![]() by Anna von Reitz Deadly Assessment Letter to End IRS False Claims Okay, you have sent in your Revocation of Election to Pay Federal Income Taxes and identified yourself as a private Lawful Person, but the IRS doesn’t want to take “No, thanks.” for an answer. They will often continue to send you letters and threaten and harass you in various ways even long after you have cut the cord and sailed away. In order for them to collect a tax, someone must assess a tax. In order to create a lien, someone must first assess a tax. If you refuse to do that for them, they will happily appoint someone on their staff to do it “for” your PERSON, however, that IRS employee will never have any first-hand knowledge and can’t validate the debt. It is this assessment process which underlies every lien and every other action they undertake without your participation or consent that is the Fatal Flaw in their system. If you are sick of getting letters from the IRS, especially threatening letters claiming that you owe them debts, and offering to lien your assets and take you to court, etc. — send them a counter-offer. Here’s an example of a clean strike letter sealed with a self-fulfilling contract. Notice that you take charge of the situation and secure your position up front. You are polite and professional. You are reasonable and give them sufficient time to respond. When they don’t respond within 30 days, you stamp “Second Notice” on a copy of the same letter, write in a new Registered Mail Number and cross out “thirty (30)” and write in “ten (10)” on the Second Notice copy as the amount of time they have to respond. When they don’t respond within the additional 10 (ten) days, you send a third copy of the same letter stamped “Final Notice”, and again, change the Registered Mail Number, and number of days for them to respond from 10 days to 7 days. They won’t respond because they can’t do so without endangering themselves. They are telling a Big, Fat Lie and you are calling them on it. Your self-fulfilling contract has been “accepted” and all “Due Process” has been served. If they ever rear their ugly heads again, trot out your correspondence. This same process can be used to reply to State Tax Collectors. Always bear in mind that there are some PERSONS who do owe Federal Income Taxes, and be sure that you are not one of them before revoking or contesting with the IRS. The checklist is simple— are you a Federal Employee? If so, you owe Federal Income Taxes. Are you a Dependent of a Federal Employee? You may owe Federal Income Taxes, too. Are you a recipient of unearned Federal Welfare payments or retirement income based on Federal Employment? You may have to pay some back as Federal Income Tax — but in the case of Social Security payments based on mixed Federal and Private Sector earnings, only the portion attributable to Federal Employment is taxable. Please note that many veterans owe a dollar or two of Federal Income Taxes based on their two-year employment in the military decades ago, but this and similar trivial income is exempted by the standard deductible. Are you a “political asylum seeker” like the Hondurans at our Southern Border? You will owe federal income tax on any federal income you receive until your political status is changed and settled. Last, are you operating (knowingly, willingly, voluntarily) a commercial corporation or maritime VESSEL registered in the Municipal United States (Washington, DC)? For the vast majority of us, the answer to that one is —- hell, no, I am not knowingly, willingly, or voluntarily operating any such contrivances, but now that I have been made aware that such a “franchise” has been created “for” me and in my name, I have corrected my political status and removed the franchise to a permanent domicile on the land and soil of…. Illinois, Minnesota, Vermont….. Still, always remember that there are such things as “US Corporations” and those corporations that have been enfranchised as “US CITIZENS” under the Diversity Clause of the Federal Code, are subject to paying — guess what? Federal Income Tax. This is just another reason why you must go through the Turkey Trot of formally recording and reclaiming your Good Name and birthright political status and natural estate as an American. This is why you have to expatriate these NAMES and establish their new permanent domicile on the land and soil jurisdiction State. Until you object to the “presumption” that you are conducting your business as a US Corporation, you owe the franchise taxes — that is, Federal Income Tax. Until you take exception to these presumptions and record your counterclaims available at Article 928 on my website, www.annavonreitz.com), there is no evidence on the Public Record in support of your position that you are an American and not a Federal Citizen nor Federal Employee and not operating as a Federal Corporation Franchisee, either. Okay? I don’t want anyone going off half-cocked. I don’t want anyone getting in trouble because they don’t completely understand the web they are in or are unprepared to rebut the legal presumption of US Citizenship/US CITIZENSHIP. On the other hand, I don’t want Joe Average American taxed for taxes he doesn’t owe and never did. I don’t want to see Joe Average suffering wage garnishments that don’t apply to him. I don’t want to see Joe losing his home or his retirement to these voracious foreign bill collectors. The vast majority of us are naturally exempt from Federal Income Taxes and don’t get a drop of Federal Income. So….. if you are Joe Average, get busy, record your paperwork to reclaim your birthright political status, and…. when you get threatening mail after you have revoked your election to pay Federal Income Taxes, send back a letter something like this: April 24, 2018 First Middle Last c/o 1111 Any Dirt Road Town, State To: Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Any City, ST 64XXX-0010 Via Registered Mail Number: RI 340 309 790 US To Whom It May Concern, [or the name of specific officer harassing you] Re: Notice CP40, Dated: April XX, 2018 I have your Notice CP40 which is dated: April 22, 2019. If I had any federal income during the referenced year it is my intent to comply. Your offer regarding the referenced tax year is accepted and returned. I will provide an information return upon proof of claim that I had taxable federal income during the year in question. In order to reply, I must know the character, nature and venue of the alleged assessment. Please have a designated Assessment Officer of the Internal Revenue Service send me: (1) a dated and certified and signed assessment and (2) a copy of the supporting record used to create the assessment. I will also need the Assessment Officer’s Internal Revenue Service Employee Identification Number and contact information for my files. Upon receiving the signed assessment and supporting documents, they will be reviewed. If the applicability, validity and correctness of the claim is demonstrated, I will settle any debts. If I do not receive the requested documents within thirty (30) days, I will take it as your agreement that the assessment was faulty, that no taxes are owed, and that the claim is withdrawn with prejudice. Respectfully, by: First Middle Last (red ink thumbprint, a Lawful Person and Attorney-in-Fact Enclose: Notice CP40 / Dated: April XX, 2018 _____________________ God bless and Godspeed you all, each and every American who takes up the challenge and learns the ropes and does the work. ANNAVONREITZ.COM Anna von Reitz Get help filling out and recording the paperwork based on Anna’s article # 928. You will be contacted by someone, usually within 24 hours.
![]() You are Eligible for Credit Owed to You
Born in America Were you born in America, in one of the States of the Union, on the land and soil of a State? If so, you are eligible to receive back credit that has been owed to you, your parents, and your grandparents for the better part of a century. This credit can be applied to erase debts like home mortgages, college loans, car loans, medical bills and more. Learn More By Anna Von Reitz This PDF from the Corporate Tribunal's Administrative Office is evidentiary proof that the Plaintiffs including the "Government" in all these Municipal Court Cases are the Debtors and the Defendants in all cases are the Creditors. http://annavonreitz.com/ao430.pdf It's admitted right there in black and white. So now we have proof in their own hand that what I have told you about them, that they are persecuting their own Creditors is true. They are persecuting their own Creditors to extract more assets and credit from the Creditors against the Creditor's will. This is also the motivation for killing their Creditors just as the Nazis did, to avoid having to pay us back and give them free rein to seize all our "abandoned" property. Donald Trump as Commander in Chief and the Joint Chiefs of Staff have been fully informed of this plot by the Municipal Government and it is yet another reason why the Municipal COURTS which are being operated outside the ten miles square of the District of Columbia must be shut down. This PDF clearly admits that the purpose of these COURTS is extortion and racketeering under force. This is being done under the auspices of the British Crown and they are operating under the Holy See. It's time for the American Armed Forces to show us what they are made of and for the Queen and the Pope to honor their obligations to us and to the rest of the world in full. Shut down the criminal operations on our shores. Penalize the British Crown. Release our purloined copyrights. Shut down the Municipal COURTS and Corporate Tribunals. Assist us in peacefully returning our civilian courts to full service throughout the country. Open up access to the American National Credit so that the Creditors are not hamstrung in the interim. Turn aside from all plans to further murder and penalize the innocent civilian populations, or as happened in the days of Elijah, fire will rain down upon the Priests of Baal and they shall be utterly consumed. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com Learn How to Restore our Lawful Government The America States Assembly Weekly webinar. Learn and grow with us as we restore our lawful government with Peace and Love.
![]() By Anna Von Reitz By: Anna Maria Riezinger Intro: I am doing this the old school way without a teleprompter, so don’t expect it to be slick. You will also probably want to have a pen and paper handy to jot things down as we go. 1. The first point I want to make is that we inherited this situation. The people responsible for it, are all long-since dead and gone. We aren’t to blame, but we are responsible for what we do about it now. So it is important that we all do the right thing. 2. So with that firm understanding, let’s begin. Point two…. Americans have been living under a largely British-controlled military protectorate since 1863. That is a fact that is never taught to Americans in school and indeed, most members of the American military have been left unaware of it, too. The only way that we become aware of it is by noticing certain facts and they are: A. The position of the British Monarch as our Trustee “on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways” under The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783 and the attendant Admiralty Treaties; B. The fact that our Congress never declared the so-called American Civil War; C. The genesis of the Lieber Code in 1863; D. The fact that no Peace Treaty concluded the American Civil War, which was in fact a foreign Mercenary Conflict, just like Vietnam, staged on our shores; E. The adoption of The Lieber Code as The Hague Conventions. F. The attempt by the Municipal United States Congress to give away