Multiple Bankruptcies Involved
In case you haven’t noticed, ever since I began my public action in 2008, there have been successive bankruptcies of governmental services corporations and banks. This is a domino effect — that started with the bankruptcy of the Bank of England. They knew what was coming and beat for port. In 2015, Obama declared the UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy and shifted the debt burden from the individual phony (bankrupted) ESTATE TRUSTS – e.g., ROBERT DAVID STEELE, to the equally phony PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES — e.g., ROBERT D STEELE. The details of just one bankruptcy action related to the USA CORP in the Northern District of Florida is posted here: EBH CLUB – Empowering Better Humans — but that’s not even the tip of the iceberg. US CORP was shut down 1/19/2021. USA CORP shut down 1/7/2021. The bankruptcy for “the” UNITED STATES of AMERICA, Ltd., their most recent version of USA CORP was entered in London a year and a half ago. The Republic of The United States of America was the sole beneficiary. That’s why they are trying to shift their operations into our old Federal Republic, but as I pointed out, we aren’t going along with that without negotiation. Our Federal Republic is American, not British. And The United States of America that it belongs to is our unincorporated Federation of States, not some weird British Cult doing business as the Reign of the Heavens Society, Inc. We’ve had enough guile from the Brits to last several centuries and this latest punt isn’t going to wash. I will be restating this for public consumption a bit later in the day for my readers. So all these corporations are seeking bankruptcy protection thinking that that will save them, but the larger issue is the fact that they don’t have valid charters and therefore not only don’t have any right to claim bankruptcy protection — they don’t have any right to exist. From our standpoint, they either have to be returned to our custody, en masse, and administered under our public law— and re-chartered as American Corporations, or, they need to be liquidated and cease operations. Re-chartering them en masse is certainly the easier and less disruptive option. From the Robert David Steele blog Multiple Bankruptcies Involved In case you haven’t noticed, ever since I began my public action in 2008, there have been successive bankruptcies of governmental services corporations and banks. This is a domino effect — that started with the bankruptcy of the Bank of England. They knew what was coming and beat for port. In 2015, Obama declared the UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy and shifted the debt burden from the individual phony (bankrupted) ESTATE TRUSTS – e.g., ROBERT DAVID STEELE, to the equally phony PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES — e.g., ROBERT D STEELE. The details of just one bankruptcy action related to the USA CORP in the Northern District of Florida is posted here: EBH CLUB – Empowering Better Humans — but that’s not even the tip of the iceberg. US CORP was shut down 1/19/2021. USA CORP shut down 1/7/2021. The bankruptcy for “the” UNITED STATES of AMERICA, Ltd., their most recent version of USA CORP was entered in London a year and a half ago. The Republic of The United States of America was the sole beneficiary. That’s why they are trying to shift their operations into our old Federal Republic, but as I pointed out, we aren’t going along with that without negotiation. Our Federal Republic is American, not British. And The United States of America that it belongs to is our unincorporated Federation of States, not some weird British Cult doing business as the Reign of the Heavens Society, Inc. We’ve had enough guile from the Brits to last several centuries and this latest punt isn’t going to wash. I will be restating this for public consumption a bit later in the day for my readers. So all these corporations are seeking bankruptcy protection thinking that that will save them, but the larger issue is the fact that they don’t have valid charters and therefore not only don’t have any right to claim bankruptcy protection — they don’t have any right to exist. From our standpoint, they either have to be returned to our custody, en masse, and administered under our public law— and re-chartered as American Corporations, or, they need to be liquidated and cease operations. Re-chartering them en masse is certainly the easier and less disruptive option. From the Robert David Steele blog Multiple Bankruptcies Involved In case you haven’t noticed, ever since I began my public action in 2008, there have been successive bankruptcies of governmental services corporations and banks. This is a domino effect — that started with the bankruptcy of the Bank of England. They knew what was coming and beat for port. In 2015, Obama declared the UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy and shifted the debt burden from the individual phony (bankrupted) ESTATE TRUSTS – e.g., ROBERT DAVID STEELE, to the equally phony PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES — e.g., ROBERT D STEELE. The details of just one bankruptcy action related to the USA CORP in the Northern District of Florida is posted here: EBH CLUB – Empowering Better Humans — but that’s not even the tip of the iceberg. US CORP was shut down 1/19/2021. USA CORP shut down 1/7/2021. The bankruptcy for “the” UNITED STATES of AMERICA, Ltd., their most recent version of USA CORP was entered in London a year and a half ago. The Republic of The United States of America was the sole beneficiary. That’s why they are trying to shift their operations into our old Federal Republic, but as I pointed out, we aren’t going along with that without negotiation. Our Federal Republic is American, not British. And The United States of America that it belongs to is our unincorporated Federation of States, not some weird British Cult doing business as the Reign of the Heavens Society, Inc. We’ve had enough guile from the Brits to last several centuries and this latest punt isn’t going to wash. I will be restating this for public consumption a bit later in the day for my readers. So all these corporations are seeking bankruptcy protection thinking that that will save them, but the larger issue is the fact that they don’t have valid charters and therefore not only don’t have any right to claim bankruptcy protection — they don’t have any right to exist. From our standpoint, they either have to be returned to our custody, en masse, and administered under our public law— and re-chartered as American Corporations, or, they need to be liquidated and cease operations. Re-chartering them en masse is certainly the easier and less disruptive option. From the Robert David Steele blog Multiple Bankruptcies Involved In case you haven’t noticed, ever since I began my public action in 2008, there have been successive bankruptcies of governmental services corporations and banks. This is a domino effect — that started with the bankruptcy of the Bank of England. They knew what was coming and beat for port. In 2015, Obama declared the UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy and shifted the debt burden from the individual phony (bankrupted) ESTATE TRUSTS – e.g., ROBERT DAVID STEELE, to the equally phony PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES — e.g., ROBERT D STEELE. The details of just one bankruptcy action related to the USA CORP in the Northern District of Florida is posted here: EBH CLUB – Empowering Better Humans — but that’s not even the tip of the iceberg. US CORP was shut down 1/19/2021. USA CORP shut down 1/7/2021. The bankruptcy for “the” UNITED STATES of AMERICA, Ltd., their most recent version of USA CORP was entered in London a year and a half ago. The Republic of The United States of America was the sole beneficiary. That’s why they are trying to shift their operations into our old Federal Republic, but as I pointed out, we aren’t going along with that without negotiation. Our Federal Republic is American, not British. And The United States of America that it belongs to is our unincorporated Federation of States, not some weird British Cult doing business as the Reign of the Heavens Society, Inc. We’ve had enough guile from the Brits to last several centuries and this latest punt isn’t going to wash. I will be restating this for public consumption a bit later in the day for my readers. So all these corporations are seeking bankruptcy protection thinking that that will save them, but the larger issue is the fact that they don’t have valid charters and therefore not only don’t have any right to claim bankruptcy protection — they don’t have any right to exist. From our standpoint, they either have to be returned to our custody, en masse, and administered under our public law— and re-chartered as American Corporations, or, they need to be liquidated and cease operations. Re-chartering them en masse is certainly the easier and less disruptive option. From the Robert David Steele blog Multiple Bankruptcies Involved In case you haven’t noticed, ever since I began my public action in 2008, there have been successive bankruptcies of governmental services corporations and banks. This is a domino effect — that started with the bankruptcy of the Bank of England. They knew what was coming and beat for port. In 2015, Obama declared the UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy and shifted the debt burden from the individual phony (bankrupted) ESTATE TRUSTS – e.g., ROBERT DAVID STEELE, to the equally phony PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES — e.g., ROBERT D STEELE. The details of just one bankruptcy action related to the USA CORP in the Northern District of Florida is posted here: EBH CLUB – Empowering Better Humans — but that’s not even the tip of the iceberg. US CORP was shut down 1/19/2021. USA CORP shut down 1/7/2021. The bankruptcy for “the” UNITED STATES of AMERICA, Ltd., their most recent version of USA CORP was entered in London a year and a half ago. The Republic of The United States of America was the sole beneficiary. That’s why they are trying to shift their operations into our old Federal Republic, but as I pointed out, we aren’t going along with that without negotiation. Our Federal Republic is American, not British. And The United States of America that it belongs to is our unincorporated Federation of States, not some weird British Cult doing business as the Reign of the Heavens Society, Inc. We’ve had enough guile from the Brits to last several centuries and this latest punt isn’t going to wash. I will be restating this for public consumption a bit later in the day for my readers. So all these corporations are seeking bankruptcy protection thinking that that will save them, but the larger issue is the fact that they don’t have valid charters and therefore not only don’t have any right to claim bankruptcy protection — they don’t have any right to exist. From our standpoint, they either have to be returned to our custody, en masse, and administered under our public law— and re-chartered as American Corporations, or, they need to be liquidated and cease operations. Re-chartering them en masse is certainly the easier and less disruptive option. From the Robert David Steele blog
![]() By Anna Von Reitz There are various Territorial and Municipal initiatives taking place now at both the Congressional level and the level of their respective States of States organizations seeking to enact gun control and gun grabbing legislation, and I am being queried about this by a lot of very confused Americans. All those affected by such legislation are "US citizens" of some kind and "US citizens" have never had any constitutional guarantees of any kind, so the organizations adopting these provisions for their members are within their rights to enact gun control legislation in the same way that IBM or Sonic Hamburgers, Inc. could seek to establish Public Policies forbidding their employees from owning guns or bringing guns to work. American State Citizens and American State Nationals are not at all affected by their Public Policies and druthers, but many Americans have been misidentified as some variety of "US citizens" and so the legislation could be misapplied to Americans who are not naturally subject to Territorial or Municipal legislation either at the level of their "Congresses" or their "States of States". One more argument in favor of reclaiming your birthright political status and explicitly expatriating from all forms of Territorial and Municipal Citizenship. I have also heard a lot of confusion about the Dick Act, which was adopted in the very early 1900's by the Territorial Government and which applies by Succession to the current Territorial Government. Some people think that because it was enacted after 1860 that the Dick Act is "useless" but they are profoundly confused. None of this current debate applies to us, American State Nationals or American State Citizens, either one. But it does apply to Territorial "United States Citizens" and the Territorial Branch of the Federal Government. The Dick Act permanently settled the question of Territorial Branch Gun Grabbing and did so in such a way that it can't be revisited. The Territorial branch of the Federal Government therefore can't grab any guns or restrict any gun rights whatsoever, and what is so nice about this, is that the Territorial branch of the Federal Government is also responsible for protecting us from any usurpation or misapplication of legislation from the Municipal branch of the Federal Government. So the Dick Act though not applicable to American State Nationals or American State Citizens, is applicable to Territorial Branch Federal Citizens, and they are then also responsible for protecting us from Municipal legislation seeking to infringe on our gun rights. The Municipal Government has usurped grossly against the limitations stipulated by its Constitution and the Territorial Government allowed this in Breach of Trust, but we are now pulling both of them up by the proverbial hairs and this process of putting both back in their places about gun rights and many other matters must continue. So address the Territorial Congressional Delegations and inform them of their obligation as Successor organizations to honor the Dick Act and inform the Territorial State of State Legislatures of the Dick Act, and while making it clear that you as an American State Citizen are not subject to any of this frou-frou-rah in the first place, they are nonetheless prohibited from gun grabbing against their own citizens (by the Dick Act) and obligated to protect us against any offer of gun grabbing or other usurpation by the Municipal Government, too. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1600 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. The American states ASSEMBLY
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz