By Anna Von Reitz It has come to our attention that the remaining Federal Subcontractors, two parent Municipal corporations inhabiting the District of Columbia, have contracted with each other. Those representing the Municipal United States Government have contracted with the Territorial United States Government such that Joe Biden is proposing to act as the President of the United States of America, while basing his office and authority on The Constitution of the United States. This represents a basic usurpation of power reserved for the States and people of this country, and the creation of a conflict of interest to which we, the Delegators of all Delegated Powers, object. It was never intended, inferred, implied, or allowed by any Federal Constitution that Federal Subcontractors would contract with each other, as separate entities, for services for themselves. This leads to a situation in which the parent Municipal conglomerate generally spoken of as "the United States" incorporated has hired the Territorial service provider we created for our own uses, to provide itself with military services for hire. So, the United States, Inc., has purchased the services of the United States of America, Inc., for its own protection, which potentially places both corporations at odds with their actual employers and priority creditors. This is staging, via conflict of interest not allowed by our contracts with either service provider, to create a civil war in this country -- at the hands of our employees. We object to any such commingling of Municipal and Territorial roles and interests, especially any such commingling by contract that could confuse the allegiances of both Service Providers and lead to armed conflict on our shores. Our public employees at all levels, Federal, State, and State-of-State, are meant to serve us and our States and our interests, not their own. We pay them for their service, not their self-interest. We see Joe Biden's offer to function as the President of the United States of America (the Territorial Presidential Office) under the auspices of The Constitution of the United States, as a blatant affront to our constitutional system of government. Federal Subcontractors exist as a result of three (3) separate constitutional contracts and wield enumerated delegated powers when these separate contracts are fulfilled; absent that, there is no basis for these corporations to exist and nothing for them to do. If the entire reason for these District Corporations to exist is to fleece their employers, and usurp powers never granted to them, we can hire the mafia instead and get a better deal and more performance. It has also come to our attention that in an effort to promote legitimacy for the U.S. Armed Forces, all members of such Armed Forces are now technically considered Naval Officers and Enlisted. This, too, has no authority or basis in custom or Law, and has been used to try to paper over the fact that our own military has been unlawfully converted into a mercenary force and misdirected by the same Parties responsible for trying to redefine the American Armed Forces as an Auxiliary Force of the U.S. Navy under the command of his Royal Britannic Majesty. We object to these manipulations and "redefinitions" as the lawful government of this country in International Jurisdiction, and as the Principals and Inheritors of the Constitutions, which are stipulated and explicit Service Contracts that limit the role of His Britannic Majesty to that of a Trustee on the High Seas and Inland Waterways. Also with respect to these changes in the Service Contracts made without our knowledge or ratification, and deemed to exist only on the basis of acquiescence, we object to the proliferation and use of Admiralty/Maritime Courts on dry land, and their pernicious misuse to address our people under the force of an illegal and immoral quasi-military (mercenary) occupation of our country by the British Crown Corporation. The grant of all power over American Admiralty and Maritime matters was granted to the Federal Republic under the auspices of The Constitution for the united States of America (1787), and upon the dissolution/incapacity of the Federal Republic, returned by Operation of Law to the Delegator and Grantor of those powers, our Federation of States. It did not magically devolve upon any Trusteeship of his Britannic Majesty. The Constitution for the united States of America (meaning the Federal Republic and the 1787 Constitution) grants to the Federal Government (again meaning the Federal Republic) "all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction". In the absence of the States of America (our Confederation of States) and in the absence of the Federal Republic, the powers delegated to them return to the Delegator, our Federation of States doing business as the unincorporated United States of America, not to the British Territorial version doing business as "the United States of America, Incorporated". This usurpation of power based on a similar names deceit and widespread efforts on the part of the Perpetrators of these crimes to keep the substitution secret as a matter of their own separate "National Security", has run its course. We do not intend for our run-amok British Territorial and Roman Subcontractors to continue operating in this criminal and unaccountable manner, based on our purported absence and equally purported acquiescence to their every whim. His Royal Britannic Majesty is owed no trusteeship on land and the British Territorial Government has no basis in fact to claim any such position or authority with respect to our States; likewise, these Parties have no excuse for their usurpation upon our grant of power to other, former, Federal Subcontractors, allowing them to come in and run our courts of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction. The situation would be analogous to hiring Joe American to mow the lawn, and upon Joe being injured, having