our state offices to the United Nations under the International Organizations Immunities Act in 1976, and thus transfer responsibility for our land jurisdiction government to the United Nations. This left the Brits in control of what is supposed to be our Navy and the United Nations purportedly in control of our land and soil. 3. Point three…. the foregoing facts lead to the following facts: A. Americans are internationally protected persons under the Geneva Conventions, because we are members of a non-combatant Third Party population being occupied by our own Army, albeit an Army acting as a Federal Subcontractor operated under our own Delegated Power; B. The U.S. Department of Defense owes every American an international Identification Card admitting their actual political status and providing for the exercise of their “natural and unalienable rights” and all guarantees owed to their States of the Union by the remaining Federal Subcontractors – which are the British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States Governments. C. The American Subcontractor, the actual intended majority interest holder in the Federal Government, a Confederation of States of States operating as the States of America, has been under reconstruction since 1865, a project that has never been finished by the States and People of this country because our other Federal Subcontractors usurped upon our lawful government and failed their duty to inform and assist. D. Any role that the United Nations presumes to have in any of this, has been handed to them by the Municipal United States Government, which has no authority to do any such thing. The situation is similar to that which results when the heir to an estate has been left uninformed of his heritage, and suddenly finds out. The probate of his estate under the presumption that no heir exists, has to be reversed and the property returned. In the same way, all control of America has to be returned to the Americans it belongs to. 4. And now we get down to the nitty-gritty of how Americans have been mischaracterized, misinformed, and impersonated by our own employees so as to prevent us from operating our government and keep us from accessing the guarantees and credits that are owed to us. A. The first part of the current scam intended to defraud and pillage Americans was put in place by the British Territorial United States Subcontractor, via the abuse of our military and unlawful licensing and conscription of private physicians, dentists, nurses and other medical professionals on our soil under their Title 37 Uniformed Officers Code. i. Under duress of losing their ability to practice their profession, medical doctors have been instructed to admit fetal afterbirth materials, what is properly called the “amnion” to the hospital as a dying “person” admitted under the Given Name of the living baby. ii. This then reliably gives rise to an intestate infant decedent estate operating under the Given Name of a living American baby --- this dead impostor is presumed to be a Federal Dual Citizen, under obligation to both the British Territorial Government and the Roman Municipal United States Government franchise. This thing, this dead “amnion” is thus substituted for a living American baby and their estate is then operated by members of the Bar Association using Dead Letters of Administration issued by their own Circuit Courts, for the benefit of the Pope and the Queen, in Gross Criminal Breach of Trust. iii. It is self-evident from these practices and the circumstance, that foreign European governments that owe us Good Faith and Service, have deliberately and with malice aforethought set up a criminal enterprise of vast proportions on our shores, all designed to defraud Americans of their identity and their property rights and that these Subcontractors have been misdirected to usurp upon and undermine our lawful government – a government that they are under solemn treaty and commercial contractual obligation to protect and defend. iv. As a result of this identity theft fraud scheme, millions of Americans have been impersonated and in effect, kidnapped, from their natural jurisdiction on the land and soil of this country, and so far as the paperwork goes, we have been genocided on paper by misdirected Federal Subcontractors. v. All this has in turn led to completely insupportable legal presumptions being applied to us and to our property assets, a False Claim and Presumption that our Given Name represents a Dual Federal Citizen, that this Dual Federal Citizen died intestate as an infant, that the estate of this infant is subject to administration by the Bar Association Members, and that the resulting Public Trust Estate is available to serve as chattel property backing the debts of the British Territorial Government and the Municipal United States Government, which have colluded to deprive generations of Americans of their freedom and their property assets under conditions of Gross Criminal Breach of Trust. B. The second part of the scam involves manipulation of our monetary system, a process that began shortly after the Civil War hostilities ended. IMPORTANT: We must pause to note that the Parties to the Civil War were all “States of States” that is, commercial and business corporations --- not actual States --- and were all members of the original Confederation of States formed in 1781, whether North or South. Thus, the actual States and the People of the States of the Union were never involved in this mercenary conflict and are thus, not the subject of any “war”, nor under any presumption of enmity against anyone. We have been innocent Third Parties throughout. That is, there can be no presumption that we are now or ever were involved in any sedition or rebellion against our own government. i. In 1868 a Scottish commercial corporation merely calling itself “The United States of America”—Incorporated, set up shop, infringed upon our Proper Name in an obviously fraudulent manner, and misrepresenting itself as our lawful government, accessed our credit and stole our gold. ii. This secretive substitution of a Scottish Interloper for our intended American Federal Government then led to the equally secretive substitution of franchises of this commercial corporation operating as British Territorial States of States for the “missing” Federal States of States we are owed. Their Scottish “State of Wisconsin” replaced our American “The State of Wisconsin” and nobody was the wiser. iii. Having gutted our credit and having despised our good name, these criminals began preparing – “in our names” -- for bankruptcy. In December of 1898 they concluded an agreement to purchase the Philippine Islands using our money, and began transporting our gold reserves to the Philippines. In 1906-07, they bankrupted “The United States of America” – Incorporated, and the Filipino Government was left as Steward. iv. Next, the Pope and the Municipal United States took their turn at pillaging and raping America. In addition to the phony Territorial “States of States” set up to administer the foreign military protectorate, the Roman Municipal Government set up its own phony Municipal “STATES OF STATES” and the Double Dipping began. The Dead Baby Scam (assisted by the British Territorial Government) and the Federal Reserve scam was the result. In 1934, the Territorial United States Congress declared the Philippine Government to be “independent” so that it could act as Trustee of our gold. This is where Ferdinand Marcos and all that association with the Philippines got started---the purchase of the Philippine Island land mass using our money back in 1898, followed by this action. Notice that although they declared the Philippine Government to be “independent”, the actual ownership of the land mass of the Philippines remains with us. It was all purchased “in our name” using our money, just like Alaska was purchased from the Russian Government. v. The Municipal United States Government is a franchise of the City of Rome Municipal Government, operated as an independent international city-state on our shores. It is a Theocracy that worships Baal using the Roman Catholic Church as a storefront. It is supposed to be limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia, and it is supposed to be ruled over by members of our “missing” Federal Congress acting under the provisions of Article I, Section VIII, Clause 17, to provide an open meeting ground for all the States to send their Deputies. Obviously, they have been operating secretively on their own since the 1860’s, because no American Federal Government has met in Washington, DC, since that time. Our seat of government is and always has been in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The run-amok Municipal Government has treaties and a service contract with our lawful government called The Constitution of the United States (no “of America”) which it has grossly violated in thought, word, and deed. vi. We have covered The Dead Baby Scam so now we will cover both the Federal Reserve and the IRS Frauds promulgated by the City of Rome franchise doing business as the Municipal United States Government---misrepresenting itself as The United States and as the Congress owed to the people of this country. a. In 1913, with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, legal tender “laws” were imposed upon all citizens of “the” United States ---- not our United States---- the Federal Municipal United States Government. Unfortunately, we were all impacted by this, because we have to carry on trade with them. They established themselves a very profitable exchange rate of one US DOLLAR – their fiat script, for one American United States dollar --- an ounce of fine silver. They forced us to accept their corporation’s I.O.U.’s as an equitable exchange for our silver dollars under color of law. b. They used this exchange rate to fill their coffers with American silver for the cost of printing up paper “dollars”. c. In 1934, after deliberately causing The Great Depression and bankrupting their own commercial corporation doing business as “the” United States of America----Incorporated, which is yet another infringement and constructive fraud substituting a commercial corporation pretending to be the actual government of this country analogous to the Scottish Interloper of 1868 --- they created a “debt credit domestic monetary system”. d. Under a debt credit system, you either: (1) owe no debts yourself and collect debts as credits, or, (2) everyone concerned is in debt to the others, and the Parties exchange debts as credits. It is all based on zero-sum transactions. This is anti-intuitive and against any normal course of business, so pay attention: You go into a burger joint and give the owner a fiat five dollar bill in exchange for a hamburger. You have just gotten a hamburger which has actual value, in exchange for an I.O.U. – a debt, in other words. You still owe for that hamburger and no actual money has changed hands. Your debt just grew by $5 and the hamburger joint owner just accrued a $5 debt-credit. Every debt creates a credit in exactly the same amount, so there is a “zero sum” result--- and it is impossible for there to be a debt without an answering debt-credit. So, when they talk about the “US National Debt” you know automatically that there has to be an answering “American National Credit” --- the credit/payment still due for that actual hamburger. e. Americans have been accruing American National Credit under this system for more than eight decades and “US” Municipal United States Citizens have been accruing the US National Debt under the same system. Our National Credit with them is equal to their National Debt to us. We, Americans, are by far the largest and highest Priority Creditors with respect to the US National Debt. China is a far distant second runner. f. This is why the perpetrators of this scheme plotted to kill us all off, thinking that they could escape their debt by killing their Priority Creditors, just as the Nazis endeavored to kill off the Jewish population that was holding the bulk of their National Debt. g. Who actually owes us the US National Debt, our gold, the interest, and the profits? The Pope, the Queen, all their actual, legitimate government franchises, all their banks and corporations worldwide. They have coerced the use of our assets under color of law and forced us to extend our credit for their benefit under conditions of Gross Breach of Trust and Treaty for the better part of two centuries, and now, they don’t want to pay up. Forced extension of our credit, without our consent, and additional False Claims against the Dead Baby ESTATE, is what happens every time their foreign Municipal “Congress” extends the debt limit. h. Next, we address the situation where both parties owe each other debts in a debt-credit system --- this is supposed to result in a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption. Americans do owe the Territorial and Municipal Governments for stipulated government services that they have provided under the terms of their respective Constitutions, and obviously, they owe us train loads of credit as a result of the monetary system they imposed under color of law. What is supposed to happen according to their own admissions in the 1934 Emergency Banking Act and Federal Title 12, is that we have the right to claim “exemption” and to demand “offset” of any federal debts we owe them, against the credit they already owe Americans. This is a situation where I owe Joe a hundred dollars and he owes me a thousand, so I agree to knock a hundred off what he owes me already. Every time Americans do this offsetting process, the US Debt goes down. If this system had been utilized and properly administered from the beginning, the US National Debt would have been constantly pared down, but instead, those responsible have kept this a secret from the General Public and used various means, most especially, The Dead Baby Scam, to prevent Americans from accessing the American National Credit and offsetting federal debts they actually don’t owe. Without the counter-balancing effect of the Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption, the US National Debt has increased exponentially. i. The mysterious $23 Trillion Credit that the DOD Division of Fiscal Services found on its books, as well as the principal part of the gold in the Philippines, plus the actual ownership of the land of this country belongs to The United States of America --- Unincorporated, and to the member States of the Union and to the People of this country--- that is, all the long-lost purportedly dead Americans. j. And now you know why Americans actually are the Priority Creditors of the US and why we are owed the preponderance of the US National Debt. k. This foregoing circumstance, the constructive Dead Baby Scam leading to denial of the individual American’s ability to offset federal debts they don’t owe and the commandeering of their assets by the Bar Associations acting under color of law, fraud, and deceit --- also leads directly to the IRS Fraud. l. You will remember that the dead fetal afterbirth “Person” registered under our Given Names as a Dual Federal Citizen owing obligations to both the British Territorial and Municipal United States Governments was also by definition obligated as a result, to pay Federal Debts, including Federal Income Taxes. This same identity theft and impersonation scheme was also used to allow the Municipal United States’ religious Inquisition to extract payment of Federal Income Taxes and to deny Americans access to the Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions they are owed. m. Forcing people who are not in receipt of any federal income to pay federal income taxes is quite a feat, but using The Dead Baby Scam in concert with other historical maneuvers has allowed the perpetrators to siphon off billions upon billions of dollars-worth of fiat debt notes and physical assets belonging to the American People. The principal historical maneuver referenced in connection with this, is the Victory Tax. n. During the Second World War, the United States Congress “offered” the opportunity for patriotic Americans to step forward and voluntarily pay an amount equal to what their federal citizen counterparts were paying as income tax, as a special “Victory Tax” to help win the war. This special tax was supposed to end at the end of the hostilities and the American “volunteers” were supposed to be released from any further obligation. This never happened. o. These patriotic Americans who came to the aid of the British Government during its “darkest hour” were kept on the hook and mercilessly billed and harassed and misidentified as “Withholding Agents” --- British Merchant Marine Warrant Officers, in charge of collecting “gift and estate taxes”—from their own presumed-to-exist Dead Baby ESTATE, created by the Municipal Government in the first place as part of The Dead Baby Scam. The date for the end of the hostilities which was supposed to mark the end of the collection of the Victory Tax is clearly marked at the beginning of Title 50. p. All of the taxes that were collected after that date in September 1945 from Americans who signed up to pay the Victory Tax and who were not directly employed by either the Territorial United States military government, nor by the Municipal Government, were collected under conditions of knowing constructive fraud; even worse, these Americans were again deliberately misidentified as Dual Citizens under obligation to serve both the foreign British Territorial United States Government and the Pope’s Municipal United States Government, when in fact they were never actually Federal Citizens at all and under no such obligations. These gallant “volunteers” were repaid with vicious continued taxation, vicious false arrest, and vicious seizure of their private assets under conditions of fraud, deceit, and violent racketeering by members of the Bar Associations and IRS employees. q. The IRS and the “Courts” being operated by the Bar Associations are all operating under color of law on our shores; they are all private and foreign entities that should not be here and should not be operating in these capacities at all, misrepresenting themselves as being some part of our lawful government, when in fact they are all nothing but federal subcontractors that are supposed to be limiting their activities to serving actual federal citizens and dealing only with stipulated federal issues. vii. The Life Insurance Fraud – Life Force Value Annuities In addition to all the other dis-service that the British Government and the Popes have provided to this country and its people via the gross, deliberate mis-administration of their functions as Federal Subcontractors, they additionally contrived to insure their surreptitiously and falsely claimed property, by taking out life insurance policies on all the Dead Babies – in the form of Bottomry Bonds placed on the bogus Dead Baby ESTATES. The British Government colluded with the Government of Ottawa and its Governor to “subsume” all the Dead Baby ESTATES into the bankruptcy of CANADA, and the Annuities generated when these ESTATES were collapsed (“died”) --- $950 trillion dollars-worth, were paid to Prince Philip as the presumed beneficiary. He resigned from Public Life two days later, in April of 2017, revealed to be the King Rat of King Rats. _______________________________________ And now this is what we have to say as the actual Americans who have officially returned to the land jurisdiction of our country and who are operating the actual States of the Union and our Federation of States called The United States of America, which is Unincorporated: We wish for every Municipal COURT including the US TAX COURT, which is improperly operating outside the District of Columbia to be permanently shut down, immediately, and all CRIS Accounts associated with these COURTS to be seized and held pending disposition to the rightful owners; We wish for all members of the Bar Associations to be re-educated about these issues and for all Circuit Courts to be fully informed and strictly limited and subjected to oversight when issuing Dead Letters of Administration; we wish for drastic reform and re-education of the Territorial Courts as well, so as to ensure compliance with international law and an end to pillaging; We wish for the immediate worldwide recognition of our lawful government as the only government that has any right, reason, or ability to control the affairs of the actual United States in international affairs; We wish for the cessation of all corporate hostilities whatsoever, and the for the immediate dismantling of The Dead Baby Scam, the release of all our medical professionals who are not working directly for the military from any obligation of conscription or coercive licensing, and the correction of all our records to reflect that fact that we are not “dead”, not federal Dual Citizens, not Enemies of anyone, not responsible for any of this deplorable criminality exercised in our names, and not offering to serve in any capacity but that of the lawful government of this country and the Priority Creditors of the US National Debt; We wish for all actual Americans who are not currently working directly for the federal government in the military or Federal Civil Service, to reclaim their birthright political status by public declaration and by joining our actual State Assemblies and for the U.S. Department of Defense/DOD to: (1) issue proper international identification cards identifying these Americans as State Citizens and/or State Nationals who are non-combatant civilians owed The Law of Peace by the military and owed every jot of the guarantees afforded their States under the federal constitutions; (2) issue credit cards directly attached to their unblocked credit accounts to execute Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges to offset the US National Debt using the American National Credit that is owed to each and every one of them; (3) work with our State Assemblies remove the private property of these Americans from all public tax rolls and permanently return the freehold land patent to their possession; (5) shut down all registration activities affecting land and land assets in this country—all of which must be recorded, not registered; We wish for a cessation of all talk of transfer of our wealth to Third World countries upon the premise that our assets are “abandoned assets” and an end of any presumption that the Municipal “Civil” ---not “Civilian” Government had any right or authority to transfer any aspect of our government to the administration of the United Nations nor any justification to create the Dead Baby ESTATES and DERIVATIVES attached to our Given Names, either. These are all criminal activities recognized under the Geneva Conventions and they carry the death penalty should anyone wish to raise their hand and continue these practices--- let them be well-advised; We wish for it to be recognized that the British Crown and Government of Westminster in particular, has been operated as a crime syndicate on our shores and worldwide, as has the Roman Catholic Church which has been used as a storefront by criminals, as has the Municipal Government of Great Britain, as has the Municipal United States Government, the British Territorial United States Government, the various subsidiaries including CANADA and the Territorial Governments, including the Office of the Governor of Ottawa; We wish for Prince Philip and the Governor of Ottawa to be prosecuted for the return of all Life Force Value Annuities owed to the natural heirs, including the multi-generational heirs actually owed these Annuities; We wish for the entire world to wise up and realize that money and credit are commodities like rice or pork bellies and that these commodities no less than all the others have been commandeered and manipulated via commodity rigging schemes cooked up by the World Bank and the various “Territorial” Governments --- that is, commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services under subcontracts to actual governments --- including the creation of the Exchange Stabilization Fund, the London Gold and Silver Exchanges, the Shanghai Exchange, the various other Stock and Commodity Exchanges, and the grossly mis-managed Securities and Exchange Commission organizations worldwide; We wish for the entire world to realize that the all the nastiness done in our names was in fact done and ordered by British Territorial Citizens and Roman Municipal Denizens, acting as “US citizens” ---working for corporations and institutions which have been criminally mismanaged and misdirected ever since this plague of deceit and criminality was started under the reign of Queen Victoria when she sold out the British Working Class by “enfranchising” them and their assets as chattels to back the Raj in India and to promote herself as Empress of India; We wish for all of you hearing and/or reading this to realize the gravity of the situation and the fact that any GCR will immediately reveal the manipulation that has been readily available all this time, the arbitrary nature of that manipulation of world money supplies and currencies, and the grotesque fault of the bankers and the politicians which has resulted in so much misery and violence for no good reason; We wish for a gentle re-seeding of the world markets and believe that this can be adequately accomplished at a micro-economic level simply by converting the debt system to a credit system, allowing people to exercise the Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions they were always owed, shutting down The Dead Baby Scam and seizing back the so-called “Legacy Trusts” from the administration of bank administrators who have falsely claim that these are abandoned assets; We have already seen what happens when we leave things to the discretion of members of the Bar Associations and other bankers. We wish for an end of their hegemony and respect for the Titles of Nobility Amendment made to The Constitution for the united States of America in all dealings regarding us, our property, our courts, and our day-to-day lives until this entire business is brought to a conclusion and all our Judicial Courts are returned to service; We wish for the realization that the Legacy Trusts are for the benefit of living, breathing people, including the lawful heirs and the intended beneficiaries---not corporations; also, they are not “abandoned property” to be divvied up among cronies to promote political agendas, to buy protection from government contractors, or to otherwise be abused and mischaracterized as public trusts, subject to legal chicanery and to being siphoned off under conditions of fraud, False Claims, and deceit. The final point that I wish to make solely in my unique capacity is that we have to let go of the old, before we can embrace the new. If your hands are full of blessings that belong to someone else, you can’t have the peace and joy of knowing and enjoying your own. It is apparent that there is far more than enough in terms of resources to wipe out poverty, to provide abundant food and water, to educate everyone on this planet and build a marvelous future ---- but only if we give up the false assumptions that have been fostered under the Roman Church’s Doctrine of Scarcity and only if we embrace our true birthright and standing. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com The America States Assembly Weekly webinar. Learn and grow with us as we restore our lawful government with Peace and Love.
![]() By Anna Von Reitz The American People still exist. We have been set-upon and robbed by our employees, both the British-controlled "US" military, and the Pope's Federal Civil Service have participated in these crimes against the innocent civilian populace of our country. They have knowingly and with malice aforethought made false claims in commerce against us, against our property assets, and against our good names. Instead of aiding us and giving us full disclosure of the circumstance following the end of hostilities in their Civil War, the guilty perpetrators have usurped upon the lawful government and established a criminal system of white color fraud to fund their operations on our shores. We have suffered identity theft, theft of our property interests, and gross mis-administration of a totally unnecessary and gratuitous military "protectorate" that should be better termed at the highest levels as a gang of mercenary thugs and thieves. We have been betrayed additionally, by an usurping Municipal Civil Service, which has served itself to our detriment. Both have acted in Breach of Trust and violation of their commercial service contracts. They have made false claims in commerce against us and committed fraud upon our courts, granted themselves letters of administration related to bogus estates purportedly belonging to us, after cobbling up excuses for misidentifying our fetal afterbirth material as a "living person" and attaching our Given Names to it, and forming these estates in the first place under conditions of fraud and non-disclosure and deceit. These criminal outrages against the American People at the hands of their own employees have been exercised under purportedly "delegated powers", yet we have never directed our employees to set up any such system and have not authorized any such claims as they are making against us or anyone else. In fact, the protection of our "Persons"--- is a primary obligation and mandate and condition of their employment contracts known as "The Constitution of the United States of America" and "The Constitution of the United States", respectively. Both have contrived to evade their obligations and responsibilities and to grossly glut and benefit themselves via unconscionable usurpation against their trusting employers. Worse, they have extended this "system of governance" throughout the world, and secretively substituted their commercial corporations and franchises thereof for the actual lawful governments people are owed. The only thing allowing them to succeed in this monstrous enterprise, is our ignorance, our lack of awareness of what they have done and are doing, and our unknowing support in the form of allowing them to conscript our labor and other resources to make war and carry on their additional parasitic activities. This is not the will or desire of the American People, who have been victimized by the Queen, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor of London, along with everyone else. We wish you to observe that the "US" is not America. We wish you to cease and desist blaming America for this state of affairs. We are not the perpetrators. We are the victims. Please do whatever you can do to spread the word, increase public awareness, educate those who need to overcome the false indoctrination they have received, and support the effort to expose and dismantle this cruel and criminal enterprise for what it is. Our Living Law Firm and other organizations we support are making the effort to exercise the Public Law and the International Law to recover from this situation, as well as making a major educational and organizational effort aimed at both ends of the Public Employee Spectrum---- from the lowest paid clerk to the Principals responsible. These people are taking their paychecks from our pockets, the bread from our mouths, and we are living in fear of our own employees. Think about that. They are operating in our country as purported "service organizations" and they are using our money and our natural resources and our labor to prepare concentration camps for us. They have spent billions of dollars charged against our own assets on "resettlement" camps. They have bought and distributed billions of rounds of ammunition and railroad trains full of guillotines and guns to Municipal Government Agencies --- BLM, FBI, FEMA, BATF, and so on, in anticipation of staging yet another "Civil War" on our soil, in flagrant violation of their contracts with us and all that is holy. Please help us tear aside the curtain of ignorance and blind trust that has allowed these monsters to so far progress toward their aims of enslaving and controlling the entire Earth for their benefit at the expense of everyone else. The people behind this are literally parasites that eat into their hosts and deplete them in the same way that all parasites do. They gained a foothold in America a hundred and fifty years ago and used this as their Base Camp to deploy worldwide. Now they are trying --- as all parasites eventually must --- to find a new home and new hosts in China. They will simply do the same thing again --- use the Chinese people as gun fodder, starve them and siphon off the value of their labor, steal "title" to their land and even to their children, and engage in the same criminality again. It's time for this to end and for the people of the world to recognize the true source and nature of the evil that has brought our Earth to the edge of destruction: lies. This all based on lies and fantasies, on symbols, and on propaganda. It has no meaning -- or value -- apart from what they contrive to make us believe that it has. Look at the "money" in your pocket. Pieces of paper. Look at the obligations of your religions. Are you free? Are you happy? Do you even remember what that might mean? Yet, that is what your Creator intended for you -- that you should be free and happy. Where is the life, where is the dynamic, where is the fulfillment, where is the true value? All gone. All siphoned off and denigrated, adulterated and perverted by these criminals. It's time to cast off the illusions and the false claims and the false beliefs. It's time to join together in a worldwide self-defense, to overwhelm and defeat the Father of All Lies---- and his minions, once and for all. Truth is our sword and our armor. Truth is the means to overcome, but it is not easy to discern what is true, because we have been indoctrinated to believe lies our entire lives. Please help us in whatever way you can. Pray for us. Spread the word for us. Send money if you can. David meets Goliath every day on the field of this battle. I am still the Paymaster and Chief Bottle Washer. I use your PayPal donations and checks and money orders as best I can to help support our research and our non-Bar lawyers and Paralegals by paying at least some of the expenses associated with our activities --- nobody gets a salary. We are all volunteers, but your donations help with emergencies, travel expenses, supplies, and in some cases, light bills and food. The addresses are: Paypal at [email protected] and Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. Bless all who help put an end to the Kingdom of Lies. Bless all who help in any way. It isn't possible for me to reply to every letter, question, or donation. There isn't time or staffing available, so I plod forward and remember you all in my heart of hearts. We are gaining on them. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com The America States Assembly Weekly webinar. Learn and grow with us as we restore our lawful government with Peace and Love.
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