![]() By Anna Von Reitz As we have taught and observed since the beginning, there were three (3) Federal Subcontractors operating under three (3) separate Constitutions -- an American Subcontractor, a British Subcontractor, and a Holy Roman Empire Subcontractor. All of these Subcontractors were staffed and operated by Federal Citizens. The American Subcontractor was staffed by United States Citizens, as defined by 2 USC 253, Chapter 28, Subsection 1. The British and HRE Subcontractors were defined within the Constitutions themselves, and so, their political status is attached to and defined by and only exists so long as their Constitutions stand. See Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2 and Article 1, Section 3, Clause 3. From the very first, then, our American Federal Subcontractor, known as the Federal Republic, was staffed by Americans who claimed their birthright identity as State Nationals, but additionally qualified under 2 USC 253, to perform as Federal United States Citizens. This is known as Dual Citizenship, where one person owes citizenship obligations to two (2) body politics and two governments at the same time. Americans are either (1) State Nationals, or (2) State Citizens, one or the other, no wishy-washy. We don't recognize Dual Citizenship at all. From our perspective, Federal United States Citizens are State Nationals of the State they were born in and are accountable to our country and our government via State Public Law. But from the Federal standpoint, Americans can be Dual Citizens, and have to act as Dual Citizens, if they are going to work for the Federal Government. That includes the Federal Republic. So Federal Republic United States Citizens are Americans who are State Nationals protected under the Constitutions as State Nationals, but they are additionally under obligation to serve the Federal Republic in foreign international and global jurisdictions. For example, you might be a New York State National serving as a Federal United States Citizen, and those two political identities would together define your Dual Citizenship as a Federal Republic Employee operating under The Constitution for the united States of America.. As British Territorial Government Employee, you would also be a Dual Citizen, but one of your political status obligations would be to the government of Great Britain, and the other would be to the Territorial United States Government operating under The Constitution of the United States of America. Ditto with respect to the Municipal United States Government and its Employees --- one citizenship obligation would be to the Holy Roman Empire, and the other to the Municipal Government of the United States operating under The Constitution of the United States. Our American Federal Republic ceased operating in 1860, as a result of its oversight and funding being disrupted by the Secession of the Southern State-of -State Governments from the original Confederation. There is no British Federal Republic. There is no Municipal Federal Republic. In recent years things have gotten so slack that members of the Municipal Congress have been allowed to choose other citizenships --- for example, a Senator could choose to act as a Municipal citizen of the United States and an Israeli citizen, or a Congresswoman could act as a Municipal citizen of the United States and a Libyan citizen. This has eroded any sense of loyalty to their Employers and sped the corruption of what is supposed to be "our" Federal Government, or to be more exact, to be "representing" our Federal Government ----because these people are no longer subject to any form of American Public Law. As Municipal citizens of the United States, they answer to the Pope. As citizens of China or Lebanon or Russia, they stand under the laws of their own adopted foreign countries. This same corruption is what has led to "Globalism" and it is really just another example of deceiving and defrauding the American people who voted for these monsters in Good Faith, assuming that these foreign Vermin were their own long-lost American Federal Republic Congress---- and would be operating under the same laws and constraints as their Federal Congress. Fraud vitiates everything under Roman Civil Law, and the Pope is obligated to shut these Vermin down. They are his responsibility. He has owned them as slaves and not only must he set them free upon discovery of the Great Fraud, he must see to the arrest of the criminals among them who have committed such outrageous crimes against humanity and against The Constitution of the United States. As for the British Territorial Government, they are messing around seeking shelter from the storm they helped create, and are now proposing to pass themselves off as our long-lost American Federal Republic. What they need to do is to turn the reins back over to the actual Federation of States, which is the only entity on Earth with the power and provenance and the prior-established right to save their bacon. They should all come clean and come home instead of fooling around trying to establish a "new" republic for themselves; as British Territorial Citizens they have no right to issue gold or silver money and cannot create any new republic for themselves based on our credit. Their only way forward is for the American-born employees of "the" United States of America (under whatever name they are now calling their corporation-- I think it's "The Republic of The United States"--Inc.) to come home, adopt their American State National political status as half of their Dual Citizenship, re-charter, and operate under The Constitution for the united States of America. There is no safety elsewhere, because of the Great Fraud, and because of the Operation of Law that returns all delegated powers to the Delegator upon Breach of Trust or incompetence or failure to perform. Our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America has offered a port in the storm, but under our terms. They have to stand under our Public Law while operating on our land, must honorably perform according to our Federal Constitution, and must accept the obligations of Federal United States Citizens as half of their Dual Citizenship. Then they can claim to have a valid association with us and can function under our oversight as an instrumentality of the American Government and can operate under The Constitution for the united States of America. Not otherwise. It seems that they have recently realized their numerous mistakes and in desperation are trying to front a "Second Declaration of Independence" -- but as we pointed out, Territorial United States Citizens don't have a political status related to us in the absence of a Constitution, and if they attempt to adopt a "Second" Declaration of Independence, they instantly lose all that was won under The Declaration of Independence. They become rebels and renegades, stateless and homeless, starting over from Ground Zero, recognizable as international pirates---- and we will still have all our rights and prerogatives intact. If they want to enjoy the gains that our Forefathers made in The War of Independence, they will have to come home. It is past time for the so-called White Hats to talk to the actual people of this country and to our much-betrayed international government, which is, as ever, our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BEING AMERICAN AND BEING A U.S. CITIZENThe American States Assemblies
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
By Anna Von Reitz I have had several people contact me all excited and upset because some woman calling herself "Virgo Triad" is all over the internet saying I am a fake. Fine. Here is an object lesson in what I am trying to teach. 1. Why would you trust a nameless, faceless "voice" on YouTube and give them any credibility at all? I listened to one of her broadcasts and she was just blithering rumors and gossip like "Katie Courier" before her. 2. And why trust a nameless, faceless person calling herself "Virgo Triad"? Virgo star constellation? Triad -- name of Oriental gangs? Hello? The Virgo star constellation is the home of the "Doctrine of Scarcity". If you want to continue to suffer and go without things you need, that's where you want to go. All Masochists please form a line.... and Triads? You listen to Japanese and/or Chinese gangs as regular news sources? But she doesn't sound Oriental. She sounds like a confused Midwestern housewife in over her head. 3. And if I am a fake and impersonating a judge, openly, flagrantly, for four years running now --- why is it that I am still here, still running my court? Uh-duh...... The obvious answer is that I do know what I am talking about, my interpretation of jurisdictional issues is correct, and what I am teaching you all is correct, too. If I wasn't exactly who I am and doing what I say I am, I'd be in jail like a great many others who have visited federal "correctional facilities" before me. The other obvious answer is that certain parties are desperate to slow down the onrushing mass Exodus from their jurisdiction, because it means they can no longer play pirate and loot and pillage as they please, can no longer control and tax and harass as they please. Our leaving their jurisdiction also hastens the day when their heinous crimes are brought to justice. What "triad" wouldn't want to slow down that outcome? Please, we must learn to logically evaluate information and information sources and apply logic and discernment to what is being presented. If I dismiss clearly identified "Talking Heads" who show their faces on the major news channels, why would I pay any attention to the same kind of "Talking Head" embedding herself as a mysterious "anonymous" news source? Remember what I told you about the "Press Corps" and the military controlling all the media in this country since World War II. Some of these "agencies" have been taught to think of us as "the Enemy" and that controlling and harassing and misleading and defrauding us is their JOB. Think about that for fifteen minutes. And then realize that you have been paying for this "service"----on top of it. Next time you have to deal with an aggressive nasty public employee of any stripe, rear back, look them in the eye and say, "I am not the "Enemy" and you are not the "Employer" -- I am. Now that we have that straightened out, what is the problem you are trying to address?' Keep placing the plainly observable facts and logic of things in front of people ---things as simple as who is paying who's paycheck? Am I a Warrant Officer in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service--also known as a "Withholding Agent"? Really? Is it proper to coerce anyone to file false statements under penalty of perjury--- such as claiming to be a Withholding Agent when I know for sure that I'm not one? And if "Judge Anna" isn't a Judge--- (1) why is she claiming to be and acting as one, since this is not exactly a "fun job" to be doing without pay, and (2) how is it that she is still on duty after four (4) years of --- purportedly --- impersonating a judge??? I just published the facts about these "Courts" not being Courts and the "Judges" not having degrees in law or Oaths of Office, often not even having a working knowledge of law, because they are in fact just specialized bill collectors in charge of plundering and pillaging bogus public trusts for foreign interests. So the irony is that I am one of the very few actual Justices (national soil jurisdiction) or Judges (international land jurisdiction) left in this country and all the actual fake judges and their sycophants are confused and complaining. Go figure. People like me signal the end of their Gravy Train. And we are pleased and proud that this is so. ---------------------------- See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com Judge Anna Von Reitz has been working for decades to understand and educate others on the legal structure of the American Government. She believes that "If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, lack of full disclosure, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions." http://www.annavonreitz.com/ Are You New To This Information? Get Up To Speed Fast! Read...PRINTED PAPERBACK "You Know Something is Wrong When...An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" Printed Paperback book 275 pages from Amazon at this link. About $23 Get it Here at Amazon Ebook from Amazon "You Know Something is Wrong When...An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" EBook for Kindle or your Android device. Only $2.99 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CLRQG9I#nav-subnav PRINTED PAPERBACK "Disclosure 101: What You Need to Know" This is a compilation of some of Anna's earlier writings. Paperback book from Amazon About $17 Disclosure 101 For the Bar Members to See and Know--- And Everyone Else, Too Bombshell: |
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People – You Must Learn From Your Mistakes
Suddenly there are all these “offers” — the so-called M1 “Prosperity Bonds” and now “Treasury Direct Accounts”. Remember the Trojan Horse and Esau’s bowl of porridge. By accepting these offers you don’t know what you are giving up. You are doing precisely the same thing your parents did– signing up for things and obligating yourselves without knowing the consequences.
Just STOP.
You have just been set free. Don’t run in willy-nilly and entrap yourselves again.
And don’t give away the birthright that has been won back for you.
This kind of “assumption” and private contracting process is what got you and your country into trouble in the first place.
You are dealing with snake oil salesmen. Be aware of that! I have tried to teach you Truth from Lies and the dangers of assuming anything– so turn on your Shinola Sensors High Alert.
I have not read the M1 Bonds but I can tell you that the organizations backing them have an evil history and that bonds by their nature are almost always debt instruments. You do NOT want to bond yourself in exchange for service or money or any other thing.
I haven’t gotten to the bottom of the Treasury Direct Accounts either, but they appear to be for federal employees and dependents and NOT for birthright Americans.
It is possible that the TD Accounts may be used as a vehicle for all Americans to receive back the trust funds that are owed to them, but it is also possible that this is just another bowl of porridge scam designed to trick you into foreign citizenship and servitude and offering to pay you only a slaves’ portion in exchange for your whole inheritance.
Remember –these are all the same organizations that set up the Great Fraud. These are all the same parties that created the Breach of Trust that led to this situation. They had already planned to kill off their Creditors by the millions to enrich themselves and leave only slaves to serve their needs– a Fourth Reich Nazi-Style government complete with Death Camps.
Knowing that you must also know that you cannot just “trust” these organizations and foreign governments to give you anything but more chicanery.
Let us deal with them and nail all details down BEFORE signing ANYTHING.

You are the heir of a vast fortune, but you were never told about it.
Instead, your own employees kidnapped you to a foreign land and sold you into slavery. All your life you have worked and paid taxes and mortgages and utility bills you never owed.
The perpetrators of this scheme flourished and multiplied and grew fat from their misuse of your credit and your assets.
Billions of people have labored under their yoke. They are all owed remedy and recompense.
Now, the perps have tried to enter you and your assets into a giant worldwide bankruptcy. They have pretended not to know who you are.
They have pretended that instead of being a Priority Creditor, you are a chattel property backing their own debts.
They have offered to have “YOUR” debts — which you never owed in the first place — discharged in the giant bankruptcy.
Taking advantage of that “Treasury Direct Account” at this point leaves you listed as a bankrupt indentured servant, and it leaves them still in control, still acting as your Creditors, still siphoning off all the benefit of your labor and your land and everything else.
It’s time to change that.
There is another way to have all those debts discharged. When you “return home” to the land and soil of the state where you were born, they have to give you back your estate free and clear and fully restored.
You are the actual landlord.
You are the Priority Creditor of their bankruptcy.
You are the Paramount Security Interest Holder.
And they are disloyal, crooked employees who have drunk your wine, paid themselves your rents, and enslaved you under color of law.
(1) Get the bogus debts discharged in bankruptcy using the offered “Treasury Direct Accounts” and give up your claim to your birthright and be a bankrupt indentured servant the rest of your days…… and your children after you.
(2) Or, get the bogus debts discharged AND reclaim back your land and labor and name and everything else, too. Stand up now or there will never be another chance to reclaim your birthright and force the rats to run like cockroaches in a bright light.
Your choice.
The Living Law Firm needs help to do this. We made the initial claim in behalf of the American states and people on June 29, 2017 and we are prosecuting it.
The PayPal is: [email protected].
The mailing address is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
Just as I told you about the “M1 Prosperity Bonds” being another trick, the Treasury Direct Account is also another trick at this point, because it creates the legal presumption that you are subject to their bankruptcy and leaves you at the mercy of Secondary Creditors, when you are in fact the Priority Creditor.
Until we negotiate this and get it straightened out, boycott the Treasury Direct Account offer and tell all your friends and neighbors what it means and what is going on.
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Judge Anna Von Reitz
Judicial Notice Of Claim On 29 June 2017 Extension 2016 015862 0
Judicial Notice Of Claim On 29 June 2017 - Extension 2016-015862-0
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Justice Anna Von Reitz
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"Power To Sell" The Latest Land Grab
"Power To Sell" -- The Latest Land Grab
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Restore Lawful Government
Restoring American Government
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Restoring Lawful Government
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Secondary Creditors
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So It Ends.....
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Sovereignty - Forming Jural Assemblies
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SSN Numbers
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State Assembly Courts
State Court
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Straw Man
Structure Of The Original Government BEING Retred
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Tax Processing Centers
“Tax Processing Centers” — Public Warning Notice — Demand For Action
TDA Accounts - Not For Americans
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Territorial Governments Chapter 11
Territorial United States
Territorial United States Government
The Actual American Government
The American Courts
The American People
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The American States Assemblies
The American States Assembly
The Articles Of Confederation
The Bar Association And US Democracy
The Big Con
The British Back Door And Our Claims
The Capacity Of State Nationals And State Citizens
The Controllers - How They Have Ruled
The Courts Aren't Courts
The Dead Baby Scam
The De Facto Gov Illusion
The Dick Act
The Greart American Lies
The Great Depression
The Great Fraud
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The Indemnity Bond And Court Process -- Step By Step
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The Living Law Firm
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The Only Lawful American Government
The Paradigm Project
The Principle Of Substitution
The Queen
The Top Ten Articles For Rapid Assistance
The Top Ten Articles For Rapid Assistance By Anna Von Rietz
The United States Of America
The United States Of America — Our Unincorporated Federation Of States
The United States Of America — Our Unincorporated Federation Of States
"the US" Is Not America
The Value Of Money - US Notes - Federal Reserve Notes
To Pope Francis: No Deal.
To The Governor Of Ottawa: It’s Too Late
Treasury Department
Treasury Direct Accounts
Trespassers - Pirates - Outlaws
True Americans
Understanding Habeas Corpus
Unincorporated Federation Of States
United Nations Corporation And Its Franchises
United States Hijacked
United States Of America
United States Of America (Unincorporated)
United States Treasury
Unlawful Conversion Of Our Lawful Person
Update On Living Law Firm Progress
Urban Trust Assets
Urgent Information For Political Candidates
Urgent Notice To All Americans
"U.S. Citizen". Indentity Theft
U.S. Citizens Are Not Americans
U.S. Citizens Are Subject To The Queen
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Usurping Government
Vaccine - Mask Mandates Cannot Apply
Vatican Bank
Virgo Triad
Wake Up Beijing
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Washington DC
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We Are Being Railroaded Under "Martial Common Law"
We Are Not Deceived
WEF Globalist
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What Happened To Our Government?
What Is Really Law
What Is Sovereignty?
What Is The Identity Trap?
What You Need To Know Right Now
White Hat Message
White House Office
Who Or What Is In Control Of The "Federal Government"?
William Gladstone
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You Are A Child Of God
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Your Identity Was Stolen
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