a foreigner named Jose show up and take over his job, with nobody being the wiser. This might be amenable to the extent that Jose fulfills the vacated contract with honor and keeps his nose to the grindstone, but is certainly not acceptable when he does not. This is precisely the situation we face here and to which we are objecting as a matter of international contract; we do not have a contract with His Britannic Majesty to operate our courts of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction. Over decades of gradually increasing corruption, these courts have been weaponized to pillage and plunder innocent Americans and an entire registration and impersonation scheme has been developed to support False Presumption of Admiralty and Maritime occupations and activities on land, so as to unnaturally subject these same Americans both to the British Crown and the Monarch operating, as ever, as an Overseer for the Holy Roman Empire. We are not deceived and we are standing in honor, as the Delegator of all delegated powers, demanding that our Federation of States is the lawful and legal inheritor of all grants of power over cases in admiralty and maritime. As a matter of international and commercial law, both the Government of Westminster and His Britannic Majesty have had their filthy paws in our business and have been corrupting our courts and impersonating our people --- and have been keeping this secret from their employers, simply because this substitution scheme based on similar names, has been immensely profitable for them. We are calling upon the international community and upon the High Courts of the world, upon our own shanghaied military, and every man who has a conscience, to peaceably return American courts to American control, and return the incorporated Federal Subcontractors to their stipulated roles. Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America In care of: Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 April 12th 2024 ---------------------------- See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here: #4750. International Public Notice: Conflict of Interest and Our Objections To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.
By Anna Von Reitz As we have taught and observed since the beginning, there were three (3) Federal Subcontractors operating under three (3) separate Constitutions -- an American Subcontractor, a British Subcontractor, and a Holy Roman Empire Subcontractor. All of these Subcontractors were staffed and operated by Federal Citizens. The American Subcontractor was staffed by United States Citizens, as defined by 2 USC 253, Chapter 28, Subsection 1. The British and HRE Subcontractors were defined within the Constitutions themselves, and so, their political status is attached to and defined by and only exists so long as their Constitutions stand. See Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2 and Article 1, Section 3, Clause 3. From the very first, then, our American Federal Subcontractor, known as the Federal Republic, was staffed by Americans who claimed their birthright identity as State Nationals, but additionally qualified under 2 USC 253, to perform as Federal United States Citizens. This is known as Dual Citizenship, where one person owes citizenship obligations to two (2) body politics and two governments at the same time. Americans are either (1) State Nationals, or (2) State Citizens, one or the other, no wishy-washy. We don't recognize Dual Citizenship at all. From our perspective, Federal United States Citizens are State Nationals of the State they were born in and are accountable to our country and our government via State Public Law. But from the Federal standpoint, Americans can be Dual Citizens, and have to act as Dual Citizens, if they are going to work for the Federal Government. That includes the Federal Republic. So Federal Republic United States Citizens are Americans who are State Nationals protected under the Constitutions as State Nationals, but they are additionally under obligation to serve the Federal Republic in foreign international and global jurisdictions. For example, you might be a New York State National serving as a Federal United States Citizen, and those two political identities would together define your Dual Citizenship as a Federal Republic Employee operating under The Constitution for the united States of America.. As British Territorial Government Employee, you would also be a Dual Citizen, but one of your political status obligations would be to the government of Great Britain, and the other would be to the Territorial United States Government operating under The Constitution of the United States of America. Ditto with respect to the Municipal United States Government and its Employees --- one citizenship obligation would be to the Holy Roman Empire, and the other to the Municipal Government of the United States operating under The Constitution of the United States. Our American Federal Republic ceased operating in 1860, as a result of its oversight and funding being disrupted by the Secession of the Southern State-of -State Governments from the original Confederation. There is no British Federal Republic. There is no Municipal Federal Republic. In recent years things have gotten so slack that members of the Municipal Congress have been allowed to choose other citizenships --- for example, a Senator could choose to act as a Municipal citizen of the United States and an Israeli citizen, or a Congresswoman could act as a Municipal citizen of the United States and a Libyan citizen. This has eroded any sense of loyalty to their Employers and sped the corruption of what is supposed to be "our" Federal Government, or to be more exact, to be "representing" our Federal Government ----because these people are no longer subject to any form of American Public Law. As Municipal citizens of the United States, they answer to the Pope. As citizens of China or Lebanon or Russia, they stand under the laws of their own adopted foreign countries. This same corruption is what has led to "Globalism" and it is really just another example of deceiving and defrauding the American people who voted for these monsters in Good Faith, assuming that these foreign Vermin were their own long-lost American Federal Republic Congress---- and would be operating under the same laws and constraints as their Federal Congress. Fraud vitiates everything under Roman Civil Law, and the Pope is obligated to shut these Vermin down. They are his responsibility. He has owned them as slaves and not only must he set them free upon discovery of the Great Fraud, he must see to the arrest of the criminals among them who have committed such outrageous crimes against humanity and against The Constitution of the United States. As for the British Territorial Government, they are messing around seeking shelter from the storm they helped create, and are now proposing to pass themselves off as our long-lost American Federal Republic. What they need to do is to turn the reins back over to the actual Federation of States, which is the only entity on Earth with the power and provenance and the prior-established right to save their bacon. They should all come clean and come home instead of fooling around trying to establish a "new" republic for themselves; as British Territorial Citizens they have no right to issue gold or silver money and cannot create any new republic for themselves based on our credit. Their only way forward is for the American-born employees of "the" United States of America (under whatever name they are now calling their corporation-- I think it's "The Republic of The United States"--Inc.) to come home, adopt their American State National political status as half of their Dual Citizenship, re-charter, and operate under The Constitution for the united States of America. There is no safety elsewhere, because of the Great Fraud, and because of the Operation of Law that returns all delegated powers to the Delegator upon Breach of Trust or incompetence or failure to perform. Our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America has offered a port in the storm, but under our terms. They have to stand under our Public Law while operating on our land, must honorably perform according to our Federal Constitution, and must accept the obligations of Federal United States Citizens as half of their Dual Citizenship. Then they can claim to have a valid association with us and can function under our oversight as an instrumentality of the American Government and can operate under The Constitution for the united States of America. Not otherwise. It seems that they have recently realized their numerous mistakes and in desperation are trying to front a "Second Declaration of Independence" -- but as we pointed out, Territorial United States Citizens don't have a political status related to us in the absence of a Constitution, and if they attempt to adopt a "Second" Declaration of Independence, they instantly lose all that was won under The Declaration of Independence. They become rebels and renegades, stateless and homeless, starting over from Ground Zero, recognizable as international pirates---- and we will still have all our rights and prerogatives intact. If they want to enjoy the gains that our Forefathers made in The War of Independence, they will have to come home. It is past time for the so-called White Hats to talk to the actual people of this country and to our much-betrayed international government, which is, as ever, our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BEING AMERICAN AND BEING A U.S. CITIZENThe American States AssembliesBy Anna Von Reitz The actual civilian government of this country has been operating continuously since the Civil War, but it took a quantum leap forward in 1998 and has been more active than ever before in the intervening years and is now running in tandem with everything else that is going on. In July of 2014, the Joint Chiefs received the first General Civil Orders that any group of Generals has received since 1863. Those Orders directly from the Civilian Government, and delivered under our Seal, required them to address the threat of weaponization of Federal Agencies. The Municipal Government has set up more than 800 unauthorized internment camps, ordered 30,000 guillotines, and taken other obvious hostile actions clearly aimed at using Federal Civilian Service Employees as an Army on our shores. We objected and issued the Orders to the Joint Chiefs and notified the United Nations to neutralize that threat, which has largely been accomplished. Unfortunately, they have not yet honored our instruction to arrest members of the Municipal Congress as they trespass outside the original Washington, DC campus enclosed by Boundary Stones. Washington, DC, is an independent international city-state and within its specific boundaries, the members of Congress function as a separate government created under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17. Within the area circumscribed by the Boundary Stones they enjoy a plenary oligarchy intended to act as a simple government shared among the fiduciary officers of the states to operate as a "pleasant meeting ground" for all the State Congressional Delegations. What has happened, of course, is something else that was never intended by our Forefathers. In collusion with similar independent international city-states (all operating under the auspices of the Holy Roman Empire --- includes the Inner City of London, Vatican City, Washington, DC, New York, the United Nations and others) the members of this plenary oligarchy have waged commercial mercenary war against the Territorial Government for profit, and have committed gross treason and fraud against the people of this country. As a result, the Joint Chiefs have been under standing orders for the past five years to arrest the members of the Municipal Congress the moment they stray outside the Boundary Stones and place them under military custody arrest and take them to Fort Belvoir to be questioned and debriefed. The realities of the situation are to be explained to them and they are to be questioned to ascertain their knowledge or lack of knowledge regarding the nature of their own positions as political lobbyists masquerading as fiduciary deputies of our States of the Union and the details of the weaponization of the Federal Agencies and other matters of urgent importance. It it our further instruction that those who voluntarily accept the grave responsibility to actually act as Fiduciary Deputies in behalf of their States are to receive a new and binding contract to act in Good Faith under the Prudent Man Standard as Fiduciary Deputies of their home States and be taken to Philadelphia to conduct necessary business on an interim basis until Americans can be brought up to speed and new actual Public Elections can be held. Those who refuse are to be placed under formal arrest, charged with treason, inland piracy, and other crimes of state, transported off shore, and bound over for trial. It is to be anticipated that presented with the facts and the choices, most members of Congress will voluntarily come to heel, accept their actual intended jobs, and assist in restoring the lawful government owed to this country. It is also to be expected that when thus cornered and trapped, some die-hard communist and anarchist elements will choose to die. It's all the same to us. They are not being left in the dark or unfairly treated, but they are to be held to account. Meantime, in the background, we have conducted vast research --- and this is all volunteers, mind you --- to track down where all our purloined assets have been stashed offshore and in investment (slush) funds and asset bunkers all over the world. We have also sorted through quite a large number of "legacy trusts" --- often fraudulently constructed estate trusts based on the Dead Baby Scam --- which have been illegally seized upon under the same False Legal Presumptions. As we have described it for you, our Foreign Federal Subcontractors, both Municipal and Territorial, have been conducting a "cold" mercenary war on our shores for the last 150 years, without our knowledge. They have been deliberately misidentifying us and both sides have been claiming us as members of their bogus "armies" to facilitate various forms of fraud and other crimes against us ---- all aimed at conscripting us and confiscating our assets under color of law.. Various scams and schemes have been employed by both sides to do this, and they have gotten away with it simply because nobody but those responsible for the crimes have known what they were doing. This knowledge has been highly compartmentalized and sequestered on a "need to know" basis, with the result that even many high level people haven't had a clue as to what was really going on. Now we do know and now is the time to bring these matters forward for prompt and permanent resolution. Both the Municipal United States and the Territorial United States Corporations have been bankrupted or will be very shortly. Most other "corporate governments" operating at the Territorial and Municipal levels worldwide will also be bankrupted as a result. This, if left unattended, would result in widespread government shut downs affecting all sorts of government services across the board. Pensions and Public Assistance checks could not be paid, hospitals and fire stations would close, police and military units would have to function on a volunteer basis, and other violent disruptions would take place. Those who intended to be the receivers of these bankruptcies are crooks; they meant to let all this chaos, death, and destruction erupt, so that they would have far fewer creditors to pay off. We have a different plan. The United States of America ---- the Unincorporated Federation of States --- is alive and well. We are the Priority Creditors and also the Presumed-to-Be Donors of all these Public Trusts. We are putting the hammer down. This will result in the re-venue and lawful conversion of all the stolen and/or misdirected assets, the issuance of new currency, new banking laws, and new securities laws. The Financial Sector is due for radical reform, but not the kind of disruption the Enemies of Mankind have planned. In the days to come expect that new currency will be issued. Some additional startling, but not threatening announcements, will be made, helping to direct and assure the continued services people need and depend upon, and begin the process of issuing long overdue Earned Credit to individuals and families and local communities. Instead of giving back your own money as a "welfare benefit" and parceling it out and making working families pay for it all, we are calling it for what it is --- your Earned National Credit being returned to you, that is, credit that is already paid for and owed to you. The Specific General Orders require the General Staff and the Joint Chiefs to assist in securing our hard assets which have been squirreled away all over the world. If they continue to be insubordinate, they won't have a contract and they won't have money to operate. If they cooperate and assist, they will enjoy the blessings intended for everyone including them, and they will have plenty of new and more pleasant work to do. So that's the bottom line. This country is far, far from broke, and the same is true for most other countries throughout the world. Those countries that need new infrastructure will have abundant resources to do what they need to do and access to communications, sanitation, organic agriculture, clean water, education, and beneficial technologies will vastly expand throughout the Third World. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2000 others on Anna's website here: |
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz