International Public Notice: Dear Donald Trump By Anna Von Reitz We find it interesting that you began your message concerning your corporation's new "Declaration of Independence" with a lengthy denial of all other claims and claimants, in favor, apparently, of the corporation you represent as President, the U.S.A. Incorporated. You make it sound like our claims are significantly different than yours, when in fact, over 90% of your Declaration playbook echoes us, our claims, and all the information that we have specifically provided not only to you but to every other American. The only part of your Declaration that we did not essentially author and don't agree with is the focus on the Act of 1871, which was repealed in 1874. The complaint against the United States Corp is deserved and understood, however, that is only half the story. The corporation that you represent as Commander-in-Chief existed prior to the United States Corp and the financial difficulties that you describe in the wake of the Civil War as the generative cause of the debacle, arose as a result of the war debts and bankruptcy of the United States of America, Incorporated. That is, the financial maladies were those of a foreign corporation acting as a Federal Government Subcontractor. Your corporation. It was not our government, not the sovereign American Government, that acquired the debt and went bankrupt. Think about it, Mr. Trump, only incorporated entities enjoy that privilege. Just like the United States Corp, the United States of America, Incorporated, is a separate incorporated entity. Just like the United States Corp, the United States of America, Incorporated, is a foreign entity engaged in providing "essential government services" under contract to our Government. The version of the United States of America, Incorporated, established prior to the so-called Civil War, was bankrupted by Abraham Lincoln in April of 1863. That was the source of the financial trouble. Your corporation's bankruptcy, Mr. Trump. Nothing has changed except that the Military engaged by that same corporation, woke up, realized that Abraham Lincoln left them in charge, and that everything in this country is going to dog dung on their watch. Well, good on you and good on them for that, but you can't fix it by telling more lies and trying to claim assets and credit that never belonged to your corporation in the first place. The Civil War, insomuch as it could be styled as a "war" was an illegal mercenary conflict between corporations and between foreign government interests on our shores. It had precious little to do with us or with slavery, either. The two corporations pitted against each other, the United States Corp and the United States of America, Incorporated, have kept this conflict going --- for their own profit --- ever since. The only break in the conflict came from 1937 to your inauguration, when the two corporations signed The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States, as a truce and collusion, which allowed both corporations to develop full blown "administrations" and prey upon the American Public with equal ferocity. Surely, you have noticed that we have two of everything? The IRS and the Internal Revenue Service, the DOD and the Department of Defense, the DOL and the Department of Labor, the DOJ and the Department of Justice.... we could go on, but this is self-evident and can only be accounted for by the 1937 Declaration of Interdependence referenced above. Do you really think that the American people needed complete redundancy and double-dipping, two complete (and both foreign) court systems, two Internal Revenue Services? Internal to what? Mr. Trump, surely, at this late date, both foreign corporations should simply surrender and accept the fact that this country belongs to its people and nobody else--- it certainly doesn't belong to any foreign corporation residing in the District of Columbia or the (British Territorial) State of Delaware or any foreign country (like Scotland) whatsoever. Two thieves arguing over the spoils is not the same as the actual owner showing up, and by factual definition the actual owner is and has to be: (1) American and (2) Unincorporated. Your corporation, like the United States Corp, fails on both counts. So, we believe that we have dispensed with all claims of all incorporated entities seeking to "represent" us, and claiming an interest of any kind in our land and other physical assets. Our venerable declaration, The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, serves us more than well-enough. We wish to point out, Mr. Trump, that the British Territorial Government is an instrumentality of the British Government as a whole, and that the British Government as a whole, is an instrumentality of the Pope, and that in matters of commerce, that means the Roman Pontiff. Both corporations, the United States Corp and the United States of America, Incorporated, are owned by the Pope and administered by the Pope acting as the Roman Pontiff. If we have been gullible and trusting and easily led, then so have you corporate moguls, who registered your corporations and gave up your ownership of them to other faceless Legal Fiction Entities and assumed Authorities. There. Did you finally, just now, feel the floor drop? The Pope owns both the United States Corp and the United States of America, Incorporated, because the very idea of corporations originated with the Roman Curia. He rules these creations of the mind under Ecclesiastical Law, and sits like Hammurabi as the final dictator of both Law Merchant and its codified cousin, the Law of Maritime Commerce. So the fight between the United States Corp and the United States of America, Incorporated, in 1861 or today, has only existed with his blessings and for his benefit, as both these corporations quite literally belong to him. And he is responsible for them. We, however, are unincorporated beings living under a free and independent ---and unincorporated--- government, in an actual and factual world, which is a Divine Creation. We are divine creations, too. We see through all of these illusions straight to the heart of the matter. We see who is responsible for this mess, and it isn't you, Donald Trump. Keep it that way. Stop trying to interpose your corporation as our Keeper, or Custodian, exercising a "stewardship" interest in our assets. We are quite capable of choosing our own Deputies (not Trustees) in free and open public elections, unsullied by the manipulations of political parties. We invited you to join us and to leave behind the ugly phantasm you've been living in. Click your silver slippers, Donald, and come home. Declare your birthright political status and take responsibility for your own DNA and your own soul and your own soil. It's not that difficult to be unincorporated and it's far more effective than tilting at paper windmills and worrying about paper debts. Yes, we have been defrauded and deceived, and so have you. As the Roman Civil Law says, "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived." and as we are beset by Romans, it would be good if you simply shook your head, woke up, and realized --- this is all phony. All these corporations and corporation franchises and codes and debts made of paper --- it's all fraud. It's all ridiculous. It is insubstantial. It's a sideshow schtick. We are not deceived, and so we are set free. And all the fraud against us must be set aside, or as the Romans say, "Fictio cedit veritati; fictio juris non est, ubi veritas." --- in English, "Fiction yields to truth; where truth is, fiction of law does not exist." Repeat that three times and understand what the phrase "people of substance" really means. We are people of substance, not "persons" made of paper. We know who we are, what we are, where we are, and more importantly, we know what we are owed both in terms of our physical assets and in terms of good faith services. Both the Pope's corporations owe us good faith service, so he and his "Empire of the City" need to honor their ancient cult laws and the Law of the City and the Roman Civil Law and the Ecclesiastical Law by which they are still bound. Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America In care of: Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 May 10th 2024 ---------------------------- See this article and over 4800 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assemblies
By Anna Von Reitz The simple fact is that all physical assets belong to physical living people. The Law of Kinds is invoked. Only men and women have gold, silver, land, soil, water, air, indeed all the material interests of this planet belong to people, not persons, and can only belong to the living people. Any provision we make for corporations to own anything extends to their right to exist and conduct business "for any lawful purpose". Legal purposes are disallowed. Persons, mere humans, working as public employees and institutions have tried to insert themselves as middlemen and purloin the rights and assets of the living, but this cannot be permitted. And this is the issue at Law that our own courts which have superior concurrent general jurisdiction have answered; we do not choose to let our public employees represent us in the matter of our physical assets and credit derived from our physical assets. Our country and its fifty nation-states are fully endowed in all jurisdictions and have sent our lawful Fiduciary to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) according to our Law and Custom -- with reference to accounting due on land jurisdiction assets owed to Americans by the 63 central bank members of the Bank for International Settlements -- which includes the so-called Off-Ledger Accounts and Legacy Trust Accounts; there are no Legal Persons authorized to distribute or claim or use our gold, silver, land, cash, or corporate holdings and no current contract allowing their use or distribution. This should be of concern to the whole world, as our resources have underwritten all trade and commercial transactions in the Western World and part of the Eastern Hemisphere, too, for more than a century. An accounting has been due from the Global Federal Reserve since 2005, and other banks are similarly overdue. The U.S. Congress has no gold of its own and has merely purloined credit based on our assets for over twenty years, based on the False Presumption that we have been silent and therefore allowing them to spend our credit willy-nilly on genocidal pandemics, wars for profit, and other atrocities -- which is simply not true. We fully respect both international and domestic laws against genocide and against criminality of the kind that has been fostered by these Legal Fictions and their Persons, and we have been steadily, determinedly, trying to gain the cooperation of the banks in addressing this gross malfeasance and misadministration of our assets, including our credit. The idea popularized by the late-Queen's Government and the Government of Westminster ever since the bankruptcy of the old Federal Reserve System, that we have been "absent" or failing to do our part to manage our own business, is countermanded by a long list of court and administrative actions that admit that: (1) we are present; (2) we have the right to the assets and their administration; (3) the central banks have been continuing to discount our claims in the face of supreme court rulings and circuit and federal court rulings proving that we are the Parties having all survivorship interest in the Estates we have referenced. To avoid chaos, we have requested a simple accounting of our deposits with the central banks as a prelude to negotiations and stipulations that will allow us all to proceed on a firm and realistic footing. Our gold and silver, our cash assets, our land assets, and corporation holdings must be held harmless. There has been no contract allowing the banks to do what they have done since 2005. All of these holdings are ours and are under the direction -- not of Congressmen acting as "Representatives", but instead, are directly the responsibility of our Fiduciaries and our unincorporated Holding Company, The United States of America. The assets of the Avila Family Trust are likewise under the care and direction of living men and women, not Human Persons, and not incorporated Legal Fictions of any kind. This should be understood and accepted by everyone reading this, as it stands to reason that the three-dimensional world cannot be made to serve a realm of two dimensional fictional reality; the creation is never greater than the Creator. It would be a strange thing, indeed, if we were to hand over our most precious possessions and future to the care of Foreign Persons hired to provide certain stipulated services, none of which include any administration of our property and estates. We deny any contract with any Maritime or Admiralty or incorporated Church authority claiming a public or private interest in our Estates and/or Deposits related to our physical assets and credit derived therefrom. It is self-evident that our names and authorities have appeared historically and that our methods of doing business have stood the test of time without reference to any foreign power, much less such power as may be granted to foreign corporations in the business of providing essential government services. We repeat the obvious: neither the British Territorial U.S. Congress, nor any Congressman belonging to this Body Politic, nor any General or Admiral or Representative Person, has any gold of their own to offer, and therefore, no say in what we choose to do as men and women taking action with respect to our own physical assets. Both the assets and the credit derived from the assets belong to the actual Inheritors, Survivors, Progeny, Donor-Beneficiaries -- all living men and women without exception. We therefore call upon all recipients of this message to honor the facts and the Law of Kinds, the signatures and powers firmly attached to the multiple and irrevocable general Powers of Attorney, the Swift Messages that were sent to all the Central Banks by the M1 Authority, and court rulings that support our position. We are available to meet with representatives of the Bank of Internationals Settlements and its members. Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America In care of: Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 February 18th 2024 ---------------------------- See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. Notice to Congress—The Days of Legalizing Theft Are Over by Anna von Reitz. Big Lake Alaska September 2014 The most recent round of fraud began on March 28, 1861. That was the day the Congress of the united States of America adjourned for lack of quorum and never reconvened. Ever since, “Congress” has functioned in one of three roles-- (1) as a corporate Board of Directors for private, mostly foreign-owned and deceptively named governmental services corporations operated by banking cartels (the Federal Reserve running the “United States of America, Inc.” and the IMF running the “UNITED STATES”) or (2) the government of a legislative democracy calling itself the United States of America (Minor)—American “states” more often thought of as federal territories and possessions— Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., or (3) operating as a plenary oligarchy ruling the Washington DC Municipal Government. All this time that you thought the members of Congress were representing you and your interests, they’ve been representing other interests entirely. That explains a lot, doesn’t it? On March 6, 1933 the “President” of the “United States of America, Inc.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt attended a Conference of Governors meeting. These “Governors” were all “State” franchise managers of the United States of America, Inc., exactly like local franchise owners of Burger King or Sears. They got together and pledged the assets of their customers—their employers—the American states and people——as “sureties” for their private corporate debts. And then they bankrupted the “United States of America” and all the “State” franchises. The “federal” States that were created by the 14th Amendment of their private for-profit corporation’s look-alike, sound-alike “constitution” published as the “Constitution of the United States of America” are not the same as the actual States of the Union, nor are their “State” citizens the same as American State Citizens, nor are their “US citizens” the same as Citizens of the united States, but they pretended that they were and the banks gleefully agreed. To secure the debt owed by the “United States of America, Inc.” the banks established maritime salvage liens against every parcel of land, every business, every man, woman, and child in America, and continued to operate their doppelganger corporation under Chapter 11 Reorganization. They laid claim to your “good faith and credit” —stole your credit cards— and your identity as an American State Citizen, and they never bothered to tell the victim. They also had you declared legally dead and probated your estate and issued bonds based on the value of your labor and private property. Just look at “your” Birth Certificate—signed by the County Registrar, an officer of the probate court, issued in the NAME of a “dead person”—you, numbered as a bond and issued on bond paper. At the same time, they converted all your private bank accounts to the ownership of the ESTATE trust they created “in your name” and moved the ESTATE offshore to Puerto Rico where you and your assets supposedly came under the foreign maritime jurisdiction of the United States of America (Minor). Look at the NAME on “your” bank account checks. Look at the signature line under a high powered magnifier. The IMF claims that it owns all your bank accounts. It claims that your ESTATE was “abandoned”, and now all the spoils belong to the bank. They are pressing “Congress” to pass “laws” to allow them to seize all American bank accounts—your savings, your retirement accounts, your checking accounts, everything. We’ve seen Dodd-Frank. Now we are seeing “bail-in” proposals. The Big Banks want “Congress” to front for their greed and criminality—again. This is all fiduciary trust fraud and fiduciary trust fraud has no statute of limitations. 1862 or 1933 or 2014—it makes no difference. We suggest that members of Congress assume their public offices acting under full 100% individual commercial liability —or be ousted and tried as criminals. Next, we suggest that they honor their contract with America and issue debt-free public money— real American Dollars. Next, liquidate all the “too big to fail” banks, tear up the corporate charters these entities have violated, seize back our purloined assets, and shut them all down. Meanwhile, the market for financial services will open up for banks operated under actual state charters. This thing you have thought of as your government is nothing but a multi-national conglomerate run criminally amok. The real government of this country is vested in each of you. You all hold more civil authority on the land than the entire federal government. Deal with the “FEDERAL RESERVE” and “IMF” and “CONGRESS” the same way you would deal with “TARGET” or “WALMART” or “ARBY’S” if they grossly endangered, cheated, enslaved, and defrauded you. Keep calm and get even. You all know what to do. You have the guaranteed Universal Right of Self-Declaration provided by United Nations Conventions, plus the protections of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You have the Geneva Conventions and the Lieber Code. You have the preserved right to Common Law, guaranteed by Uniform Commercial Code 1-308 and recourse guaranteed by 1-103.6, which includes the right not to be bound by any contract that is unilateral, inequitable, involuntary, undisclosed, tainted by fraud, not in-kind, entered in your behalf by others merely claiming to represent you, or deemed to exist as the result of receiving a compelled benefit or fruit of monopoly inducement. You have the absolute right to Expatriate from their maritime jurisdiction. Do so. When 400 million Americans stand up and clean house, the world will listen and hear the roar. Sign In America Study Course – Part1The purpose of this course is to provide background understanding relating to the fact that our identity as Americans has been stolen. Understanding that our identity has been stolen goes even deeper as we realize that during the civil war era, the original American Republic has been set aside and effectively replaced with a corporate (for profit) structure. It is clear that we must reconstruct our Lawful Government in order to bring the correct oversight of our employees back into balance, to bring American Common Law and our courts back into session, and reconstruct our Peacekeeping functions of State Militia, Land and Soil Jurisdiction County Sheriffs, and the Continental Marshals, so that we may address any trespass that occurs within our jurisdiction.
By Anna Von Reitz Listen up: “the US” is not America. The US is a filthy dirty commercial corporation owned and operated by the Pope. Listen up: “the USA, Inc” isn’t America. The USA, Inc. is another dirty British Crown Corporation, also ultimately owned by the Pope, with the Queen serving as the Overseer. Listen up: the Americans are not paying the costs of any more wars in the Ukraine or anywhere else. Listen up: if NATO pulls any False Flags it will be the last thing NATO does. Ditto that for the CIA and other alphabet soups. Listen up: Vladimir Putin is not the enemy of America. Joe Biden is the enemy of America. Listen up: Joe Biden was put in place by men who hate this country and who bought controlling interest in “the” US, INC. They put this filthy crook in control to embarrass America and undermine American interests. Listen up: It is time to put these corporations and the men who run them out of business. Listen up: don’t get lost in the drama of any False Flags or War Dramas. Make it your aim to hunt down those Wall Streeters and politicians and technocrats like Bill Gates who are responsible. Listen up; we have been used as cheap mercenaries and abused as useful idiots for far too long. This time, we charge back every dime. This time our Secret Services takes out those who are responsible for the war-mongering and atrocities — and that does not mean Vladimir Putin. This time it’s NATO and DOD that take it in the shorts and get the Pink Slips, and no, I am not talking about their favorite girly underwear. Listen up: this time we hold the Pope responsible. This time we hold the Church responsible for allowing this insanity. This time we call on every Catholic to wake all the way up and see what their Church has become. Listen up: there are aliens and an entire fleet of them parked in hyperspace above this planet since 2012. These are prison transport ships from other Star systems that are supposed to collect their own criminals and deport them back home. Listen up: Eisenhower’s Graeda Treaty and other series treaties apply only to those who are actual employees of the Territorial United States Government. Finally, listen carefully— Joe Biden and his corporation don’t own any land in this country. They are bankrupt and we are their Priority Creditors, not their collateral. Please, everyone—- wake up! Move! Sound off! Make it count! —————————- See this article and over 3500 others on Anna’s website here: To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. WAKE UP!!!! PAY ATTENTION!!! EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!! CORPORATIONS CANNOT BE SOVEREIGN GOVERNMENTS 1 CORPORATIONS CANNOT BE SOVEREIGN GOVERNMENTS 2 UNIDROIT – THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE IS GOVERNED BY AN INTERNATIONAL TREATY Continued Education Fair Notice to the World EDUCATE YOURSELF! THE LAWFUL AMERICAN GOVENMENT The American States Assemblies By Anna Von Reitz As we have taught and observed since the beginning, there were three (3) Federal Subcontractors operating under three (3) separate Constitutions -- an American Subcontractor, a British Subcontractor, and a Holy Roman Empire Subcontractor. All of these Subcontractors were staffed and operated by Federal Citizens. The American Subcontractor was staffed by United States Citizens, as defined by 2 USC 253, Chapter 28, Subsection 1. The British and HRE Subcontractors were defined within the Constitutions themselves, and so, their political status is attached to and defined by and only exists so long as their Constitutions stand. See Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2 and Article 1, Section 3, Clause 3. From the very first, then, our American Federal Subcontractor, known as the Federal Republic, was staffed by Americans who claimed their birthright identity as State Nationals, but additionally qualified under 2 USC 253, to perform as Federal United States Citizens. This is known as Dual Citizenship, where one person owes citizenship obligations to two (2) body politics and two governments at the same time. Americans are either (1) State Nationals, or (2) State Citizens, one or the other, no wishy-washy. We don't recognize Dual Citizenship at all. From our perspective, Federal United States Citizens are State Nationals of the State they were born in and are accountable to our country and our government via State Public Law. But from the Federal standpoint, Americans can be Dual Citizens, and have to act as Dual Citizens, if they are going to work for the Federal Government. That includes the Federal Republic. So Federal Republic United States Citizens are Americans who are State Nationals protected under the Constitutions as State Nationals, but they are additionally under obligation to serve the Federal Republic in foreign international and global jurisdictions. For example, you might be a New York State National serving as a Federal United States Citizen, and those two political identities would together define your Dual Citizenship as a Federal Republic Employee operating under The Constitution for the united States of America.. As British Territorial Government Employee, you would also be a Dual Citizen, but one of your political status obligations would be to the government of Great Britain, and the other would be to the Territorial United States Government operating under The Constitution of the United States of America. Ditto with respect to the Municipal United States Government and its Employees --- one citizenship obligation would be to the Holy Roman Empire, and the other to the Municipal Government of the United States operating under The Constitution of the United States. Our American Federal Republic ceased operating in 1860, as a result of its oversight and funding being disrupted by the Secession of the Southern State-of -State Governments from the original Confederation. There is no British Federal Republic. There is no Municipal Federal Republic. In recent years things have gotten so slack that members of the Municipal Congress have been allowed to choose other citizenships --- for example, a Senator could choose to act as a Municipal citizen of the United States and an Israeli citizen, or a Congresswoman could act as a Municipal citizen of the United States and a Libyan citizen. This has eroded any sense of loyalty to their Employers and sped the corruption of what is supposed to be "our" Federal Government, or to be more exact, to be "representing" our Federal Government ----because these people are no longer subject to any form of American Public Law. As Municipal citizens of the United States, they answer to the Pope. As citizens of China or Lebanon or Russia, they stand under the laws of their own adopted foreign countries. This same corruption is what has led to "Globalism" and it is really just another example of deceiving and defrauding the American people who voted for these monsters in Good Faith, assuming that these foreign Vermin were their own long-lost American Federal Republic Congress---- and would be operating under the same laws and constraints as their Federal Congress. Fraud vitiates everything under Roman Civil Law, and the Pope is obligated to shut these Vermin down. They are his responsibility. He has owned them as slaves and not only must he set them free upon discovery of the Great Fraud, he must see to the arrest of the criminals among them who have committed such outrageous crimes against humanity and against The Constitution of the United States. As for the British Territorial Government, they are messing around seeking shelter from the storm they helped create, and are now proposing to pass themselves off as our long-lost American Federal Republic. What they need to do is to turn the reins back over to the actual Federation of States, which is the only entity on Earth with the power and provenance and the prior-established right to save their bacon. They should all come clean and come home instead of fooling around trying to establish a "new" republic for themselves; as British Territorial Citizens they have no right to issue gold or silver money and cannot create any new republic for themselves based on our credit. Their only way forward is for the American-born employees of "the" United States of America (under whatever name they are now calling their corporation-- I think it's "The Republic of The United States"--Inc.) to come home, adopt their American State National political status as half of their Dual Citizenship, re-charter, and operate under The Constitution for the united States of America. There is no safety elsewhere, because of the Great Fraud, and because of the Operation of Law that returns all delegated powers to the Delegator upon Breach of Trust or incompetence or failure to perform. Our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America has offered a port in the storm, but under our terms. They have to stand under our Public Law while operating on our land, must honorably perform according to our Federal Constitution, and must accept the obligations of Federal United States Citizens as half of their Dual Citizenship. Then they can claim to have a valid association with us and can function under our oversight as an instrumentality of the American Government and can operate under The Constitution for the united States of America. Not otherwise. It seems that they have recently realized their numerous mistakes and in desperation are trying to front a "Second Declaration of Independence" -- but as we pointed out, Territorial United States Citizens don't have a political status related to us in the absence of a Constitution, and if they attempt to adopt a "Second" Declaration of Independence, they instantly lose all that was won under The Declaration of Independence. They become rebels and renegades, stateless and homeless, starting over from Ground Zero, recognizable as international pirates---- and we will still have all our rights and prerogatives intact. If they want to enjoy the gains that our Forefathers made in The War of Independence, they will have to come home. It is past time for the so-called White Hats to talk to the actual people of this country and to our much-betrayed international government, which is, as ever, our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BEING AMERICAN AND BEING A U.S. CITIZENThe American States Assemblies By Anna Von Reitz The short answer--- (1) Mr. Trump is presently an employee of the Queen who is illegally continuing to exercise our own Delegated Power against us, even after her own actions have invalidated any claim she has to do so; (2) the US NAVY which planned and directed the attack has always been under the control of British affiliates and collaborators in Switzerland and Belgium -- so now you begin to see how this connects-- the British have con...trol of Mr. Trump and the British protect their MUNICIPAL collaborators; (3) the USAF that allowed the attack is also under control of the Swiss-Belgain affiliates, so same story there, though Trump could remove the recently appointed Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson Commander for his part in this inglorious affair. In a sane world, employees who attack their employers are considered criminals and are arrested as such. We are waiting to see if the world is sane or not. The rest of the answer that as "President" of the United States Mr. Trump is just a corporate CEO running two big bankruptcies. To my knowledge, he has never accepted our offer to step into his Public and Bonded Office as The President of The United States of America --- for whatever reasons. As President of the United States, he is a "Level 18 Administrator" --- there are ten (10) higher levels in the "International Government" which has crept in and claimed to be "Majestic", while in fact being unauthorized and criminal. As the lawful Fiduciary for The United States of America and the unincorporated World Trust, I am a Level 28 Principal and 1:1:1 Administrator. I am lawfully entitled to settle all this nonsense. If the usurpers can be persuaded to step aside and let me do my job, we can all get through this with a minimum of harm and a great deal of good being done. Until they do, they will continue to run amok and cause trouble because they are not mentally or emotionally mature enough to understand the situation they are in. Think: two year-olds with hammers. We will continue to take their "hammers" away from them and muffle their blows and ride herd and thwart them every step of the way until they wind down like two year-olds at the end of a busy day. Our point isn't to hurt them. Our point is to take the hammer(s) away and prevent them from doing more damage. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 3981. Wake Up Call Number One -- January 2023 3982. Wake Up Call Number Two: The American States Assemblies
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz