentia. This time, our government is in Session and we do not agree to any aggression by any Federal Subcontractor in the Middle East, nor do we agree to any misuse of our Title IV flag on loan for the use of our British Territorial Subcontractors when exercising delegated powers, which means, if and when, they act in defense of this country as physically defined. We ask the world-at-large to bear witness to the fact that America is a peaceful country and hasn't declared war in over 200 years, and only did so then to (again) rebuff British Territorial United States war-mongering. It is with chagrin that we have admitted that what they failed to gain by force of arms, they eventually attained by guile. The allied British governments of Westminster and the Monarchy secretly gained a foothold enabling them to control our administrative and bureaucratic apparatus in gross breach of trust and they have criminally misdirected the purloined functions of our government and misrepresented our country ever since. If Joe Biden "declares" any "war", let it be known that he is declaring an illegal Mercenary Conflict styled as a war. Let it also be known that he does this at the behest of foreign powers, not America, not Americans. We have nothing to gain by a war in the Middle East and we find the recent ruthless actions of the Israeli Government under the direction of Benjamin Netanyahu to be reckless crimes against humanity. The attack on the Iranian Embassy was premeditated and against international law, constituting an act of war against Iran. The attack by Hamas in Gaza was paid for by British MI6 agents and assisted by Netanyahu's government, which stood down Israeli border defenses to assist Hamas, and create an excuse to bomb Gaza into oblivion. Whether Israel "took the bait" or whether Netanyahu's government was motivated by greed upon the recent discovery of oil in Gaza, we may never know. What we do know is that the international lease on the land of Israel provided under the Balfour Declaration has run its course, and British scheme to divide and conquer by labeling some people "Palestinians" and labeling other people "Israelis" has garnered its usual amount of destruction and depravity. The actual Bad Guys are neither Israelis nor Palestinians -- both of these are the victims of Fat Cats sitting in leather club chairs in London, men who are sipping their gin and tonic, and planning how they will access the new oil reserves in Gaza while operating out of their new club house in China, all at the expense of NATO and "the US". Which is not us. None of this is "American" --- we are simply set up as the Fall Guys, and all of this is just more of the same old same old modus operandi of these criminals -- which is to blame the victims. So before anyone goes any further down the road to enacting the Do-It-Yourself Armageddon scenario, we are publicly proclaiming and declaring that no, this is not anything our government is doing or allowing or supporting and no, it does not stand within the limits of our constitutional service contracts with these Federal Service Providers. If they go to war in the Middle East, it has nothing to do with our country and our Title IV Flag should not be used and we should not be blamed. The Pope should be blamed, the British Monarch should be blamed, and the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London should be blamed; Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli cabinet government should be blamed. But America should not be blamed. We have done all that we can to expose the deceit and criminality of the foreign corporations masquerading as our government, and we have denied them any authority or contract not specifically evidenced by our constitutions --- properly understood within the context of the times in which our constitutions were created. As things stand, our Federation of States is the only entity having lawful and legal standing to conduct war, and absent action by our actual American Government --- not some incorporated foreign imposter simply calling itself the American Government, Inc., --- we are at peace, flying our peace flag, and not about to be drawn into some new meat-grinder in the Middle East for the benefit of foreign commercial interests. Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America In care of: Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 April 12th 2024 ---------------------------- See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here: #4751. International Public Notice: No Authority to Conduct War To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. By Anna Von Reitz The courts you are appealing to are owned and operated by the same foreign governments oppressing you. Stop, please. Think about it. These are courts of "special limited jurisdiction". They are not your courts of "general jurisdiction". Stop wasting your time and energy addressing these self-interested foreign courts. Just stop. They have no business addressing you, and unless you voluntarily do business on the sea, or work for the Federal Government, you have no business addressing them. Focus your time and energy on restoring your own State Courts of general jurisdiction --- courts that allow you to judge both the facts and the law in any jurisdiction. And lay it down. Declare your birthright political status and join your State Assembly without further delay. Your empowerment is waiting for you. Don't let it languish another day. Forget about "appeals" to THEIR "Supreme Court". It's your Supreme Court that counts. Forget about sending "petitions" to your Employees. Since when does an Employer petition his Employees? We don't petition them. We fire them. We send them the old pink slip heave-ho. We throw them in the brig. We hang them if we have to, but we don't petition them or plead with them. It's just not appropriate. We cinch up the banks so tight they can't squeeze a whisper. And we get this country back on the map and back on track. The end. ---------------------------- See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. Learn more about your real governmentNotice to Congress—The Days of Legalizing Theft Are Over by Anna von Reitz. Big Lake Alaska September 2014 The most recent round of fraud began on March 28, 1861. That was the day the Congress of the united States of America adjourned for lack of quorum and never reconvened. Ever since, “Congress” has functioned in one of three roles-- (1) as a corporate Board of Directors for private, mostly foreign-owned and deceptively named governmental services corporations operated by banking cartels (the Federal Reserve running the “United States of America, Inc.” and the IMF running the “UNITED STATES”) or (2) the government of a legislative democracy calling itself the United States of America (Minor)—American “states” more often thought of as federal territories and possessions— Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., or (3) operating as a plenary oligarchy ruling the Washington DC Municipal Government. All this time that you thought the members of Congress were representing you and your interests, they’ve been representing other interests entirely. That explains a lot, doesn’t it? On March 6, 1933 the “President” of the “United States of America, Inc.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt attended a Conference of Governors meeting. These “Governors” were all “State” franchise managers of the United States of America, Inc., exactly like local franchise owners of Burger King or Sears. They got together and pledged the assets of their customers—their employers—the American states and people——as “sureties” for their private corporate debts. And then they bankrupted the “United States of America” and all the “State” franchises. The “federal” States that were created by the 14th Amendment of their private for-profit corporation’s look-alike, sound-alike “constitution” published as the “Constitution of the United States of America” are not the same as the actual States of the Union, nor are their “State” citizens the same as American State Citizens, nor are their “US citizens” the same as Citizens of the united States, but they pretended that they were and the banks gleefully agreed. To secure the debt owed by the “United States of America, Inc.” the banks established maritime salvage liens against every parcel of land, every business, every man, woman, and child in America, and continued to operate their doppelganger corporation under Chapter 11 Reorganization. They laid claim to your “good faith and credit” —stole your credit cards— and your identity as an American State Citizen, and they never bothered to tell the victim. They also had you declared legally dead and probated your estate and issued bonds based on the value of your labor and private property. Just look at “your” Birth Certificate—signed by the County Registrar, an officer of the probate court, issued in the NAME of a “dead person”—you, numbered as a bond and issued on bond paper. At the same time, they converted all your private bank accounts to the ownership of the ESTATE trust they created “in your name” and moved the ESTATE offshore to Puerto Rico where you and your assets supposedly came under the foreign maritime jurisdiction of the United States of America (Minor). Look at the NAME on “your” bank account checks. Look at the signature line under a high powered magnifier. The IMF claims that it owns all your bank accounts. It claims that your ESTATE was “abandoned”, and now all the spoils belong to the bank. They are pressing “Congress” to pass “laws” to allow them to seize all American bank accounts—your savings, your retirement accounts, your checking accounts, everything. We’ve seen Dodd-Frank. Now we are seeing “bail-in” proposals. The Big Banks want “Congress” to front for their greed and criminality—again. This is all fiduciary trust fraud and fiduciary trust fraud has no statute of limitations. 1862 or 1933 or 2014—it makes no difference. We suggest that members of Congress assume their public offices acting under full 100% individual commercial liability —or be ousted and tried as criminals. Next, we suggest that they honor their contract with America and issue debt-free public money— real American Dollars. Next, liquidate all the “too big to fail” banks, tear up the corporate charters these entities have violated, seize back our purloined assets, and shut them all down. Meanwhile, the market for financial services will open up for banks operated under actual state charters. This thing you have thought of as your government is nothing but a multi-national conglomerate run criminally amok. The real government of this country is vested in each of you. You all hold more civil authority on the land than the entire federal government. Deal with the “FEDERAL RESERVE” and “IMF” and “CONGRESS” the same way you would deal with “TARGET” or “WALMART” or “ARBY’S” if they grossly endangered, cheated, enslaved, and defrauded you. Keep calm and get even. You all know what to do. You have the guaranteed Universal Right of Self-Declaration provided by United Nations Conventions, plus the protections of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You have the Geneva Conventions and the Lieber Code. You have the preserved right to Common Law, guaranteed by Uniform Commercial Code 1-308 and recourse guaranteed by 1-103.6, which includes the right not to be bound by any contract that is unilateral, inequitable, involuntary, undisclosed, tainted by fraud, not in-kind, entered in your behalf by others merely claiming to represent you, or deemed to exist as the result of receiving a compelled benefit or fruit of monopoly inducement. You have the absolute right to Expatriate from their maritime jurisdiction. Do so. When 400 million Americans stand up and clean house, the world will listen and hear the roar. Sign In America Study Course – Part1The purpose of this course is to provide background understanding relating to the fact that our identity as Americans has been stolen. Understanding that our identity has been stolen goes even deeper as we realize that during the civil war era, the original American Republic has been set aside and effectively replaced with a corporate (for profit) structure. It is clear that we must reconstruct our Lawful Government in order to bring the correct oversight of our employees back into balance, to bring American Common Law and our courts back into session, and reconstruct our Peacekeeping functions of State Militia, Land and Soil Jurisdiction County Sheriffs, and the Continental Marshals, so that we may address any trespass that occurs within our jurisdiction.
By Anna Von Reitz Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq: There is exactly one lawful American Government that has been functioning since 1776 and there is no other lawful Government in this country; our people have been identified and our State Assemblies have been brought into Session, and we are accounted for, present, alive and well. We are Americans, not U.S. Citizens, not Municipal citizens of the United States. We have been attacked, pillaged, and plundered by our own Federal employees who have been misdirected and used as mercenary forces by the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors resident in the District of Columbia. We had our Continuance of Government plan established when the lights went out in the chaos following the Mercenary Conflict misrepresented as The American Civil War. Once the last American President, James Wilson, termed out, the State Assemblies one-by-one stopped meeting and in the confusion and welter of similarly named organizations, most Americans assumed that everything was as it should be --- while those who knew better were forced to flee for their lives into the hills of Kentucky and Tennessee, the mountains of Montana, or even to the wild frontiers of Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. By the time we mustered our Summoning Authority and summoned the State Assemblies back into Session, Texas was the only State Assembly still in Session. Despite all the obstacles, our American Government never died and was never subjugated to the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of the British Territorial Government then or now. We have heard and we see that there is a framework in place allowing the British Territorial Government to survive and thrive despite their current financial and political difficulties. They hope to recoup authority upon the Debt Default and Bankruptcy Release scheduled for June 21st of this year, whereupon they want to stage a big theater production to proclaim a new British Territorial Federal Republic --- and confuse it with our old Federal Republic. When discussing "Continuance of Government" it pays to ask, which government? The lawful Government of this country, or the "government" of a British Territorial Municipal Corporation operated by the British Crown? This would be another Substitution Fraud, with the Brits aping a dormant American Business and attempting to replace it with their similarly named British Territorial version, just as they substituted their Territorial State-of-State doing business as "the State of Oregon" for the American version doing business as "The State of Oregon". They have already planned to abuse their defense system capabilities to shut down the normal telecommunications grid, and use their movie-making and script-writing skills from Hollywood and from state-of-the-art CGI production facilities to roll out a "shock and awe" propaganda hit piece that will run for three days solid while the people of this country are kept locked down by illegal curfews imposed under color of law by a commercial corporation having no more actual authority than Ford Motor Company, Inc. or IBM, Inc. or Burger King, Inc. Exactly why should we be further harassed, threatened, propagandized, or unlawfully and illegally "enforced upon" by mercenaries of any kind? Much less mercenaries who receive their paychecks from our pockets? These Municipal Corporation Subcontractors need to stand down all across the board and the leadership of these organizations need to learn what it is to speak and mean and live the truth again. Using Hollywood-based illusions and theater and False Narratives in an attempt to further usurp against our lawful Government and excuse what has gone on here isn't going to change anything. It's an insult to the dead and an insult to our intelligence, too. We are not a democracy nor are we a commonwealth nor are we a territory. We are fifty sovereign and independent states, each one a nation unto itself. The mutual powers that we, the unincorporated Federation of States, delegated to the Confederation formed in 1781 and which the Confederation exercised and implemented via the American Federal Republic, can't be exercised by the Brits, because those powers have returned to us by Operation of Law. If our American Federal Republic is ever to be reconstructed, that work has to be done by Americans. It is contemplated and it is our goal to completely restore all parts of our Government to full function, and to observe the merits and the pitfalls of it, so as to make considered changes once the restoration is complete. In the meantime, the Powers Delegated to the American Federal Republic have already returned to the source of the delegation of powers, our unincorporated Federation of States. We are competent to do the work ourselves or hire interim contractors to accomplish all that needs to be done--entirely without drama or lies or excuses or horrific film footage of carnage and adrenochrome factories broadcast into our homes and psyches. At this point, we have been lied to and lied about so often, we won't believe any of it, anyway, and neither should anyone else. We wish for all the phony exposes and theater events to be cancelled. There is no point in trying to stage another British Territorial Substitution Fraud, no need for any more false Narratives or false self-aggrandizing excuses. We have seen it all before; we have no need to see it again. We wish for the British Territorial Subcontractors to stand down and stop talking endlessly about their democracy. So far as we have been able to determine they don't have a democracy, they have an autocracy presided over by a Commander-in-Chief, and haven't been able to get a 51% mandate of even their own limited citizenry since the Second World War. As we contemplate this situation, young men -- Hispanics, Chinese, Arabs -- are in training at Fort Hood in Texas and other places, being put through boot camp and prepared for use as mercenaries, no doubt to be deployed on our soil --- more unlawful acts. It isn't apparent whether these young troops are to be mainstreamed into the regular mercenary forces that the British Territorial Subcontractors have maintained as Occupation Forces, or used as paramilitary forces in quasi-civilian garb, operating as foreign guerrilla units in our urban environments. One thing is certain, they are either going to be deployed to kill innocent Americans or they are being set up as an insurgent force themselves, to provide a target and an excuse for war on our shores. These young people are being deliberately imported via the illegally open Southern Border in violation of Article IV, Section 4, of both The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States. We won't bother playing with all the gun fodder, imported or homegrown if this continues. We will take out the actual culprits, and the rest, lacking a paycheck, will go home. Let everyone be advised that we know exactly where the birds of the air have their nests and the foxes have their dens, and we won't miss if anyone is so foolish as to stage an armed conflict on our shores. We have seen it before and have no need to see it again. We wish for a peaceful and practical settlement of all debts and ownerships, allowing everyone to go home and tend their business and enjoy caretaking the land and soil that belongs to them. We view the mindless drive toward homogeneity and the forced migration of artificially created refugee populations as a direct affront to Nature and Nature's God under Ecclesiastical Law and a completely foolish initiative undertaken by politicians and ignorant social planners who have misidentified our differences as the cause of social unrest and conflict. Rather, mankind's diversity, like all the other diversity plainly displayed throughout the natural world, is a source of strength and adaptability and mutual benefit that must be cherished and preserved. We wish for an end to all efforts to homogenize humanity and destroy nations in the name of peace. The nations are not the cause of war, nor are our many different races, religions, traditions, cultures, and genotypes. The cause of violence stems always from fear and physical deprivation which is now and always has been totally unnecessary in this environment. We wish for the end of The Doctrine of Scarcity and its ill-considered results which contribute to meaningless suffering, unnecessary physical deprivation resulting in hunger, thirst, ill-health, and all the social miasma which these conditions promote. The idea that God is an Uncaring and Deadbeat Dad in the midst of the beauty and plenty this Earth provides, is a blasphemy of the highest order caused by men who consider poverty virtuous only when it is visited upon others. We wish for an end to this hypocrisy. We also wish for an end to all the hyped-up fear-mongering and media manipulation designed to provoke adrenalin responses and adrenaline addiction, which may be considered a "starter drug" for adrenochrome addiction. We have observed the effect of the "Nightly News" on the General Public and all it does is stimulate a low-level but pernicious adrenaline response that makes people hungry, sexually aroused, nervous, and needy -- thinking that they need more government to protect them, but not realizing that they need protection from what serves as their government. We wish for the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors to stop censoring, directing, limiting, rewarding, or otherwise interfering with journalism in this country. We wish for the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors to get their noses out of our homes and our businesses and to obey their obligations. We wish for the right to privacy and all other rights guaranteed by our constitutional agreements to be rigorously honored without exception, and for all secretive manipulation of our biology for commercial gain to stop. We wish for all mind control patents to be outlawed and stripped from the Patent Office and for this prohibition to include but not be limited to all suppressed National Security-related patents, including Mindbox patents, Alphabet, Inc., patents, and similar patented and unpatented products designed to control and direct public opinion without the public being aware of it. Much of this injury both as regards the Municipal Corporations and the abuses of media for purposes of mind control, promotion of biological responses, and subliminal manipulation of Public Opinion and morality is being practiced in the jurisdiction of the air and employs energy and uses patents and involves the use of corporations and the personnel and equipment of corporations to deploy these abusive technologies. We wish for an end to these unlawful activities, both at the Patent Office, where unlawful patents have been entertained and protected, and in newspaper and other media offices throughout this country which have suffered censorship and been coerced to serve as propaganda agencies for foreign Municipal Corporations. The British Territorial Forces masquerading as the U.S. Army have been responsible for the most destructive, unjust, and violent actions in our history. It was William Tecumseh Sherman, the Butcher of the South, who first coined the use of the phrase "Final Solution" and applied it to the Lakota Sioux Indians fifty years before Hitler applied it to the Jews. Like their peers, Lord Pirbright and Cecil Rhodes, General Ulysses S Grant, aka, US Grant, whose name was actually Hiram Grant, and General William Tecumseh Sherman were Undeclared British Agents, members of what would become the equivalent of the American Raj, brutal, evil, corrupt men who deserve no honor from us or anyone else, Together, with British Central Bankers, these men planned the Bank Panic of 1873, and used it as an excuse to violate the Treaty of Fort Laramie signed only seven years before. They allowed thousands of gold miners to desecrate the Black Hills and trespass upon the Lakota Sioux Reservation. These are not the actions of any lawful civilian government. These are the acts of British Territorial mercenaries let loose on a peaceful civilian population and allowed to run rampant by Principals who have always owed us good faith and service. This violation of good faith and the continued unlawful activities of these Municipal Corporations on our shores move us to bring these claims under Ecclesiastical Law and prompt us to seek the permanent liquidation of these corporations, their franchises, agencies and subsidiaries. We wish these organizations to stand forfeit for their crimes against us and against humanity over the past hundred and sixty years. Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America In care of: Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 May 26th 2023 ---------------------------- See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assemblies The American States Assemblies
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz