By Anna Von Reitz The courts you are appealing to are owned and operated by the same foreign governments oppressing you. Stop, please. Think about it. These are courts of "special limited jurisdiction". They are not your courts of "general jurisdiction". Stop wasting your time and energy addressing these self-interested foreign courts. Just stop. They have no business addressing you, and unless you voluntarily do business on the sea, or work for the Federal Government, you have no business addressing them. Focus your time and energy on restoring your own State Courts of general jurisdiction --- courts that allow you to judge both the facts and the law in any jurisdiction. And lay it down. Declare your birthright political status and join your State Assembly without further delay. Your empowerment is waiting for you. Don't let it languish another day. Forget about "appeals" to THEIR "Supreme Court". It's your Supreme Court that counts. Forget about sending "petitions" to your Employees. Since when does an Employer petition his Employees? We don't petition them. We fire them. We send them the old pink slip heave-ho. We throw them in the brig. We hang them if we have to, but we don't petition them or plead with them. It's just not appropriate. We cinch up the banks so tight they can't squeeze a whisper. And we get this country back on the map and back on track. The end. ---------------------------- See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. Learn more about your real government
By Anna Von Reitz The Cheapest, Most Efficient Prison of All – Your Own Mind From the cradle onward we are deliberately taught to think in ways that profit our predators. This is done by those who stand to profit from these purposefully engendered failures of logic. For example—remember yourself as a child playing with a set of colored blocks, marbles, or similar objects. What were you taught to focus on? You were taught to focus on and identify differences—- difference of color, size, shape, texture, material, transparency—any kind of difference at all was important and emphasized and you were required to recognize and note it. The sameness or similarity of things was used merely as a means to identify differences. Why? Why isn’t recognizing similarities inherently as important as recognizing differences? Without recognizing similarities first, we wouldn’t be able to discern differences, but similarities are downplayed because similarities provide the basis for unity and peace and compassion. Those who profit from keeping us divided and endlessly at war don’t want us to think in terms of similarities. If we did, we would see the way this learnedemphasis on differences allows us to be manipulated and misled, how it teaches us to fear, how it nurtures prejudice of all kinds, and how it makes us susceptible pawns for war-mongers and demagogues. This early emphasis on perceiving differences also leads us to think in terms ofparts instead of wholes, and in terms of “us” versus “them”. This same learned perceptual prejudice results in instinctively thinking in terms of “either/or” when we would be better served by thinking in terms of “and”. We are taught to think in terms of endless duality: good versus bad, rich versus poor, right versus wrong, black versus white, Democrat versus Republican, Baptist versus Catholic—-all because it is easier to limit and control and manipulate us when we think this way. The slave masters set up the two goads and drive us endlessly between them, and our patterned way of thinking prevents us from breaking free. We become like “dumb, driven cattle” caught between the carrot and the stick, never questioning who is manipulating us or for what reasons. In the same way we are taught to think in terms of groups, not individuals. The value of “teamwork” and “command structure” is drummed into us until we feel useless and paralyzed as individuals. We innocently accept such concepts as “collective guilt” or “shared pain” or “group action”—–none of which really exists. The individual is the unit of human experience—and is also the limit and expression of all human experience. All the pain that can ever be felt is felt only by individuals –one by one– and it is the same with guilt, happiness, or any other emotion. All actions are taken by individuals—one by one. If you stop and think beyond the outright false or half-truth assumptions you’ve been taught—- “we” are only sums of “I’s”. The purposefully induced habit of thinking in terms of groups instead of individuals makes us susceptible to harmful, self-defeating assumptions of all kinds. This is why I meet patriots who feel paralyzed like deer in the headlights: oh, my, I don’t have a group! So what do these well-intentioned people do? They set out to create a group or to find a group—not realizing that they already belong to a magnificent and powerful group known as “State Citizens”. What they really accomplish by this “group forming” is splintering off into thousands of worthy little specialized closet groups concerned about this or that small aspect of the whole problem, all claiming turf and fighting with and discrediting other such groups, everyone competing for donation money, and nobody getting any closer to seeing –much less addressing– the very real problems that are bearing down on us. Hand in hand with the rest of the Group Think Tradition, we have been taught that our country is a democracy. It’s not. It’s a Republic. Democracy embraces mob rule, which means rule of the individual by the group. If the group wants your house, they can take it. If the group wants to tax you to pay their bills, they can. That is democracy. Our American form of government is not based on groups of any kind. It is based on Individualism. It says very forthrightly that the individual is owed supremacy over the group when it comes to matters of free will, conscience, religion, and property rights. In a Republic, the mob can’t tax you to pay for their bills. They can’t take away your house or your land to serve themselves just because 51 out of a 100 group members say so. Thinking in terms of groups instead of individuals has been taught to you on purpose and with malice-aforethought by the selfinterested governmental services corporations. These government entities want you to subject yourself to the whims of the crowd, to derive your own identity from your group, to conform in every respect to the herd mentality—-because, again, this makes it easier to defraud you and control you, easier to train you as a soldier, and easier to milk you dry as a taxpayer. Hand in hand with “Group Think” comes the learned behavior of looking for authority outside yourself –which leads us to misunderstand the nature and source of authority. All authority, like all experience, depends entirely on individuals, not groups, not hierarchies. All groups and hierarchies always derive any authority they possess secondhand, by delegation. Authority simply does not exist apart from the authority of individual people who may retain their own rulership or give it away as a proxy, recall it at will, or ignorantly deny that they have authority. How many modern Americans stand around whining about this or that, without it ever entering their heads that they have the authority to choose otherwise? That they are in fact responsible for making other choices if they want things to change? That they can withdraw their granted authority at will? And that they are responsible for doing so, when the “government” defaults on its contracts? How many Americans have meekly assumed that a foreign governmental services corporation headquartered in Washington, DC, has the authority to order them to buy health insurance from the company store? We are also falsely taught to respect authority figures whether they earn that respect or not. For example, we are taught to respect Congressmen simply because of their office, no matter how criminal, stupid, immoral, uncaring, greedy, selfish, arrogant or irresponsible they are as individuals. We are taught to turn off our common sense when dealing with government officials of any kind, from abusive traffic cops to corrupt judges. We are taught that the normal rules of a decent society do not apply to them and that furthermore, we are not capable of applying such rules to them. We are taught to trust these so-called “officials” with our lives and our land and our pocketbooks without question, when sound reasoning and past history should prove beyond any doubt that they deserve to come under the severest kind of discipline and scrutiny. So who or what is teaching us to think in these irrational, destructive, self-defeating ways? The public school system and the government-owned media cartels feed us lies and fear-mongering and twisted logic on purpose. It’s called propaganda and we are immersed in it. For a period of time between 1987 and 1989 a group of us kept a nightly tally of news stories being presented on the three major evening news programs: CBS, NBC, and ABC. What we found should shock any thinking person. We each kept a tally sheet with three columns. One column was headed “Death”, a second column was headed “Sex” and a third column was headed “Other” to account for all other story subjects combined. More than ninety out of a hundred stories on all three networks concerned either death or sex as the main subject, out of those over 60 percent contained elements of both sex and death. Why? The Spinmeisters are tweaking our thought patterns and training us to think that (1) sex and death are so very, very important, and (2) that there is a grim and terrifying world we need all sorts of protection from. The overall affect is to generate sales of consumer goods because you are going to die and you might as well get some, and secondly, to generate fear and distrust and a sense of foreboding conducive to keeping people in line and isolated and convincing them that they need more and more and more governmental services. More surveillance. More regulation. More police. The evening news is just another sales pitch for Uncle Sam. The trusting pre-conditioned public never stops to wonder about this thoroughly predictable slant of the “news” programming. We are not served by a media system that specializes in such “news” —we are served up. Think about what you are thinking and feeling about yourself, about your world, and about other people around you. Step back. Look at it as a Third Party. Ask—who or what benefits from this? Why do I feel anxious and isolated every time I watch the evening news? Why am I looking at all the differences in the world, instead of all the similarities? Why am I kept in a constant state of fear? Why should I put up with being bullied and taxed into oblivion by my own employees? Whose authority is being delegated —and abused—-to run this cesspool? You are the one who granted all that authority in the first place. You are paying Mr. Obama and funding his mercenary armies, poised to come roust you out of your homes. You are standing there sending petitions to deaf ears in Washington. But most of all, you are imprisoned by your own mind, by your own indoctrination, to think that you are helpless, that you don’t have a voice, that your individual choices and actions don’t matter. There are only individuals on earth. One by one, we tune out the mind fuzz, one by one we reclaim our own authority, and one by one we start taking action. We don’t need groups. We don’t need money. We don’t need authority figures telling us what to do. All we need is to wake up and look around and face the truth. And then one by one, just as surely, we will start to take action to defend our own interests. Most of us will pull all our money out of the banks. Most of us will give notice to that THING in Washington, DC, that we are not “US citizens” of any stripe. Some will start demanding the release of plentiful quantities of United States Currency Notes for our own trade purposes. Others will plant their own Victory Gardens. Still more will expose the corruption of the courts. More will start newspaper and production companies to share the real news. All of us, one by one, will move forward by the individual lights we see and before you know it, those 515 people in Washington, DC who are responsible for this mess are going to get the Sleeping Giant’s message without the benefit of loudspeakers or public programming. Stop worrying. Stop spinning your wheels. Stop trying to get elected. Stop trying to elect anyone else. There are no legitimate American public offices left to fill at this time, except County Sheriffs, Notaries, Grand Juries, County Judges, and County Coroners. Forget about political parties. Those are just the goads, positive and negative, there to fool you and deplete your time, money, and energy. Don’t sign petitions addressed to your runaway servants. Don’t vote in their private elections. Just vacate your prison like they vacated their public offices. Tell the Secretary of the Treasury that you were defrauded and your ESTATE was included in the bankruptcy proceedings of the United States of America, Inc. by mistake and you don’t intend that it is going to be rolled over as surety for the bankruptcy of Puerto Rico. Tell him to fork over access to your individual trust account and to re-educate the Internal Revenue Service as to its actual purpose. One by one and letter by letter, notice by notice, point by point and day by day—keep calm and get even. Index to all articles by Anna von Reitz: Welcome to The American States Assemblies Your Government Your Government is supposed to be staffed by you. Its decisions are supposed to be made by you. Its primary responsibility is to protect you and your property assets at all costs and against all comers. That’s why governments exist. And that is the only reason for any government to exist, ever. But what if your government doesn’t protect you? What if, instead, your government preys upon you, threatens you, harasses you, and makes you miserable and fearful? Then something is terribly wrong. Six generations of Americans have been preyed upon, threatened, and harassed by something posing as “their” government. It isn’t our government. It’s a substitute government run by two Federal subcontractors. So these people are our employees, indirectly, but they are being told what to do by foreign governments controlled by foreign Principals: the Holy See, the British Monarch, and the Lord Mayor of London. Those foreign governments are under contract to provide us with certain enumerated “governmental services”. They have been exercising our own “Delegated Powers” and operating “in our names”. They are supposed to operate under the limitations and in accordance with their employment contracts called the Constitutions. Instead, they’ve been colluding to evade their obligations under the Constitutions. And they’ve been misdirecting our Employees to racketeer against us and to misidentify our political status, to impersonate us, and to defraud us. So instead of protecting us, these Hired Helpers have operated in Breach of Trust and harmed us. They’ve done exactly the opposite of what your government is supposed to do. But do you notice something? Do you see what’s missing? You are. You are supposed to be self-governing. You are supposed to be running Your Government. Not your Hirelings. So, we noticed what was wrong a long time ago. And we dusted off our laurels and we got to work. And we talked to our friends and neighbors (those who would listen) and we explained what was wrong and we learned more as we went.… and, we organized the government we are supposed to have: Your Government. There’s just one problem. We are supporting it. We are putting our time and money into it. We are building it up and restoring it. We are doing our “job”. But where are you? If you want a government that protects you, a government that doesn’t steal from you, harass you, threaten you, or harm you — then, it’s high time that you start backing Your Government and participating in it and supporting it with your money and your skills and your time. We are taking up collections for projects to advance the restoration of Your Government, to fund our Peacekeeping Officials and Officers, to run our State Assemblies, to make Your Government work the way Your Government is supposed to work — a government to protect you and your family. When you come home to the land and soil that bore you, and start breathing as a free woman or man again, you will remember the American Dream and you will no longer bear the burdens of Federal (US) citizenship. You won’t be subject to foreign statutory laws. You won’t worry about “Federal Agents” breaking down your doors. You won’t pay “Federal Income Taxes” anymore. You will have little or no reason to ever visit their courts. You will possess your homes and your land and soil as Freeholders — not Tenants. You won’t pay any mortgages or utilities or property taxes. You will be in control your own lives again. You will sleep sound in your beds again. Now think about that, and know that Your Government is what guarantees these results. What’s more important than what we have just described for you? What greater profit can you realize by investing in anything else? CONTINUE By Anna Von Reitz Let’s begin with a quote from Benito Mussolini: “Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” This is what “your” military is engaged in right now. They are acting as Agents of the British Territorial Government and infringing illegally on our Good Name and Trademark, operating as a Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — and selectively seizing upon corporations that are chartered under “the” United States. So for example, they have seized upon Walmart and they have seized upon Costco and Amazon and Walgreens and all sorts of other “US Corporations” and the military is now directly running these iconic “brand” operations however they see fit. Notice that General Dunford is now sitting as the Top Vulture at Lockheed and overseeing the death and dismemberment of Boeing. All over this country the military junta that has been illegally and unlawfully and immorally ruling over us as a “protectorate” since 1863, has been gobbling up and commandeering corporations chartered under “the” United States and using your credit and borrowing your authority to do it. The problem is that as all these Municipal corporations were chartered under your Delegated Power, they belong to you. So the misbegotten military is using your credit to seize upon corporations that already belong to you. Say what? We, The United States of America, the unincorporated Federation of States, already own and have first dibs on all Municipal Corporations chartered under our Delegated Powers. They belong to us, not our Subcontractors. But here these Territorial Honchoes are, pretending to have an interest in these corporations that they don’t have, and buying up all this municipal property— that is actually our property—- at fire sale prices, and using our credit to do it. Got that? Your Employees are offering to buy your house out from under you by pretending to be you or to be your Agent and using your credit to do so. Now, of course, you never authorized these people to act in any such capacity. You haven’t even been told that this is going on and that your credit is being abused in this fashion and that you are in effect being forced to buy back your own property for the benefit of new owners. But now you have been told and you need to take action. Start by declaring your proper political status as an American, then join your State Assembly, and make it very, very clear to the US Trustees that you are the Primal Creditor of all the bankrupt municipal corporations and you will receive back their assets without paying for them again and without giving any title or ownership interest to the Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business “as” THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assembly
By Anna Von Reitz Today, we are all familiar with the crime of identity theft. Some white collar thief finds a way to impersonate us and to thereby access our credit cards, bank accounts, and other financial assets. We start seeing "unfamiliar" charges showing up, and then, we have to report it to the bank and the bank has to investigate and correct the records. This is Public Notice to the World Bank that such an identity theft has occurred at a National Level. This whole concept of identity theft resulting in credit fraud was by no means as familiar a century and a half ago when the greatest impersonation scheme and credit theft in history occurred. Not only was the crime itself virtually unknown at the time, but it occurred on such a vast scale as to stun the imagination. In the chaos and confusion at the end of the so-called American Civil War, the thieves saw their chance. Our American States-of-States have been impersonated by British Territorial States-of-States ever since; and as a result, the credit of our entire country has been commandeered and abused by these foreign interests for almost 160 years. As an entire country, we have been defrauded in exactly the same way as Joe Schmoe waking up and seeing "unfamiliar charges" on his credit card statement. I was emailing back and forth this morning with a man from Illinois who has fought the issues of constitutional money for years without satisfaction---- and it struck me that people still don't understand the issues and identities involved. Here is what I wrote back to him: "The answer is quite simple. Illinois has always been and remains on the gold and silver standard. "State of Illinois" has always dealt in credit and debt and legal tender. Two different entities existing in two different realms of existence. Two different jurisdictions. Notice in the Constitutions that the States operate only on gold and silver, but Congress only has credit and regulatory fees collected from alcohol, tobacco, and firearms to work with. Illinois is Party to the Constitutions. State of Illinois is not. State of Illinois is a foreign British Commonwealth — also called “Territorial” — government. It began usurping upon and substituting itself for our American States-of-States when the Confederation fell apart in 1860. They basically pretended to be our States-of-States and gained access to our credit the same way any identity thief does it, then proceeded to spend our credit into the stratosphere, leaving us with the bill. But now the fraud has been discovered. Our States and People need to be held harmless in the same way that any victim of identity theft must be held harmless. And we are not responsible for the debts these foreign pikers piled up in our names." It is these last two points that need to be most forcefully addressed. Our States and People are not responsible for this circumstance nor for these charges. The General Populace was never given full disclosure about these cozy arrangements being made "for" us, and nobody making these changes had any granted authority to do it. The only difference that was potentially observable by Joe Average American was a change from, for example, "The State of Vermont" before the Civil War, to "the" State of Vermont afterward. The Queen, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor of London, all acting in Breach of Trust against us, are the responsible parties and beneficiaries of this scheme, together with American collaborators who promoted this scheme and profited from it. The States of the Union and the People of this country are serving Notice on the World Bank through our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America, that we have been the victims of the aforementioned bunko scheme for the past 159 years. We are taking appropriate action to finish the Reconstruction of our Federal Government and the resumption of normal business activities. Until this can be accomplished in full, our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America, is the appropriate Respondent. In addition to the misapplication of charges against our credit by a certain Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America (Incorporated)" from 1868 to 1906, and other incorporated Territorial and Municipal entities presuming to do business "in our names" ever since, we wish to address the ownership of over 20,000 tons of privately held gold confiscated by the Municipal United States Government under the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration and the return of American gold reserves illegally transported to the Philippine Islands. Sincerely, Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America c/o Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 ---------------------------- See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assembly Restoring Lawful Government 2651. Public Notice --- Attention: World Governments and President Trump
2660. Public Notice to All National Governments 2661. Notice to the United Nations, President Trump and all Interested Principals and Parties 2665. The Old Schtick and the New Schtick 2666. The Elephant in Our Room -- Public Notice Documents and Liens By Anna Von Reitz This is what's on my mind and on the minds of all Americans. We are not going to be vaccinated against non-existent diseases and then told that we have "accepted" patented products that are now incorporated into our genome without our explicit knowledge and permission. We are not accepting the "status" of becoming GMO products and not accepting any claims by any corporation that advances this position of ownership of any patented DNA or RNA product injected, ingested, or otherwise inserted into our private DNA structure. Any organization that makes this claim or any similar claim, in any way, shape, or form, will be immediately recognized as operating unlawfully and with willful intent to harm, and will be liquidated with prejudice and deprived of any benefit of the corporate veil. Those shareholders and Board members of any corporation caught doing this or making such claims will be destroyed financially and held personally and commercially accountable for unlawful acts against the Public Interest and against the Public Law of this country. Any Municipal Corporation or officer, official or franchise caught supporting such actions or claims will be immediately liquidated in the case of the corporation, and removed from office and arrested in the case of the corporate officers and/or elected officials responsible. The same goes for any Territorial corporation involved in any such obscene claims and activities. Ditto any corporation that attempts to claim that DNA submitted by people as trash in trash receptacles, or otherwise disposed of, can be fished out and claimed as "abandoned property", any corporation that claims DNA submitted for medical tests or other medical purposes, DNA left behind on operating room floors during birth or during surgical procedures, DNA submitted for private purposes such as genetic comparisons, paternity tests, or as we have recently noted, DNA submitted to organizations like, may not now or ever be claimed as anything owned by any corporation or incorporated entity for any purpose whatsoever. Have we, the actual government of this country made this explicit enough for all corporations and corporate officers worldwide to hear it? Your organizations will be liquidated and you will all be financially ruined if you continue to pursue these aims in any guise. You may also suffer other retributions at the hands of the enraged public and we will not protect you from frontier justice. Using your own profane vernacular, you are attempting to rustle our "cattle" and the standing Public Law for the offense is death by hanging. All corporations and their Board Members are instructed to review the two (2) contracts that allow their existence and operations on our shores ---- The Constitution of the United States of America, and The Constitution of the United States ---- with particular attention paid to Article IV and all provisions related to the operations of the Post Office and the United States Patent Office and similar service outposts. All officers of all corporations operating within our borders are obligated to know and obey these contracts and respect these agreements, whether operating as Municipal Corporations or as Territorial Corporations. Failure to do so, offering harm to our Public Interest, or otherwise indulging in criminal activities will net no profit, and will instead result in the direct destruction of your corporations, the seizure of your holdings, and the removal of the corporate veil protecting your private assets. Cease and desist all plans and operations seeking to reduce divine creations into corporate pawn and GMO "products" or face the wrath of the Primal Creator --- literally. The American States Assembly Restoring Lawful Government 2651. Public Notice --- Attention: World Governments and President Trump
2660. Public Notice to All National Governments 2661. Notice to the United Nations, President Trump and all Interested Principals and Parties 2665. The Old Schtick and the New Schtick By Anna Von Reitz At some time in the past, between 1998 and 2005, representatives of your government which were acting as franchise corporations of the UN CORP signed accords allowing for participation in a "live exercise" of world preparedness in the event of another pandemic like the Spanish Flu. The likelihood of such a health crisis was already known, both as a statistical fact and as a result of turning on the 5G grid system worldwide. Increases in radio frequency and microwave transmission loads have always been accompanied by "pandemics" of illness brought about by EM Radiation Sickness---- and that has been well-documented since the early 1900's. So WHO had already arranged for 196 countries to participate in such a "preparedness live exercise" ---- basically a fire drill conducted to see how well prepared we all are in the event of a pandemic, and the Powers That Be already knew that they'd have a pandemic to deal with the moment they switched on the 5G Grid worldwide. Are we supposed to believe that this was Kismet? After 15 years, WHO just out -of-the-blue decided to pull its "live exercise" test and unleash it on us, at precisely the moment the 5G net was being prepared to go live on a worldwide basis? The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, has charged-back the cost of the entire CARES relief package to the Pope and the Queen, as the Parties responsible for this Mess in America. You will notice that there have been no further "gifts" serving to exercise our own credit to further indebt us. And now, it's time to charge the UN CORP for the costs and losses associated with all these nasty shutdowns and lockdowns based on nothing but lies. Whether we charge the associated franchise employees with additional fines and imprisonment is an additional issue for each country to consider. We have already issued Arrest Warrants for Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci and other Players who have sought to realize personal gain from this disruption. We strongly feel that while some parties associated with WHO were well-intentioned, both the timing and the manner in which this "live exercise" was carried out, are highly suspect and inappropriate. Many small businesses have been forced to shut their doors, millions of people have been unemployed and underemployed for months, factories forced to shut down, agricultural production slowed and in some cases stopped, and many other inconveniences and abuses have been perpetuated far in excess of anything that was agreed to or anticipated by the signatories authorizing this "live exercise" in 2005. These are facts that the incorporated service providers are aware of and in many cases, they have contributed to the misery and destruction instead of limiting the disruption. Now, therefore, it behooves the actual National Governments of each country to charge the UN CORP for the acts and omissions of its franchises worldwide, to assess the damage that this fire drill has caused to their national economy and to their people, and to send the UN CORP the bill for it. We anticipate that the charges will be sufficient to discourage any continuance of this fake pandemic charade and also serve as an expedient means for the people in charge of their actual governments to forestall any similar insanity in the future. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assembly
By Anna Von Reitz ****Everyone please feel free to send copies of this Public Notice --- Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents --- to all United Nations personnel, all governmental services personnel, and all judicial officers and politicians, all over the world. This circumstance needs to be fully and widely comprehended, including by the present members of Congress.**** Public Notice to All World Governments and President Trump: There are no Fourteenth Amendment citizens of the United States. Our constitutional process requires ratification by the States of the Union. No such ratification process was completed with respect to the so-called "Fourteenth Amendment" or any following Amendment. No change to any actual Constitution was created by the Territorial Congress legislation related to the so-called Fourteenth Amendment or any subsequent similar action. In fact the Enactment Clause of all such legislation since 1860 has provided that the new action "changes no right thus previously established". This means that all rights existing in 1860 have been sequentially established and grandfathered in and are inherited by the progeny as secured material rights and interests. But beyond these facts --- lack of ratification and the nature of the "secured rights" guaranteed to Americans --- there are these further inconvenient facts: The "Constitution" that includes the Fourteenth Amendment wasn't a constitution in the same sense as the actual Constitutions that establish our Federal Government. The "Constitution" to which the Fourteenth Amendment applied was instead the published Articles of Incorporation of a Scottish Commercial Corporation established in 1868 that was merely doing business "as" The United States of America, ---Incorporated. This semantic deceit of naming a commercial corporation after our unincorporated Federation of States allowed the criminals responsible to access our credit under conditions of constructive fraud and deceit, and allowed them to steal our identity in exactly the same manner as a credit card hacker pretends to be the victim in order to access the victim's credit. The "Amendments" to this document published "as" The Constitution of the United States of America -----Incorporated, that is-----merely represent corporation by-laws and do not require ratification by the States. That's why these "Amendments" were never ratified and did not require ratification. That Scottish corporation, dba The United States of America "Incorporated" went bankrupt in 1906 and entered receivership. It's bankruptcy was finally settled in 1953. It is well, truly, and absolutely defunct. As a result, whatever "Fourteenth Amendment citizenship" was created or conferred by this document, or by the organization sponsoring it, became defunct, also. We shall not belabor the point that no commercial corporation had any ability to confer actual citizenship of any kind on anyone. We shall not dwell on the fact that these criminal activities by the members of our own military and the members of the then-Territorial Congress resulted in constructive fraud against our lawful government and the theft of our credit and assets misapplied on a vast scale. The facts are the facts and they stand naked to view. The other Principals that allowed this scam, the Pope, the British Monarch, and the Lord Mayor of London / Government of Westminster, are at fault and in Gross Breach of Trust. We, the remnant of the progeny, who have established our claims as Qualified Inheritors of the assets and credit owed to the lawful government of this country, the unincorporated Federation of States, have absolute standing in the matter ---- all the way back to 1860 and before. We are the victims of deliberate constructive fraud and semantic deceit practiced upon us in Gross Breach of Trust by our own misdirected Employees and the aforementioned Principals. All American assets are claimed. All trust properties and derivatives established in our names are claimed. All our gold misappropriated and transported to the Philippines is claimed. All gold illegally confiscated by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration is claimed, including the 6,000 tons used to back and bank roll the "Federal Reserve" and the additional 14,000 tons admitted to by FDR which were used as Slush Funds and "investment accounts" used to buy controlling interests in the Fortune 500 corporations and otherwise manipulate commodity markets, including international currency markets. It is important for the world and for the American People and for the President and the politicians that have inherited this mess, as well as the World Bank, the IBRD, and the Federal Reserve---- which are all fundamentally responsible for this "Heist of the Ages" --- to understand that they, the banks, the politicians, and the misdirected "US" military have been caught, red-handed. The entire history and fakery of this entire circumstance is known, exposed, and is due justice. When a credit card hacker steals someone's identity and accesses their credit without their knowledge or permission, the victim is held harmless, and their credit is returned by the bank. In the same way, the identity of our lawful government, our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, has been stolen, and our credit has been ransacked ----and our Federation is owed the same consideration by the banks. Not only that, but we are owed compensation from those responsible for this Gross Breach of Trust. The Queen, the Lord Mayor, and most of all, the Pope, are fully cognizant of the meaning, actuality, and content of the Treaties and the Constitutions they hold with the American People. They also have cause to know that we were never involved in their "American Civil War" which was an illegal mercenary conflict on our shores. The guilt and responsibility for all of this most particularly devolves upon the Pope, because the Pope in fact owned both sides of the conflict. He has always directly controlled the Municipal United States and via his Overseer of the Commonwealth, the British Monarch, has controlled the Territorial United States Government as well. In practical terms, the responsibility for paying damages to The United States of America and to the American States and People next devolves upon the UN CORPORATION and the United Nations Organization, their heirs, and successors. The realization of the enormity of the fraud and Breach of Trust has stunned the world and given rise to a great deal of talk about everyone ganging up on "the Americans" who have been the victims of this as much or more than anyone else. Any such action would be completely immoral and illegal and unlawful. It would destroy any concept of--- or hope of--- justice for anyone living in this world. The Problem has never been the victims, the actual Americans. The Problem has always been "the US" ---- those pretending to "represent" the Americans, while in fact hacking our credit and evading their obligations under the actual constitutions --- The Constitution of the United States of America, which the Queen owes, and The Constitution of the United States, which the Pope directly owes. Now, we've said our say. It's here for everyone to see and examine for themselves. The public records are clear and secured. Pope Benedict XVI admitted it. Pope Francis is clearly aware of it. Antonio Guterres is fully informed. Other national governments have been fully informed. President Trump and the Joint Chiefs have been fully informed. The Office of the Prosecutor at the International Court of Justice has been fully informed. Interpol, the FBI, the DIA, the CIA, DHS, Homeland Security, and the NSA have all been fully informed. The United States of America and the American States and People are owed the return of their credit and their assets free and clear of debt or encumbrance. We are to be held harmless, fully restored, and compensated by the banks, recognized by all Principals and governmental services corporations as the lawful Government of this country, and the actual Employers in this scenario. As the Delegators of all Delegated Powers we are bypassing those foreign agents who are responsible for this Mess, and presenting ourselves in these matters under our Reserved Powers and those Powers that have returned to us by Operation of Law from the Federal Republic. All presumptions attached to the existence of any "Fourteenth Amendment" citizenry must cease immediately. Bank foreclosures based on these presumptions must cease and bank escrow accounts established on the basis of these presumptions must be converted and returned to the victims of this fraud. Worldwide mechanisms designed to "hypothecate" both credit and debt and to sequester such credit and debt as "energy units" held in Generation Skipping Trusts must be dissolved in favor of the victims of this scheme. The balance as money of account must be made available to them and to their lawful governments; these private and public assets have been purloined and mis-characterized by the banks and insurance corporations as "personal" assets, a circumstance that must be rectified. Our lawful government has prepared a structured repayment and release plan --- and the technology to deliver it --- that will allow the repayment of credit without collapsing the world economy. It's time to stop pretending that all this nastiness didn't happen and more than past time for a Jubilee and a restitution made to all nations. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assembly
Are you new to this information? Order the above books and get up to speed fast! By Anna Von Reitz Most of us were taught about the concept of "checks and balances" as the Founders applied this concept in building the Federal Government, but it is a very ancient concept, not something unique to our deliberate constructions designed to balance and counterbalance powers within various levels of our government. One of the more ancient checks and balances principles involves the jurisdictions set up and recognized by the Roman Catholic Church in the process of setting up the Unum Sanctum (World) Trust: you can't be in two jurisdictions at once, and as you gain power in one jurisdiction, you lose it in the others. Strange, but true. The jurisdiction of the land and soil is solid, therefore, most powerful and fixed. The jurisdiction of land and soil is where gold is gold, plums are plums, and men are men. Although our Proper Names, also known as "Lawful Persons", are not physical, they belong to us in the same way that our parents might also give us a bicycle or a chest of drawers. The rats have tried to human traffic us off the land and soil, and do it when we were too young to ever realize what they'd done. Guess what? That "one in a million" Colonel House talked about? 320 of us figured it out. Many people make the mistake of calling their possessions "personal property" when in fact they mean "private property". This innocent mistake is then preyed upon by immoral judges and attorneys who think nothing of using this as a pretext to misidentify us, to steal our private property, and otherwise abuse us via False Legal Presumptions. Remember that in their jurisdictions, "person" means "corporation" so when you say "personal property" you give them the excuse to presume that you are acting as a franchisee of a foreign corporation and are fair game to attack, not owed any constitutional guarantees, and not owed any protection from them. Another example is the word "resident" or "residency". We are not residents of our native land and soil. We are part of the population living on the land and soil of this country, but British Territorial and Municipal citizens of the United States are "residents" sojourning among us on a temporary basis while they provide us with what Article IV of the respective Constitutions calls "essential government services". The same shoe fits on the other foot in this case. They are residents when in our jurisdiction, and we are residents when we enter their watery or airy jurisdictions as well ---- so it's necessary to figure out who is acting as a "resident" where. Are you residing in their jurisdiction or are they residing in yours? At every turn, intersection, and interface between the jurisdictions of air, land, and sea, we find the principles of "checks and balances" and the vocabulary of separate jurisdictions at work. We also find specific allocations of "Powers". The People (Lawful Persons) have the right to charter and to liquidate corporations and franchises of corporations that are organized under their direct or delegated powers. Through such mechanisms as Anti-Trust and Anti-Monopoly laws, the People also exercise considerable control over the way corporations are allowed to operate and structure their business affiliations, but over time, Corporatists (Colonialists in drag) have undermined their true comptrollers until the People seldom, if ever, avail themselves of Public Interest actions to "check and balance" corporations. For example, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media purveyors have been censoring free speech in America ---- and using our Public Airwaves to do it. Does anyone see a problem here? We already have the means to shut them down, bust their management, and liquidate their assets. It's a matter of checks and balances. When we stand in our proper capacity and act in our native jurisdiction we can kick every corporation you ever heard of to the curb. Five major media conglomerates control the vast majority of all media markets in America ---- and they are all: (1) foreign; (2) all making private profit off our public assets; (3) increasingly monopolized; and (4) spewing propaganda designed to undermine our health and economy. So, we need to nationalize them, kick them out, restructure their operations, fine them and tax them and regulate them and, yes, liquidate their operations until they get a great big Attitude Adjustment. See how they like being the targets. A corporation is required to operate "lawfully" ---- which is a far higher and different standard than to operate "legally". Most of these operations can't function for a day without breaking the Public Law, and they've simply gotten away with it for lack of enforcement of the Public Law. Our two foreign federal subcontractors, both ultimately owned and operated by the Pope, have been colluding together to evade their constitutional obligations and to promote their own self-interest at the expense of their Employers. Because they have been operating as privately owned and operated "governmental services corporations" they've been conveniently neglecting to enforce the Public Law. Well, my, my, my..... seems like I remember something called Article IV of both The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, which requires the protection of our persons and property --- both public and private property. That doesn't include "protecting" us from opinions that run contrary to corporate bottom lines. That doesn't include curtailing our Natural and Unalienable Rights. That doesn't give Bill Gates the right to poke anyone with needles or alter anyone's DNA with his patented RNA implants. It doesn't grant Fauci any right to "mandate" dog dung, masks, social distancing or anything else. It doesn't allow for any indecent commercial claims of corporate ownership of anyone or any claim of dependency based on patented nanobots or microdots or RNA scraps injected into anyone for any purpose whatsoever. Here we are: the long-lost American People. Here's news for Billy Gates and Dr. Fauci and the AMA ----- your patents belong to us and are protected by us, and if we choose to bust your patents ---- we can. And we will. And BTW, your corporations belong to us, too. Mr.Larry Fink and Black Water, Inc. just learned that the hard way. Yes, there is a Giant in the room, and it's no longer sleeping. Try to claim that you have any ownership interest in living men and women based on injecting them with your patented RNA crap and there won't be anything but a grease spot left of you, your patents, or your corporations, either. So fold up the Plandemic Crappola. Call off the Funky Propaganda Act. We are holding every Corporate Officer and every Uniformed Officer in America personally and commercially liable for this and all your parent corporations and trustees, too. When corporations cross the line, when they operate as monopoly interests, when they engage in interlocking trust directorates, when they engage in criminal activities, when they knowingly advertise products, ideas, and agendas that are damaging to our health and our economy, when they infringe upon our constitutional guarantees and use our Public Airwaves and Public Right of Ways and Public Easements to do it----- it's time for the People to shut them down in the Public Interest. We have the "checks" and it's time for the "balances". ---------------------------- See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assembly Join Our Weekly WEBINAR This website is based on the research of Anna Von Reitz, James Belcher, the Living Law Firm, and the team of world wide researchers who have been studying, searching and uncovering the truth for the last 40 years.
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