By Anna Von Reitz I keep getting people asking me what the plan is? The Plan was set forth by our ancestors, and what we are doing now, is recognizing how far afield and misled from The Plan we have actually been. Like taking a wrong turn in New Jersey and landing in the Atlantic Ocean, we are coming to grips with the wrong turns that have been insinuated into our government and into our lives. And making correction. Remember that Satan is the Father of All Lies, all deceits, and this world has indeed been ruled via lies and deceits for generations, so, exposing those lies and deceits and recognizing when and where and by whom we have been deceived in the past becomes a necessary pre-occupation. Most of us have been grossly dis-served by Public School educations, which have fed us an incomplete, watered-down, deliberately misrepresented version of our history--- howbeit, the only version most Americans know. This is done to explain away missing pieces and smooth over issues that would otherwise claim our attention and demand our action. For example --- where is the Declaration of War from Congress starting the Civil War? [There isn't one.] Where is the Peace Treaty ending that horrible conflict? {There isn't one.} Why is our flag hanging face down in the Capitol Rotunda? {Because our military generals are rats.] Where did these political parties come from? [Europe.] What are they, really? [Public Employee lobbyist organizations.] When was the Reconstruction finished? [It wasn't finished. It was barely begun with it was side-tracked in Breach of Trust.] Why was The State of Florida changed to the State of Florida? Are Executive Orders constitutional? And so on and on.... That one just came over my desk this morning --- are Executive Orders constitutional? They aren't. And they aren't meant to be. Why not? Because Executive Orders exist outside the realm of the Constitutions. Executive Orders are directives given within the private purview of the governmental services corporations -- they are in-house administrative orders given by the President to the employees of the corporation(s), and that means both Municipal and Territorial corporations, since 1937. Executive Orders have nothing whatsoever to do with you as an American. They are entirely about directing the actions of federal government employees. So unless you happen to be a federal government employee or dependent, you can stick such orders where the sun don't shine. This is how and why it is possible for the Federal Government to declare a "National Emergency" related to their corporations and employees, that isn't recognized by our actual American Government at all. Case in point --- they've been shut down for weeks and have declared "war" on the Common Cold, while we've plodded along and exposed the criminal meddling and self-interest and destruction caused by Bad Actors like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci and the Council on Foreign Relations--- and otherwise continued our business as usual. The United States of America [Unincorporated] hasn't declared any National Emergency. Despite the inconveniences and monetary losses caused by our federal employees and their boiling cesspool in Washington, DC, our government and our people are not under any presumption of any "state of emergency". And we don't recognize any "war powers" ever being granted to our federal employees or any federal franchise state of state employees, either, when they are acting in relation to us or standing on our shores. Quite the contrary. Their clear instruction with regard to us is to provide for our mutual defense. As long as they are on our payroll, including pay for exercising our delegated powers, that instruction stands. Federal employees and dependents have never been covered by the Constitutions. They have always inhabited a separate and foreign realm. This is what necessitated the entire "Civil Rights" struggle. They were trying to get recognition of "civil rights" equal to the rights everyone else enjoyed. Unfortunately, their acceptance of merely "civil rights" instead of natural and unalienable rights, leads to a circumstance where -- for them -- the equal guarantees of the Constitutions can be suspended and their equal civil rights taken away, just as they were granted, by the members of Congress. So The Plan already existed long ago, and what we are doing, is retracing our steps and correcting the wrong turns to get our government fully back on track. Ours is a plan to get back to The Plan. It is in those terms that I can answer the question --- what's the plan? Here it is: We go back to New Jersey where we took that wrong turn.... and we already did all that historical research to form an iron-clad knowledge of what went wrong, where, under whose watch, etc., etc., etc. That part is complete to the extent necessary. We are still filling in bits and pieces, but we've got what we need. Here's the rest: Everyone now has a simple means to declare their birthright political status as an American. Everyone records that choice with their respective State Assembly. They can choose to “log in” as State Nationals and have no obligation to the government beyond keeping the peace-that is, not harming other people or their property—- OR —- they can sign in as American State Citizens and help run their State Government. Of course, if they want to remain subjects of the Queen or subjects of the Pope, they can simply stay as they are and be counted as either "U.S. Citizens" or "citizens of the United States". Those who choose to act as State Citizens will take part in the process of “reconstructing” an American State of State business organization for their State of the Union. These American States of State organizations are known as “Confederate States” and they then “repopulate” the missing portion of the Federal Government and take charge of the national Treasury functions, the Mint, the Post Office, the Patent and Trademark Office, etc. The States are supposed to set the policy and direction and speak the will of the people in their States and are to oversee the business operations and resource decisions of the State of State organizations both at the State level and the Federal level. Unlike the practice of the foreign subcontractors our government of, for, and by the people is not always in session. Members have to call it into Session or The United States of America (Unincorporated) has to do so--- and has done so. Our Hired Help has attempted to take over our government by “de-populating” it. Basically, they have misidentified each one of us as one of them— as employees or dependents of the foreign, for profit governmental services corporations running the Territorial and Municipal levels of the Federal Government. Most Americans were never given any disclosure about any of this activity by their erstwhile employees. They were misidentified with malice aforethought almost at birth, so they never had any idea that a False Registration had been entered “in their name” and their parents were never told, either. As a result of this unconscionable contracting practice, millions of Americans have been misidentified as British Territorial citizens— as if they were all born in Puerto Rico. And they have been subjected under Territorial Law and have lost access to the Constitutional guarantees they are heir to as a result. Our process restores them to their birthright political status, brings them back under the protections of the Constitutions and enables them to restore both their State of State and Federal State functions —- so that we once again enjoy an American Government in America. This is a perfectly legal and lawful process that we are guaranteed under all sorts of treaties and contracts and international accords, and as there is absolutely no advantage to Federal Citizenship above or beyond being a Federal Employee, it is to be presumed that, given the facts, most Americans will be loyal to their own country, will want to live as free men and woman, will want the right to own and control their own private property, and will want access to the Constitutional Guarantees. From our position, our Trustees, the Pope and the Queen, have collaborated in Breach of Trust and sought to evade their obligations under their respective Constitutions and have played a very insidious game to do so. Now that the fraud and disservice has been discovered we are engaged in taking corrective action — as individual people, as States, and as our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America. We are bringing the circumstance forward before all Americans and all the other people and governments and institutions of the world. That’s the Plan and circumstance that motivates it and here is the Action Plan: 1. Bring millions of misidentified Americans “home” to their birthright political status, by educating them and inviting them to declare their political status and record it for posterity; 2. Assemble the properly constituted State Governments---which can only be done by people who have declared their birthright political status and who are choosing the act in the capacity of State Citizens; 3. Have the State Governments (known as State Assemblies) reconstruct the American States of States—- a job left hanging since the Civil War; 4. The American States of States join together to re-populate the Confederation of States; 5. The Confederation resumes operations as the “missing” Federal portion of the Federal Government; 6. Americans are in control of their own government again and the foreign corporation employees are put back in their places. We are simply recognizing the mistakes and deceits of our foreign employees and are correcting them, which doesn't make everyone in the world happy, but will serve to wake up a lot of other sleeping national governments that have been all but overwhelmed by scheming power-hungry Globalist elites operating and promoting a system of corporate feudalism under a blueprint provided by the fascist government of Westminster. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. the American state assembly
5. Final Judgment and Civil Orders
6. Final Judgment with Addendums
7. Civil Orders 6 10 2014
8. Civil Orders 7 4 2014
Reminders for President Trump.....
In order to occupy the actual Office(s) --- plural --- that George Washington occupied and to do what is lawful and right by this world and this country in particular, it is absolutely imperative that you (1) reclaim your natural birthright political status as a native of the land and soil of New York; (2) reconvey your Trade Name to the land and soil of New York; (3) acknowledge, accept, and take the Public Oath of Office to act as The President of The United States of America; (4) be bonded by the actual land jurisdiction government ---- the States and People --- provision of which has already been made with Mr. Mnuchin at the Treasury.
Your Bond Number is: AMR10005 - RE 162 242 150 US
The land jurisdiction government established by our ancestors requires a Management Team comprised of the President, the Head of State and the Chief Public Fiduciary Officer. Any change to that structure has to be initiated via a properly convened Continental Congress.
All the assets owed to the States and People are claimed by them, including their soil and land assets, their intellectual property, and all derivatives associated with them and their states.
There is no escaping the validity of their demand to be set free of all Odious Debt and to receive back all that rightfully belongs to them.
If necessary, their claim will be honored by force initiated by the Galactic Command Superstructure. In other words, it's time for everyone at the Hague to wake up and do what is right instead of trying to initiate yet another scam.
This is Public Notice and shall serve as the Final Public Notice owed to anyone, anywhere, alive or dead, here or elsewhere.
By Anna Von Reitz
They openly said that they have ruled for thousands of years and that they would destroy the world rather than give that up.
So let's examine how they have ruled:
They have ruled by deceit.
They have ruled by telling outright lies.
They have ruled by abusing trust.
They have ruled by demeaning people --- and themselves.
They have ruled by blackmail and threats.
They have ruled by strategic murder.
They have ruled by False Flag events.
They have ruled by creating "secret languages".
They have ruled by keeping other men dumbed down.
They have ruled by falsifying records.
They have ruled by accusing others of what they have done.
They have ruled by destroying history.
They have ruled by teaching distorted history as fact.
They have ruled by "terms of art".
They have ruled under color of law.
They have ruled under False Pretense of authority.
They have ruled by rigging commodity markets -- including currency markets.
They have ruled by controlling money supplies.
They have ruled by creating confusion.
They have ruled by creating disasters -- to make their actions seem necessary.
They have ruled by force and confiscation.
They have ruled by creating prejudices.
They have ruled by keeping us divided.
They have ruled....
And they are trying to continue their rule by establishing a New World Order under what they are mistakenly calling the "quantum financial system".
This is really nothing but a pitiful re-working of an old MS-DOS technology --- so old that nobody thinks about or uses it anymore.
And they are trying to foist off PARSE SYNTAX on everyone, which is nothing but a reworking of the ancient JUSTINIAN FRAUD.
That seems to be the current theme: dredge up ancient computer systems programming and call it something new, because the programmers working now won't remember MS-DOS.
Dredge up an old, old fraud from 1500 years ago --- nobody will remember that! --- call it something new -- "PARSE SYNTAX" and people will fall for that, too.
They are falling back on old doggerel because they don't have anything new to offer. They've run out of tricks. And that, beyond anything else, spells their doom, because they have made their way since the beginning by trickery and shell games and fraud and very little else.
So, we've told you briefly that the "Quantum Financial System" aka "QFS" is nothing new.
And neither is "PARSE SYNTAX".
Only the names are new. They think that by re-naming things, they can create something new.
Like renaming your property "3543 Mockingbird Lane" and then claiming they have title to it.
Like teaching you to spell your name according to their punctuation: JOHN-MICHAEL:DOE and then claiming that you "subscribed" to them and that they now own you.
It's all nothing but horse hooey.
They've run out of ideas. They've got the financial system in such a bind, with the credit so concentrated in their own hands, that they can't prime the pump anymore.
And Mr. Trump may not know what to do about it yet, but he does have sense enough to know that in the modern world these antiquated --- and fraudulent--- answers won't work.
So he just declined to participate in the "Quantum Financial System" and as long as English is our official language and we don't fall for their funky punctuation scheme --- we have no contract with them regarding "PARSE", either.
As a brief note, if you haven't all watched Romley Stewart's explanation of the DOG LATIN deception promoted by the Emperor Justinian and used ever since to keep the peasants in line ----do so now.
It will be apparent that "PARSE SYNTAX" is just another secret language trick and variation of the old, old DOG LATIN trick.
And if you care enough to entertain the false claims being made for it by Russell J. Gould to the effect that it is "mathematically correct" ---- put it to a simple test and see if you can make it reliably express the difference between a "pickle" and a "cucumber" ---- mathematically or in any other way you choose.
PARSE is another con, set up to confuse and impress the ignorant.
Sign no contracts using this form of language.
We have patented and recorded our own form of this language to make sure that Mr. Gould and his co-horts cannot arbitrarily claim or enforce anything about it, but we heartily recommend that people simply recognize it for what it is --- another con --- and avoid using it at all, ever.
See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
How do we use your donations? Find out here.
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Patriot Intel Report, April 20, 2020 — Blue Dragon Journal
by Justice Anna von Reitz
.If “Stimulus” Payments Were Legit….
There are now millions of people wondering — WT….?
Here’s the replay:
The President announces “relief” payments to help soften the economic stress caused by the Federale’s own over-blown reaction to a more infectious form of the Common Cold — which minions of their own government services corporation created and unleashed.
President Trump declares a “national emergency” for the United States— neglecting, as usual, to say which “United States” is being referenced.
We issue here a brief statement saying that The United States of America is not declaring any kind of “National Emergency” for Americans.
Right? Got that now? THEY are on lockdown. THEY are in yet another “national emergency”. We are not.
People who claim their birthright political status — that is, Americans — are only impacted because: (1) more of us stand to get bad colds and therefore, to die from bad colds this winter, and (2) their shut down inconveniences us and costs us money.
Now, you are being told that you “have to apply” for these funds.
Any time that the Federal government says “have to” and “apply” your Shinola Sensor should go off like a fog-horn and you should think —- “Wait a minute, Homer….” in the immortal words of Marge Simpson.
Nobody should “have to” take freebie money.
And if it’s a payment in lieu of damage claims (which is what they are angling for) why would you have to apply for it? It’s like applying to lose money. Why wouldn’t they be standing on street corners, anxiously handing out such an “opportunity” with an apologetic smile?
After all, they are the ones who caused the whole problem.
They are the ones liable for the damage.
If they can get people to accept $1200 checks in lieu of damage claims, they should be praying and sweating and hoping it flies.
“Apply” is one of those words like “submit” that shouldn’t be in the vocabulary between an American and a Federal Subcontractor. Like the word, “benefit”, too.
The verbiage provides them the means to make it look like you are “seeking federal welfare” and “voluntarily applying for federal welfare”.
And that would imply that you are a “government dependent” and “ward of the state”.
Which is what they need evidence of, in order to keep claiming that you are their property and that all your private property and assets are theirs to use as collateral backing their debts.
It’s the Same Old Schtick. They hope to claim and use estates that are worth billions in exchange for $1200 dollars.
So, if you want to be “purchased” for $1200 dollars, and let them benefit from your labor and everything else that should rightfully be yours, step right up and “apply” for these welfare “benefits” disguised as “stimulus” payments.
What they are hoping to “stimulate” is an undisclosed “settlement” of your claims against them.
Or, you can “Just Say No” and join like-minded Americans to sue the rats for all they’ve got.
Have you and your business suffered more than $1200 dollars because of this fiasco? Yes, I bet you have. So why not sue “the” United States, Inc., for the entire amount?
Bill Gates is one of their corporate officers. Anthony Fauci owns the offending patents under their delegated authority. The United States, Inc. is responsible for these men and those patents, too.
S**t still flows downhill in the world where I live.
It’s the same thing with all the petty pandering little hand-out “loans” to businesses, too.
Take the bait, and they get a free claim on your business, get to regulate your business — and then decide if they will “forgive” the loan, when the only one who should be doing any forgiving — and only if you want to — is you.
Again, they are the ones who are liable and responsible for all this damage to both people and private businesses.
Under our law, which we get to enforce, their corporate officers — Gates and Fauci and the rest of the rat pack — are liable, which means that the United States, Inc., is liable, too.
In the world of corporations, everything is backwards, so S**T actually does flow uphill.
This is why Donald Trump, acting as the Captain of that particular “ship” and the members of the Municipal Congress, all managed to work together in a bipartisan way to pass the Stimulous Package —- to bail out their own sorry rumps and try to avoid the liability for it by offering the Dumb Bunnies “free money”.
But it’s not free. Remember children— there is no such thing as a free lunch. Repeat as often as necessary.
Not only are they trying to get you to “settle” for $1200 dollars, it’s not clear exactly what you would be “settling” —- damage claims from the corona virus fiasco? Certainly. But maybe also bankruptcy claims against the UNITED STATES, INC., too.
And what would you be giving up? Your claim to your independence and your political status as an American and the right to own your own property and enjoy the benefit of your own labor. That’s all.
And finally, to top it all off —- all this money they are giving away would have been your money, except that we already charged it back to the Pope and the Queen as “gifts” they offered us.
If these Stimulus Payments were legitimate and what they profess to be, they would be distributed to everyone with a pulse, no strings attached, as grants and gifts, clearly labeled as such.
The fact that they are not being distributed in this honest fashion tells you that a different agenda is in play.
Run, like an antelope, away.
And keep your claims against the rats intact.
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Judicial Notice Of Claim On 29 June 2017 Extension 2016 015862 0
Judicial Notice Of Claim On 29 June 2017 - Extension 2016-015862-0
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Restore Lawful Government
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Restoring Lawful Government
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Straw Man
Structure Of The Original Government BEING Retred
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Tax Processing Centers
“Tax Processing Centers” — Public Warning Notice — Demand For Action
TDA Accounts - Not For Americans
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Territorial Governments Chapter 11
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Territorial United States Government
The Actual American Government
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The American States Assemblies
The American States Assembly
The Articles Of Confederation
The Bar Association And US Democracy
The Big Con
The British Back Door And Our Claims
The Capacity Of State Nationals And State Citizens
The Controllers - How They Have Ruled
The Courts Aren't Courts
The Dead Baby Scam
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The Dick Act
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The Indemnity Bond And Court Process -- Step By Step
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The Only Lawful American Government
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The Queen
The Top Ten Articles For Rapid Assistance
The Top Ten Articles For Rapid Assistance By Anna Von Rietz
The United States Of America
The United States Of America — Our Unincorporated Federation Of States
The United States Of America — Our Unincorporated Federation Of States
"the US" Is Not America
The Value Of Money - US Notes - Federal Reserve Notes
To Pope Francis: No Deal.
To The Governor Of Ottawa: It’s Too Late
Treasury Department
Treasury Direct Accounts
Trespassers - Pirates - Outlaws
True Americans
Understanding Habeas Corpus
Unincorporated Federation Of States
United Nations Corporation And Its Franchises
United States Hijacked
United States Of America
United States Of America (Unincorporated)
United States Treasury
Unlawful Conversion Of Our Lawful Person
Update On Living Law Firm Progress
Urban Trust Assets
Urgent Information For Political Candidates
Urgent Notice To All Americans
"U.S. Citizen". Indentity Theft
U.S. Citizens Are Not Americans
U.S. Citizens Are Subject To The Queen
U.S. Military Situation Updates
Usurping Government
Vaccine - Mask Mandates Cannot Apply
Vatican Bank
Virgo Triad
Wake Up Beijing
Warning About Swissindo And Any Similar Offers
Warrant Of Distraint
Washington DC
Watchmen Of The Republic
We Are Being Railroaded Under "Martial Common Law"
We Are Not Deceived
WEF Globalist
What Can I Do?
What Happened To Our Government?
What Is Really Law
What Is Sovereignty?
What Is The Identity Trap?
What You Need To Know Right Now
White Hat Message
White House Office
Who Or What Is In Control Of The "Federal Government"?
William Gladstone
World Bank Fraud
World Bank Identity Theft
World Health Organization
World War II
You Are A Child Of God
Your Delegated Power
Your Future?
Your Identity Was Stolen
Your Inheritance
Your Mission:
October 2024
May 2024
April 2024
February 2024
December 2023
November 2023
September 2023
May 2023
February 2023
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022
October 2022
September 2022
August 2022
July 2022
June 2022
May 2022
March 2022
February 2022
October 2021
June 2021
May 2021
February 2021
September 2020
August 2020
June 2020
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
March 2019
January 2019
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
July 2018
June 2018
May 2018
February 2018
December 2017
October 2017
September 2017
July 2017
June 2017