By Anna Von Reitz This has been a very introspective day, despite the usual amount of hectic activity, phone calls, correspondences and case work. I have had cause to think deeply about my friends and compatriots on this narrow road. So many have struggled and still are. Rod Class is preparing his answer to the Federales challenge of his right to keep and bear arms. Other friends are taking the accounting and system errors straight to the source-- the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Still others are forging ahead with new means of enforcing and accessing indemnity guarantees. I am so grateful to know all these wonderful, determined people. It makes me proud to be part of the effort to restore America and the rightful American government --- to, as Donald Trump put it -- "Make America Great Again". We might also say --- "Make America American Again". We have been under the thrall of corrupt European and corporate powers for a long, long time. It feels good to know that we finally have the "weather gauge" on the vermin and that our Ship of State is no longer headed for the jagged rocks our enemies had in mind for us. We can thank many, many, many good men and women for that, people here in the states and people in far away and unexpected places like South Africa and Estonia and Paraguay, too. People of goodwill, people who are honest, have risen up and taken action, each in their own way and their own place --- and the difference is now being felt. Just looking at all the file folders and books and thumb drives in The Living Law Firm office makes my mind reel, and also makes me think about how far we have come in such a short time, and all that has been accomplished with nothing but volunteers and cookie jar's amazing. There's a whole conga line of Americans at every point of this effort, all pulling together to make it possible. If it weren't for all of you out there sending your donations via PayPal to [email protected] , I couldn't keep the lights on for our senior helpers, couldn't pay the travel expenses so many of our excellent researchers have to otherwise bear on their own. And if it were not for those sending checks and money orders to Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652--- I wouldn't have it to give when one of our guys in the field blows a tire, needs an emergency tooth extraction, or just some grocery money. It's such a small portion of what we all owe these volunteers, but it is also so important that this kind of support is there for them. It gives them the comfort of knowing that they are not all alone. It gives them the courage to go on. Most of our Living Law Firm members are seniors like myself -- some as old as 95 and still kicking, thank you! -- and for the most part, we do okay for ourselves and manage our own bills, plus some. But some of our most dynamic heroes are relatively young men and women who have families to support and house payments to make. It's for them and their sake that I get out and stump for donations. It's not fair that any of us have to spend our time on Earth like this, struggling with things that we should never have to correct if certain people had just done their jobs and honored their contracts --- but it is doubly unfair to younger people who just walked into this Mess and who have so many other earthly responsibilities to bear. Please help me help them, because they are surely doing their best to help everyone else. The "Help Line" doesn't even stop for death. Every single day, I find clues and testimony left by Americans long dead, who cared enough to document the Truth and leave it for us to find. And then I remember men and women that I have known myself who have suffered and died for the sake of this day, when I can definitely draw a deep breath and see and feel that yes, we have rounded the corner, the tide has turned....yes, at last, things are getting better, not worse! I hope and trust that "rb" and Howard Freeman and The Informer and Bill Benson and LaVoy Finicum and Russell Means and all the old Montana Freemen are still here, still with us, in spirit if not in flesh, and that they and all the others who have gone beyond the Beyond in defense of this country and in defense of our freedom know that we are all doing our bit and standing our guard duty. The indemnity bonds are finally being honored by courts around the country, not universally, but in a growing number of reported cases. It's too soon yet to know if this lack of universal acceptance is because of uninformed judges, or if specific details in individual cases are causing some indemnity claims to be denied. We had one case reported where the sticking point was that the "presumed" Defendant had to check a box on a form saying that there had been a mistake before the case could be dismissed. When you say that there has been a mistake -- just that -- it is instant grounds for severance of any contract. When you admit a mistake -- like you applying for Social Security or claiming to be a "US citizen" or a "Withholding Agent"-- you not only sever the contract, you release at least some portion of the liability, and you are essentially holding the court harmless, too. So if they ask you to admit making mistakes, by all means do so --- because it is true regardless of why you made these mistakes --- and because that then allows the court to act in your favor and provide remedy that you are owed. Army Regulations Field Manual 27-20 explicitly references the indemnity from loss or damage that you are owed and the Hold Harmless Indemnification that is owed to the court as a Third Party. Another big development ---a way to make "credit deposits" to cover all the expenses of the franchise PERSONS --- which is really another way of accessing the indemnity protection you are owed, is also underway and being tested. If we've got this right, folks, you will be able to issue credit to yourself just like a bank can issue credit, to pay certain kinds of bills --- utilities, mortgages, taxes, college loans, car loans---all the bills that come to the PERSON can be offset using credit deposits. That system is finally beginning to be lined out, understood, and in some cases, that too, is working. This is all good news. I am breathing a sigh like a long distance runner at the end of the course. The Bad Guys are on the run, at least some people are beginning to get relief, and more is on the horizon. All the effort is beginning to pay off, but until it is all settled and set in cement, remember that we are still out here plugging away on all fronts and still don't have any big funding sources. We depend on all of you as our lifeline to support the cost of doing this work and to support the younger members of our team who are often in need of just a little extra help from "Grandma". As always, we don't ask for anything you don't have to give. We know that many of you are struggling yourselves, and God bless us all, we understand that. We are looking forward to the day when everyone in America, and indeed, everyone worldwide, gets to feel the fresh air of freedom again, and gets relief from the "Doctrine of Scarcity" and all the senseless misery it has caused. Never doubt that the Hand of God has been upon this work and upon me and my husband and The Living Law Firm. If it were not so, we would never have been able to find what we needed to find, or been enabled to survive. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Two Important Links to Share, Share, Share.... By Anna Von Reitz Here's the link to the Sealed and Unsealed Indictments so far: t#gid=462785369 It is indeed gratifying to think that the US DOJ might have actually done it's job this time and might be going after actual criminals after eight decades of too often prosecuting the victims of human trafficking and identity theft instead. President Trump's Swamp Draining has taken on a life of its own. This initial effort is aimed at the physical child and sex slave traffickers among us, as it should be, but let's not forget the Undeclared Uniformed Officers at the local hospitals and the paper terrorists at the Registrar's Offices and Vital Statistics Bureaus clicking along and doing the same thing to Americans --- kidnapping, identity theft, etc., etc., etc. And next...... from my in-basket from the Legendary Snoop ---- a magnificent tool for anyone who needs or wants to look up case law; though it should be less and less necessary for any American to do so, it is useful sometimes to be able to shove their own case law under their noses. Most important, this tool sorts out jurisdiction for you, so you can clearly see which jurisdiction applies to which case law, and that, believe me, is worth weight in gold. Here you go, direct from El Snoopo: Below are easy, step-by-step instructions on "HOW TO FIND THE LAW FOR YOURSELF" on ANY subject in ANY jurisdiction absolutely FREE OF CHARGE. Forward this email to your entire email list! You will assist your colleagues and followers enormously. STEPS: 1. CLICK on this BLUE LINK. 2. Then, CLICK on "CASE LAW". 3. A LIST of ALL state and federal JURISDICTIONS in the United States WILL COME UP. 4. Then, CLICK ON ANY relevant STATE or FEDERAL JURISDICTION in which you want the law (OR PICK ALL JURISDICTIONS for an overview of ALL of the law across the country on the same legal subject). 5. Then, CLICK on "DONE". 6. Then, the SEARCH BAR WILL COME UP. 7. Then, KEY IN ANY LEGAL SUBJECT into the search bar, BOTH WITH AND WITHOUT QUOTATION MARKS (ex: "sovereign citizen", "individual sovereignty", legal effect of not being a "party or signatory to any law", whether a person is "exempt from all laws except those to which he voluntarily assents", "consent to jurisdiction" in a criminal or traffic case, "refusal to consent to jurisdiction" in a criminal or traffic case, "without a victim, there can be no crime or traffic offense", "the requirement of a victim" in a criminal or traffic case, "a victim is required" in a criminal or traffic case, "there was no victim" in criminal or traffic case, "right to travel", "I was not driving a motor vehicle. I was travelling in my privately owned conveyance", "no driver's license is required", "a driver's license is not required", "the traffic stop was unconstitutional", "the arrest was unconstitutional", "the requirement of a driver's license is unconstitutional", "the requirement of auto insurance is unconstitutional", "the requirement of a license plate is unconstitutional", "a driver's license is a contract", "refusal to sign the ticket", "corporate courts", "admiralty courts", whether "the law only applies to governments and artificial persons, not to natural persons", "artificial person", "capital letters", "flesh and blood person", "birth certificate bond", "straw man", "redemption", "accepted for value", "de facto government", "the judge has a personal interest in the case", "right to be represented by a non-lawyer", "represented by an attorney in fact", "represented by a power of attorney", whether "gold and silver are the only lawful money", "federal income tax law does not apply outside Washington, D.C. and other federal territories", whether "federal law applies outside Washington, D.C. and other federal territories", whether "there are two different constitutions", "the Act of 1871", whether "the IRS is a Puerto Rican corporation", "positive law", "the bar association is a monopoly", "The ABA is a monopoly", "judicial immunity", "prosecutorial immunity", "absolute [government] official immunity", "filed a lien against a judge", "11th amendment immunity", whether a government officer/official can be "personally liable for official actions taken under color of law", whether "gold fringe on the American flag" in court converts and transforms the court into an "admiralty or military court", whether a county is a "commercial entity engaged in commerce",etc.). 8. You may also key in ANY STATUTE NUMBER in the relevant jurisdiction (ex: "21052 California Vehicle Code" which allegedly limits the application of the entire motor vehicle code to the motorists and vehicles described in that single section of the code OR "28 U.S.C. § 3002 (15) (a)" which allegedly proves that the federal government is a private, for-profit corporation, etc.). 9. You can also key in ANY state or FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL SECTION (ex: "Article I, section 8, clause 3" which authorizes the federal government, as distinguished from state governments, to require driver's licenses ONLY in connection with "interstate commerce"). 8. Simply read the cases that come up ______________________
But, also be aware that this resource is for them, not for you, for use in their courts, not your courts, and everything you see will be written from the standpoint of the Federal entities and the Federated States of States --- Territorial or Municipal. Similar to the Internal Revenue Code calling you a "non-resident alien" --- because you are "alien" with respect to their Territorial or Municipal jurisdiction, the information you receive on this website will be written only from their perspective and will only reference their perspective. That is, it won't include the American Common Law or Public Law jurisdictions and it won't generally speaking include case law that is applicable to you as a living man or woman. To access that and the General Session Laws requires adapting to "non-US" case law, because the "US" Courts they are talking about --Territorial and Municipal Courts --- are not the United States Courts you are owed. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website By Anna Von Reitz
I gave you the first part of Ms. Hudes' explanation to Japanese officials alleging that the Secondary Creditors (World Bank and IMF) had superior claims to control our country, our land, and our assets than we do, as the Priority Creditors and Donors of all Delegated Powers. And now, as Paul Harvey would say, page 2 of her Letter to LTC Okubo dated October 31, 2016...... in which she alleges that General Dunford was engaged in "treasonous and corrupt activity" and an "attempt to steal the world's monetary gold reserves". Quote Hudes -- "The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF have authorized me to exercise the voice and vote of the United States of America during this interregnum in the legitimate government of the United States until the Constitution of 1789 goes back into effect under an Article V Convention." Point of information --- it's the Constitution of 1787 that counts. And beyond that, no delegated power holder is greater than the donor of that power, which in this case is The United States of America [Unincorporated] and our member States: Wisconsin, Iowa, Maine, Florida, et alia. Second point of information --- nobody died and left the "Board of Governors" of the World Bank and IMF parties responsible for our "Federal" Government or for us. Once again, Secondary Creditors of bankrupt Territorial and Municipal governmental services corporations are trying to make a false claim on abandonment, ignoring the Priority Creditors, and seeking to "represent" us when we are presenting ourselves, thank you very much. The actual "voice and the vote" of The United States of America supersedes any Territorial government entity merely presumed to "represent" us and calling itself "the" United States of America--- or worse, any bank Board of Governors pretending to do so. The only criminals in view are the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF, for making these false claims against us and our lawful and legal interests. They have been caught in the act of trying to commandeer a sovereign government. By Operation of Law, when an agent in receipt of delegated power becomes incompetent to discharge the delegated power, it returns to the Source of the delegation---- to us, to The United States of America [Unincorporated] and the member States of our Federation of States and our People. Not to Karen Hudes. Not the Queen. Not the Board of Governors of the World Bank or the IMF. She also alleges that "courts have no jurisdiction in this matter" --- but courts do have jurisdiction over international bank fraud and Breach of Trust and breach of commercial contracts going back over a century and a half. When I think of any employee of the World Bank or the IMF pretending to represent us and cast our votes, I want to bite something. I seriously want to kick ass from here to Charleston. It is our government and our States, not the moth-balled Federal States of States,that hold the power and control over not only the delegated powers but all powers in international jurisdiction. Period. We delegated it, and we can un-delegate any power we bequeathed to any level of the Federal Government----and we have competently done exactly that by acknowledging and accepting the return of the Delegated Powers pursuant to the bankruptcies and other incompetence of the Federal Government. Ms. Hudes and the World Bank and the IMF have revealed their Grand Slam attempt to take over America and steal not only our confiscated gold being held under false pretenses in their "Global Debt Facility" ---but to exercise control over our labor, our land, our homes, our intellectual property, and everything else. It sounds to me like General Dunford had sand enough to call them on it, so the thieves accused him of what they are attempting to do themselves. For these acts of criminal self-interest and presumption in violation of the Rule of Law the World Bank Board of Governors and the IMF are rightly accused of attempted overthrow of a sovereign government. Ours. Email recipients please see attached pdf. FB and other network viewers -- copy of page two of the letter will be posted on my By Anna Von Reitz
25 million Americans are in jail tonight. On a percentage basis, that is a wildly larger percentage of our population than any other major country on Earth. The majority of these Americans are in jail for non-violent white collar crimes like kiting checks (----why don't they arrest the Federal Reserve for doing the same thing?), marijuana use, abuse of prescription drugs, alcoholism, mental and emotional illness, trespass, homelessness, vagrancy, and thought crimes. Virtually all of these are "victimless" crimes. And probably 95% of these people aren't actually federal territorial or municipal citizens. They aren't actually subject to statutory law or municipal legislation, but they have been kidnapped and solicited and human trafficked into the foreign jurisdictions, summoned, enticed, railroaded, and prosecuted under false legal presumptions ----for one reason: profit. The vermin responsible make big bucks charging us thousands of dollars per month to keep each one of these people in jail. Six dollars for an aspirin. Reminds me of the solid gold toilet seats the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE was requisitioning for certain generals a few years back. For starters, these foreign courts make $25,000 per misdemeanor they bring in, and over a million for every felony, guaranteed. Some felonies fetch as much as $25 million per charge. Let's just say that these teams of privateers operating under color of law are "highly motivated" to arrest people on any pretext at all. The only crime that prosecutors are supposed to address in our system are cases of murder or disability wherein the injured party literally cannot speak for themselves. And it is well-established Federal Law that the "federated" State of State Courts should be following, too, that attorneys are not allowed to act as injured parties or give testimony concerning events and circumstance they have no direct first-hand knowledge of (see Trinsey v, Pagliaro). So how is it that every day and in every one of these courts in America, attorneys are acting as injured parties, being allowed to enter testimony as witnesses to events they never saw or heard, and otherwise trample on any standard of evidence and Due Process? There's our ignorance, for sure. There's their shamelessness for another. But most of all, it's because we don't call them on it. We don't object. So let's object to both their theory and their practice and their "prisons for profit". Here's what is going on in Colorado, known in some circles as "Corruptorado". Prisoners are being forced to work for 75 cents a day. If they object, they are punished with solitary confinement, loss of phone privileges, and other nasty coercive tactics designed to force peonage and de facto slavery on the victims. The company running the prison kitchen services in Colorado is Trinity Services Group, Inc., which has its home office in Oldsman, Florida 34677. Trinity Services Group, Inc., is in turn owned by a British company --- Compass Group, PLC. No surprises there, eh? Had to be the Brits at the bottom of the dog pile. Complete --- as it happens --- with their legendary hypocrisy in full view, because according to the Compass Services, PLC, website, they clearly state: Re: Modern Slavery Act of 2015, Section 54--- "Our policy in respect of slavery and human trafficking is to eliminate both from our business and from our supply chain." Pretty rich, coming from an organization chartered by a Government that deliberately entraps and trafficks innocent Americans into their foreign jurisdiction? And a company employing subcontractors that enforce peonage on Colorado prisoners, punishing them when they refuse to work for a whopping seventy-five cents a day? They also list this among their company standards: "Employment is freely chosen." Tell that to prisoners in Colorado. The address for Compass Group, PLC is: Compass House Guildford Street Chertsey, Surrey KT16_9BG UK Despite the Modern Slavery Act of 2015, despite Britain's signature on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, despite the 13th Amendment to the Territorial United States Constitution "abolishing" slavery, and the 1926 international prohibitions against both peonage and slavery----- there they are, still at it. Still promoting, using, abusing, allowing ---- and profiting from peonage and slavery of prisoners. Read the 13th and 14th Amendments to their corporate constitution --- which was never approved by the States of the Union or the people of the Several States. Read it carefully. Slavery was abolished except for "criminals". That is, instead of actually abolishing slavery, they enshrined slavery and made it a permanent institution. So, World, what do you say? Time to turn up the heat and send a blast of dragon-breath-like indignation up the tubes of Compass Group, PLC? Shall we ask their Board of Directors if they would care to work in a cockroach-infested grease-coated slime-pit of a kitchen for seventy-five cents a day? Shall we tell them how we feel about being charged an average of $6000 a day, all told, per prisoner, for the "service" of incarcerating our people for regulatory infractions that don't by any stretch of the imagination actually apply to them? And then let's light up all the Bright Lights on Capitol Hill and give them all a taste of our spleen. For a couple dollars, a piece of paper, an envelope, and some ink, writing a few nasty letters in behalf of our prisoners will be the most therapeutic thing you do for yourself all week. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. By Anna Von Reitz I have been asked to comment on HJR 192 and the whole subject of Congressional Intent. A "Joint Resolution" is like a New Year's Resolution. It has no force of law, but it does clearly express the intent of a Congressional Body. Which "Congressional Body" is expressing their intent in HJR 192? It's the Territorial United States Congress acting in the wake of FDR declaring "the" United States of America, Inc. insolvent. And they are attempting to meet their obligations owed under the Hague Conventions by saying, oh, yes, if anyone wants to, they can reclaim their "reversionary trust interest" in the actual United States as remedy for us taking title to their assets and using their assets as collateral backing our debts. What they are doing is -- to put it bluntly -- expressing their intention to provide remedy and thereby legalize their crime. The rats had to provide remedy in the form of an escape clause or go to jail and have no ability to enforce their false claims. This is how they claimed (and continue to claim) that we are all paying federal income taxes voluntarily, and paying off their mortgages taken against our property voluntarily, and licensing our right to travel voluntarily, and subjecting ourselves to their statutory codes and rules voluntarily ---- when we all know that none of this has ever been fully disclosed to the American People, is unconscionable, non-consensual, and enforced under color of law. But it was, and it still is, and it is only now --- twenty years after the 1933 Bankruptcy settled --- that people are waking up and beginning to realize that: (1) HJR 192 exists and (2) why it exists and (3) what to do in response to the circumstance. What is perhaps more important is that people are beginning to wonder--- WTH? Why is the Territorial Government in charge here, as if we were all a bunch of Puerto Ricans? The short answer to that is that they usurped upon our lawful government back in 1868 and have been staging a military occupation of our country using our own troops to do it, under the pretense that we are too disorganized to manage our own affairs and so they are engaged in this outrageous Breach of Trust for our own good until we "reconstruct" our government. And we, meanwhile, have been kept dumbed down and deliberately uninformed and unaware that any such thing needs to be done. When a foreign army (the Territorial United States forces are foreign with respect to us, even though they are under contract to serve us, get their pay from us and are largely staffed by our sons and daughters) occupies another country (ours) they are required under international law to respect the property rights of the civilian population. If they do commandeer private property for the use of the occupying armed forces, they have to provide just and equitable compensation to the owner. If they don't, they are guilty of "illegal taking" and acts of "plundering and pillaging". Under military law these acts are subject to severe punishment, up to and including death by firing squad. So getting back to HJR 192 --- this was the Territorial Congress's deceitful scheme to avoid the accusation that they were involved in illegal taking--- the pillaging and plundering of this entire country and its people. Their allowance that we could, if we so chose, exercise our natural exemption from their jurisdiction and could also invoke our "reversionary trust interest" in our own birthright inheritance and assets and take them all back, allowed them to claim that if we failed to do so, then obviously we were going along with their scheme and voluntarily "donating" our assets to them. This is why the IRS processes all your tax payments as "Gift and Estate Taxes". The obvious fault with this is that nobody ever told us a word about it. The American People were not notified. No explanation vaguely approaching "full disclosure" was ever offered. No administrative process clearly telling anyone how they could invoke their "reversionary trust interest" was ever provided. There are vague and dubious references to "mutual offset credit exchanges" suggesting that somewhere, somehow, one could exchange a debt owed to the Federales for a debt owed by the Federales ---a sort of no-money-changes-hands settlement of mutual claims --- but that's about it. Even the eventual enactment of HJR 192 -- which I think off-hand was 12 USC 411? ---was all but void for vagueness, and all just an excuse to legalize illegal taking, non-consensual hypothecation of debt, and other commercial crimes in violation of international law. These and similar underlying deliberate acts of non-disclosure and fraudulent unconscionable mis-characterization of illegal takings as "voluntary gifts" is at the heart of our complaint against the Territorial United States and the Queen and the entire System they perpetuated for their own benefit beginning in 1868. A more loathsome and criminal Breach of Trust and contract can scarcely be imagined. And that is what HJR 192 is top-dressing and excuse for. The US Military is required by the Lieber Code and Hague Conventions to provide all American civilians with equitable compensation for the military's use of their private property assets. This includes the use of your intellectual property--such as your name, your homes, your land, your labor, and any other assets they glom onto as collateral securing their debts. To avoid that, the vermin have perpetuated a scheme by which you have all been deliberately and fraudulently and variously misidentified as government employees and dependents, "US Citizens" (Territorials) or "citizens of the United States (Municipals), who are ineligible for such compensation. So successful have they been at this national-level identity theft scheme that any memory of HJR 192 and "how this was supposed to work" had long faded from view, when a few knot-heads began researching these topics and exploring ways to claim their "reversionary trust assets". Because of all the obfuscation hiding how you could claim your reversionary trust interest, and also all the effort put into misidentifying you as a person ineligible to make such a claim, they made it all but impossible for anyone to claim their exemptions or demand equitable compensation. That situation is, thankfully, coming to an end as their scheme is being exposed to broad daylight. The vermin have tried to go bankrupt again to save their ill-gotten gains and avoid accountability, but we have claimed all their assets and the assets of their "states of states" as assets rightfully belonging to the States and people of this country, and we have issued indemnity bonds for each of the fifty States--which the people can access. An "indemnity bond" insures people and their private property in the same way that "insurance" protects commercial entities. When you walk into a mortgage foreclosure case (for example), and lay down your authenticated BC records, your Deeds of Re-conveyance removing your "missing" Given Trade Name to a permanent domicile on the land and soil of whichever State of the Union, your Certificate and claim of the Assumed Names, and give the indemnity bond number we issued, that's an insurance claim against "loss or damage" owed to you under the Lieber Code and Hague Conventions. It's also a clear claim to be an American civilian exercising reversionary trust rights and exemptions. Those of you who have had your Birth Certificates authenticated by the United States Department of State have received another bond number that can be used for the same purpose in federal cases, It appears at the top of the yellow cover sheet and is the practical means of making a claim against the verified "good faith and credit" protections clearly stated on that same yellow cover sheet. That is their indemnity bond covering YOUR vessel for federal purposes. The vermin have yet to bow to the inevitable, come clean, and provide the people of this country with a simple means and process of reclaiming their "reversionary trust interest" and for claiming their exemption from statutory jurisdictions. They have yet to provide millions of innocent Americans with the protection from "loss or damage" that they are owed under international law. They have yet to deal with their own falsification of the public records as "registrations". With enough people in America and throughout the world awake and moving forward, the end of this gross criminality is a foregone conclusion. Although the guilty parties in the Bar Associations are bucking it and the clueless members of the Bar are just waking up and realizing, "Oh, my God!!! I've been committing crimes that could get me shot by a firing squad!" --- we are beginning to get sporadic but growing numbers of reports that the State and Federal Courts are beginning to come to heel and honor these obligations and are beginning to accept the indemnity bonds and exemptions. Donald Trump has been leading the way by reforming the Federal Judiciary, redirecting the DOJ to provide service owed to the people of this country, and issuing pardons to Americans who have invoked their reversionary trust interests and claimed exemptions that are owed to them----and who have been the victims of false prosecution and false legal presumptions. Go forth and conquer, America. It may be almost a century late in coming, but your day is dawning. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. By Anna Von Reitz Remember that I told you that the rats were moving their base of operations to China--- because the parasites are leaving one host and infecting another? Well, here you have it in black and white, Campers. 15 USC 43 Federal District Court of China established in DC in 1943. ICAN made the "Department of Commerce" into Commerce, Inc. A "Registrar" is a designation under the supervision of the Secretary of Commerce. The China Trade Act says that "the official Registrar shall be in China." That Act was passed in 1922 to set up a Chinese Corporation (evidently to replace the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation) with an agent in DC. 46 USC 12-101 then beats out the details of this "Registrar - Registry" scheme, in which shares of the "domain name" are sold to investors around the world. "Domain" is a synonym for "Estate". So what are these bastards selling? Shares in your Estate. Then 31 USC 9101 creates the convenient generation skipping arrangement, so the investors "inherit" everything and you get nothing. So they are infringing on your natural Common Law copyright to your Given Name, just as I described it to you, by registering it. And then they are selling the right to use your NAME to bring charges against you. The vermin are leasing your NAME to investors who get paid dividends when charges are brought against your NAME. So, the unspeakable cads lease your NAME to the phone company and the electric company and the "City of ________" and they lease it to the "Fiscal Services Bureau" and they lease it to the Internal Revenue Service, and as if that were not enough, they lease it to the IRS, too. Then they lease it to The State of California Superior Court and the Superior Court of the State of California and the California Federal Franchise Board and..... You all get the picture? Know why China is suddenly so rich and America is so poor? Because the scum of the Earth transported your wealth via the Magic Trick of "registration" to China. False registration. Fraudulent registration. Unconscionable registration. Criminal identity theft. Unlawful conversion. Become the storm and show DC and Peking and Brussels what "Shock and Awe" really means. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. By Anna Von Reitz
People have been plaguing me this week with questions about the name game and the current status of the NAME game. Here is an update provided by a friend in Britain and his kindly comments on the subject. I will only add that none of these incorporated entities have anything to do with the actual country or the Federation of States dba The United States of America --- and they are all infringing upon our Common Law Copyright and in violation of international law and treaty. Put these references in a file on your computers and/or create a hard copy for your files, too, so that you have the information straight from the English side of it. Do not mistake these facts as any proof of any actual ownership interest in our assets by England. These facts merely bear witness to piracy by English corporations and Breach of Trust by the British Government. And next time someone asks you who or what THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (LTD.) is, you will have the answer at your fingertips, ready to "prove" the issue to any Doubters left on the planet. See the attachment at: ---------------------------- See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. ![]() By Anna Von Reitz The first misconception we are heir to is the idea that the federal Constitutions were ever created to rule over us. In fact, the Constitutions (multiple) were established to rule over our Federal employees, and to create, define, and control subcontracting organizations that provide “essential government services” under a delegation of powers agreement. Big Time Message here --- the Law “of” the Land is not the Law “for” the Land. The Constitutions are often referred to the “Law of the Land” because the Federales all function exclusively in the jurisdiction of the sea. They are obligated to obey the “Law of the Land” when they come “ashore” and enter our jurisdictions. When dealing with the Federal Government --- any branch of the Federal Government at all – you have to remember that they are looking at the world from their perspective. Not yours. They are, jurisdictionally speaking, out at sea, talking about the Constitutions that your ancestors imposed on them and their operations as “land law”. From their perspective, the Constitutions and other Organic and Public Laws of this country are foreign. The Federal Code is the law of the Federal Civil Service, and the Code of Military Justice functions as the law governing the Military. Though this will come as a big surprise to many people, none of the Constitutions --- Federal, Territorial or Municipal – are concerned with us at all. That is why the Bill of Rights was added as an after-thought instead of being the centerpiece of the constitutional process. The only time that the Constitutions become important to us is when our Federal Employees over-step their boundaries and transgress upon us. The word “transgression” – as Cookie, my Paralegal, pointed out -- is a legally precise description of the situation we find ourselves in, because it refers to the process by which the sea (jurisdiction) spreads over land (jurisdiction) just as well as any actual physical creep of the oceans inland. “Trespass” is what happens on the land jurisdiction when people go where they don’t belong and “Transgression” is what happens in the international jurisdiction of the sea when persons do the same. They have surely transgressed against us—a situation that must be addressed without further obfuscation, misunderstanding or excuse. Our employees have contrived to ignore their duties and the restrictions of the Constitutions, and to attack us and deprive us, their employers, of our property and guarantees. How has this been done? It’s simple. They have arbitrarily defined us as one them: a “US Citizen” --- part of their political system, a Democrat or a Republican, a Federal Employee or Dependent of some kind, a political asylum seeker, or a federally chartered corporation-- none of these “persons” have any constitutional rights or guarantees at all, and never have had. So long as we do not object, strenuously and knowledgeably, they get away with it--- and they have gotten away with it for such a long time that they have grown arrogant and secure in their ability to pillage and oppress us via legal chicanery. They have made sure that most Americans would never have any cause to know what they have been doing to us behind our backs. As a result of the negotiated peace process ending in the Treaty of Paris (1783) the British Monarch was allowed to retain de facto supervision of nineteen enumerated powers that actually and naturally should be ours to exercise. The Founders devised a system by which the King had to act through business organizations belonging to the States called “States of States” in order to exercise his delegated powers. Nobody at the time could imagine that Georgia would lose control of The State of Georgia and that this original American “State of State” would be secretively supplanted and replaced by a Territorial United States corporation merely calling itself “the” State of Georgia--- but this Cuckoo Bird change actually took place in the wake of the so-called Civil War. The Federal States of State were usurped and almost nobody was the wiser, but from then on, the King enjoyed a much freer hand and his minions began to chisel away, like moths in a closet. While it is customary for employers to be respected as such, it is also customary for American workers to be respected as people equal under the law. The voluntary servitude involved in working a job is not taken – by Americans – as any stigma or suggestion that workers are lower class or deprived of any of their natural rights as a condition of their employment – and yet, ironically, we have allowed exactly such a demeaning and feudalistic system of inequality under the law to develop and flourish in America. This feudal class system has no part in our thinking or tradition, but it is common and pernicious in Britain, and as a result, it followed over here with respect to the King’s puppets running the Territorial States of States and the usurped “Federal” Government, which should have been more properly called a British “Territorial” Government. Our own Federal Government designed to be operated by our States was --- according to the British Perpetrators--- in a “condition of abeyance”. We might claim and enforce our rights and powers---if we see through the deceit and have sense enough to claim them, but the King never gave his employees any such rights or abilities, with the result that Federal workers and members of our military have, since the 1860’s, been treated as second-class citizens and as chattel belonging to the British Crown. Federal Employees and Dependents have struggled along as best they could. Those born white and on the soil of one of the States claimed Dual Citizenship to allow themselves to retain their constitutional guarantees---at least while off-duty. Those born black weren’t so lucky or able to adapt, so they finally rebelled and rioted for “Equal Civil Rights”--- meaning rights equal to the “natural and unalienable rights” other Americans are supposed to enjoy. Slowly, by means of guile and deceit, the King’s minions on our shores --- especially members of the BAR Associations – have contrived to redefine all of us as federal Territorial Citizens, as if we were all born in Puerto Rico. This scam allows them to seize upon our Good Names and property assets and to subject us to their foreign corporate Codes. They have done this to control Americans and hold us in a state of subjection---the same subjection that our ancestors rebelled against. They have done this to escape the limitations imposed on them by the Constitutions, to inflict the evils of their own British system on others and, in the case of the lawyers, bankers, and politicians responsible, to share in the profits of doing so. Via this institutionalized fraud scheme they have contrived to provide Britain with a means to conscript American manpower into its wars and American natural resources into its commodity rigging schemes. All of this is very profitable for the King and his helpers, very unfortunate for the actual Americans and the rest of the world--- and a gross, blatant Breach of Trust and of international treaties and of international commercial law. What they could never win by force of arms they have contrived to seize by fraud and deceit. Our government--- our actual, sovereign government – has declared the end of any so-called “abeyance” and has served Notice on the guilty Principals involved in this shameful circumstance. The actual States have been called to assemble, and all fifty of them are now engaged. This Fourth of July, make it count for something more than a distant memory. If you want your government restored and an end to the European guile and criminality that has held us in thrall for 150 years, get sharp and get busy. Correct your own falsified political status records. Join your State Assemblies which are gathering – go to or send an email with your County and State in the subject line to [email protected]. Once you are on solid ground, start filing criminal reports and administrative complaints against the banks and the politicians and bureaucrats and court officials who have impersonated you and knowingly committed barratry and unlawful conversion against you. You know who they are and where they live, their names, their families, their faces. Report the criminals. It’s your duty. So do it. And again. Make the ears of the politicians and regulators and bankers and police and attorneys and priests and doctors and other Grand Poobahs bleed. Light the watch fires and give them a taste. The filthy home foreclosures. The fake custody claims. The unlawful licenses and racketeering and extortion. The undisclosed “implied” contracts. The “thought crimes”. The asset seizures. The police brutality. The false census records. The faked elections. The vile registration processes. The taxes you never owed. The purloined National Credit. The Federal Reserve. The draft. The drugs. The human trafficking. The schools. The Fluoride. The Smartmeters. The Microwave “Kill” Towers. The NSA snooping. The mischaracterization and impersonation of innocent Americans. The wholesale murder of babies. The slush funds. The chem trails. The out of control S.W.A.T. units. The banks talking about seizing our credit and assets on deposit for their debts. The lousy rats sending our sons and daughters to war and impoverishing us for their profits. The bums locking up our resources and curtailing our industries. The vermin planning to cheat seniors out of the pitiful “Social Security” pensions the Queen doles out like gruel during a drought and which her minions try to mischaracterize as “welfare benefits” when the victims have paid for everything and far more all by themselves. The bogus Cestui Que Vie “trust estates”. The even more bogus Public Transmitting Utilities. The patented criminal processes. The infringement of our copyrights. The identity theft on a national scale. The foreign bill collection agencies pretending to be our courts. The court administrators pretending to be judges. The vermin proposing to lord it over us without a public oath, without a public bond, and without a valid commission. The private corporate mercenaries masquerading as “STATE OF STATE” police and operating under color of law, attacking our people and evicting them from their homes based on debts the people never owed. The list goes on. And on. And on. This year, beginning July 4, make it your goal to take action every single day. File a criminal complaint. File an administrative complaint. Write a Letter a Day exposing the rot. Confront these people with what they are doing. Address the doctors and the hospital administrators and bankers. Visit the local police and the Registrars and the Court Clerks. Look them in the eye. Give them no excuse. Take positive actions, too, to teach your neighbors and friends and family and anyone who will face the facts and listen. Organize, assemble, and serve your local county assembly and State Assembly. Contribute as you can, where you are, and with what you have at hand. This year, be heard, not herd. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. ![]() Update on Living Law Firm Progress By Anna Von Reitz Foreclosures: We expect that by the end of this week we will have the actual structure and mechanism of the foreclosure fraud detailed out, step by step, in a way that average non-accountants can follow along and grasp. That step by step will give the citations to the patents and trademarks and other public records that are all admissible evidence in any court. We are going to release this to the general public, for free, and let you have at it in your individual cases--- at the same time that we pursue remedy in behalf of all Americans. (Flag donations to this effort as: "End Foreclosure Fraud") Non-Citizen Status: We have determined that we, living, breathing Americans are called "United States Nationals" in Federal-eze when it comes to international affairs and are called "American State Nationals" or simply "Nationals" when it comes to business here at home. "National" refers to the land jurisdiction of this country. So if you are talking to the Passport agencies, tell them you are a "United States National, not a United States Citizen" (unless, of course, you are actually employed by, dependent on, or voluntarily chartered as a corporation by the federal government) and if, for example, you are talking to the Governor of the State of New Mexico, tell him that you are a Texan (not a Resident) who has established residency (which is different) in New Mexico---and you'd like to know what is being done about illegal immigration? We hope to have routed through the correct process for American State Nationals to obtain correct passports very soon and will publish that info as soon as we are sure we've nailed it down and have resource contacts for you. (Flag donations to this project as: "Correct Passports") Name Change: All research and all feedback received to date demonstrates the necessity of claiming back your Trade Name and re-conveying it to the land jurisdiction of the United States--- and recording the deed to your own Name. Otherwise, technically, you are a "disregarded entity" and these foreign corporations claim to own YOU --- and use the ACCOUNT NAME as a convenient handle to lay false claims against your assets. Once you have your own Trade Name back in your control and operating in proper jurisdiction you can use it to reclaim everything else. Several people have written and been distressed over more complex or expensive name-change processes in their states. Though I recommend getting a formal name change decree -- which puts the court on record as agreeing to your action---if at all possible, you can also try a simple Deed of Re-conveyance, laying claim to your Trade Name and removing it to the land jurisdiction of your actual state---- Arkansas State not State of Arkansas--- for example. Record it, and if necessary give a land description-- "land assets and moveable fixtures generally located at:________________________". (435 St. Mary's Street, Hoboken, New Jersey, for example). Federal Marshals Education: There are "Federal Marshals" tasked with peacekeeping on the land jurisdiction and there are "United States Marshals" tasked with law enforcement in the foreign, international jurisdiction of the sea. One executes the Public Law and the other executes private international corporate Statutes. Educating these men and women (and also their parallels in state and local government positions) is essential. Even our locally elected Sheriffs are in desperate need of education on these topics. We've launched an effort to write a quick-and-easy handbook for those responsible for protecting our communities. We are looking for people who have experience with e- publishing to help expedite this process and also for donations toward printing hard copies for free distribution of these materials. (Flag donations to this project: Law Education Fund.) American States and Nations Bank: We have a core group of banking experts working on three different but related tasks--- (1) creating a safe depository for American assets, especially those being returned from overseas; (2) creating secure international banks competent to work with both IEX and FOREX transactions and currency exchanges; (3) beginning to build actual State National Banks again, which are run by local bank associations. Along with this goes a lot of technical and security work---and we are doing the best we can to move it forward with limited start-up resources. This project also involves negotiations to receive long-stalled treaty funding owed to the actual States and Nations and recoupment of other property interests that have been held in abeyance----in some cases since before the Civil War. There are an estimated 45,000 accounts at the national level that have to be secured and audited---which does not begin to deal with the same job that needs to be done at the county and state levels. (Flag donations to this effort: ASAN) Jural Assemblies: Building knowledgeable and effective Jural Assemblies is the key to building competent and honest county governments to operate the land jurisdiction of this country. If you have a Jural Assembly already started in your county, join and support it. If not, contact the Michigan General Jural Assembly, and use their proven methods to start one. Bear in mind that members must make a decision and declare that they are not "United States Citizens" but are instead "American State Nationals" before they can regain their lawful status and act as American Common Law Jurors. (Donate time and money locally.) ****Please Note**** when you act as a juror you are for the time you serve considered an "American State Citizen" because you are occupying an office of the actual State. The same is true for the judges, clerks, bailiffs, sheriffs, and others you elect to serve in your County. The word "citizen" always implies an obligation to serve the government. In this case, you are offering to serve as a Juror. So, a member of a County Jural Assembly must be an American State Citizen during the time they serve as Jurors and when the people come together to serve on a "Citizens Common Law Grand Jury" this is the kind of jury referenced as the Fourth Branch of Government in Justice Antonin Scalia's famous ruling. This is American Common Law--- the Law of the Land--- in operation. This is different from a Jural Society---which is what lawyers and "United States Citizens" belong to and use to operate the incorporated Counties in the international jurisdiction of the sea. When these people come together they also form what can be called a "Citizen's Common Law Jury" --- but they are operating under Martial Common Law, not the Law of the Land, and have no business pretending to be the Fourth Branch which was created to be a safeguard against usurpation and mismanagement by federal officials and employees, not just another fox to guard our hen house. Jural Assembly = land jurisdiction (national) unincorporated American State National = a man without obligation to government. American State Citizen = man serving the government of his actual state on the land, for example Wisconsin State, Pennsylvania Commonwealth, etc., as a Juror, Clerk, Sheriff, etc. Jural Society = sea jurisdiction (international) incorporated United States Citizen = federal employee, dependent, or corporation serving that government, includes those operating the federated "State of" and "County of" franchises. Always pay attention to the exact words being used. There is a world of difference between a "United States National" and a "United States Citizen" and an equally huge difference between a "Jural Assembly" and a "Jural Society". You must educate yourselves to avoid being misidentified, victimized, or entrapped by all this duplicitous wordplay. You must also do this to be able to properly and lawfully run the powerful people-based government you are owed. International Outreach: I call it this, because with the exception of our Native American representatives in the United Nations there are no competent people able and willing to speak for America and the American States at this time who have been lawfully elected or otherwise granted ambassadorial capacities --except that as sovereigns of the land jurisdiction we have and individually retain the ability to speak for our states on the land and for the Union of these States of America formed by The Articles of Confederation--- under Article X. This is the capacity in which I and my husband have been able to act as Judges and Ambassadors and Fiduciary Deputies for our States of America, and while---in theory at least---any living American can do this, not many of us have the education and capacity to do so at this time. We find ourselves triple-tasked to: (1) find competent people in each state to enter into this work; (2) bring them up to speed and give them the information and tools they need; (3) get the current work done. We have published many pieces of correspondence, both official correspondence when acting as Judges or Fiduciary Deputies, and private correspondences written to foreign leaders, so you have cause to know how important and time-consuming this effort to communicate with the rest of the world is. Before we can solve problems we have to recognize what they are. We have been able to detail where in history the train went off the track---- in England, during the reign of Queen Victoria, acting under the influence of Benjamin D'Israeli, leading to the subjugation of the English people by deceit and the subjugation of India by force. This situation would be a Major Faux Pas if it were just the United States involved, but fortunately or unfortunately, most of the known world is involved in this mess. The American People have to weigh in now to save their own bacon because they are being defrauded and mischaracterized and suffering extortion and racketeering at the hands of international banks and other commercial institutions. In raising our objections we must inform all the other people of the world who are similarly being run-ragged by gangs of officially sanctioned pirates and thieves. And we must also "fully inform" those responsible. This means Congress. This means the United Nations. This means the IMF. This means the British Parliament. This means Queen Elizabeth. This means the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. And many, many, many, many more officials and corporate officers. This means, most especially, Pope Francis in his role as Roman Pontiff. Why? Because he can pull the charter on any incorporated entity that violates its charter and functions in a criminal manner----and he has the obligation to do so. This is why members of the Catholic Church and Catholic Clergy have a crucial role to play in correcting this horrific situation, both in terms of manpower and outcry, and in terms of enforcement against the offending corporations. These corporations are only allowed to exist by consent. They have no natural basis for their being. When they get out of control, living men must be responsible for (a) correcting their administrators; (b) imposing fines and penalties for bad behavior; (c) liquidating them. By very long standing international convention and agreement, the responsibility for that oversight has always been with the Roman Curia and the Pope functioning as the Pontiff of Rome. That's where it remains to this day. My husband, I, and a dedicated group of others scattered across the United States and around the globe have spent incalculable hours engaged in this kind of forthright communication with "the entire world" for years at a time in order to raise the alarm, report the crime, and shine the light on the subversion of our treaties and agreements. Now, maybe you feel overawed by the prospect of writing a letter to the President or the Pope or Queen Elizabeth or the Congress or Chief Justice Roberts or the Joint Chiefs of Staff---- but unless you do, who is going to? Just me and the chickens back home? Everyone----absolutely everyone on this planet needs to know the Truth. Everyone needs to take up their oar and open their mouth and run their printing presses. I don't advise any blanket accusations or blaming. Just stick to the facts, which have been abundantly shared. Along with all the written and verbal communication there is need for actual meetings with people--- and international travel. We have had to send researchers and for lack of a better word, agents, abroad, both to meet with members of foreign corporations and governments and banks and so on and on. Not all the non-Bar attorneys are involved in this part of the effort, but the Senior Team Members are and we have funded the whole thing ourselves out of pocket. So--- you can see my private letter to Pope Francis and UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon to get a taste of what is going on with all that and if you want to help fund these efforts, please flag donations as "Foreign Outreach". Finally, thank you, all of you, who are waking up and waking others. Thank you for your efforts and your researches and your prayers and your donations. Please understand that this is all coming to a boil and I am now over my head in work. For those who are just getting oriented and all those who want citations and references, start with the eleven pages of citations in my book "Disclosure 101" and then all the citations in "You Know Something Is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause"----both available on Amazon. And if you are still stumped, refer to my "Timeline". God bless America this Sunday, and all our States of America, and all our dearly beloved People. --------------------------------------- See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. The Living Law Firm: 20 to Nothing on Foreclosures Tonight--- All Wins for Our Side The So-Called Republic, the Living Law Firm and Claims Update Order Anna's Books
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz