![]() By Anna Von Reitz I often get asked who among the various sources should be trusted as reliable --- and the answer is that none of us get it 100% right a 100% of the time. Including me. Nor are we all "perfect" in all venues and respects, because everyone that I mention has their specialties and tends to work in some particular jurisdiction of the law or arena of historical inquiry. Some are focused on private relief and others are more focused on general relief/restoration of a proper lawful government and still others are focused on some particular historical research period. So when I make a recommendation like this it is with a built in caveat emptor, in that you have to know or learn where the pieces of the puzzle fit and define what your own needs are. In terms of people/sources who reliably make the Good Faith Effort besides my own team and who dig up good nuggets of Truth with the consistency of Truffle Pigs, I would include [in no particular order]: Rod Class -- PAGs and Administrative Law Kelby Smith of HISAdvocates -- Private Living Jean Keating -- Maritime and Admiralty Law Mark Emery -- Private Living Kurt Kallenbach - Paramount Claims of Life, History, DNA Romley Stewart - History, DOG LATIN, Fraud Investigation Neo - Statutory Law and Practical Quick Fixes Peter of England - Private Banking, Current Events SEDM - Federal Bureaucracy, Private Living, Forms Boris - Private Living Jordan Maxwell - History, Birth Certificates Robert David Steele - Natural Law Field McConnell - Military, Administrative History Neil Warren - Lawful Banking (England) Richard Cornforth -- Statutory Law, Legal History John Trowbridge - History, Statutory Law, Constitution Mary Croft - Government, History, Attitude Adjustment Brent Winters - History of Law, Constitutions, Common Law Freedom School - IRS, History, Statutory Law Isaac Witham - Early American History, Treaties Michael Kearns - Early American History, Treaties SPLSPro -- British Equity Law Emily Windsor - Cragg - British History, British Law, Monarchy. Republic of Texas - IRS and Tax Court, Land Patents No doubt I am forgetting very worthy groups and people at this moment and will think of them with a big "ouch!" as they (or their fans) call me to task. Please don't think that just because someone's name doesn't appear on The List that it is any strike against them per se. This is just an Off-the-Top-of-My-Head list of some of the many people and organizations who are contemporaries providing insights via websites, videos, teleconferences, or publications and who have consistently provided solid information in these subject areas. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com www.paulstramer.net/2019/03/who-to-trust.html Why So Many Lies and So Many Liars?
Found Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQI4lET97o4 Do you really know who you are? If you are caught in the Identity Trap already, how do you get out? See Below. You go about your daily business without causing damage to anyone. There are no victims left behind in your wake. Yet "government" says you must obey literally thousands of codes and statutes regulating your entire life's activity, enforced by people with badges and guns, and if you don't you can be thrown in jail, fined into poverty, and maybe lose your life in their corporate system. Does "government" ever fully disclose how you can be subjected to all those codes and statutes when you signed up for some "benefit", or when you voluntarily complied with some regulation? NO they hid most of the consequences of what you were signing, and THAT WAS FRAUD, and you are the victim to this day. Perhaps you didn't even sign anything. Perhaps it was your parents who unknowingly signed for you when you were born. IT CAN BE REVERSED! Fraud destroys everything that it touches in law. THERE IS NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON FRAUD! Are you really required to file a 1040 income tax form with the IRS? Are you really required to obey draconian codes and statutes issued by the so called "federal government"? "In the website you will learn precisely how Americans have been press-ganged into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea and have as a result been attached, attacked, and deprived of their rights and property under conditions of fraud, semantic deceit, and non-disclosure." You will also learn the lawful remedies for these problems and crimes committed against Americans. Remember, there is no statute of limitations against the crime of fraud, and that fraud destroys any contract that it touches. FIND OUT HOW TO STOP THE PLUNDER, ROBBERY, AND PIRACY! If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, lack of full disclosure, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions. Get the knowledge you need to protect you and your family and your property in the crisis coming to America. Use the form on the left below. Your first name and email is all you need. Your information is totally safe with us. The information we give you is completely free of charge and we operate by donations only. Get your free report by subscribing. You can unsubscribe at any time. If you want help right now to use the paperwork found at www.annavonreitz.com (article 928) to get out of their identity trap use the form on the right below and someone on our team will contact you, usually within 24 hours, to start the process. In the mean time keep studying at Anna's website for the background of what the process is and what it will do for you. Get help filling out and recording the paperwork based on Anna's article # 928. You will be contacted by someone, usually within 24 hours - Continue
On Jul 26, 2014, Anna von Reitz wrote: People are brain washed from the cradle with malice aforethought to think just like this man, “Joe Q. Public”. Instead of looking for the “authority” within himself, he looks for it outside himself, which is the basic mistake Americans are taught to make by those who wish to control and profit from them. Instead of learning the meaning of American Individualism which is the core of our tradition, the Public Fool System has taught us Fascist Group Think. It is time to re-educate ourselves. Our Forefathers vested the entire, whole, 100%, absolute civil government on the land in each and every one of us. Each one of us has more civil authority on the land than the entire “federal” government and always have had. Repeat this fact over and over and over until it sinks in and through all that programming you received telling you how limited you are and teaching you to always look for authority in people and things outside yourself and outside your control. You are in control, but because you think you aren’t, you mill around like sheep and wait for someone or something else to tell you what to do and how to get “enforcement”. What did John Wayne do as Sheriff of Yuma County? There are only 515 people in control of the “federal government”. They pretend to have the right to control and enslave and use and abuse 390 million of us, the people who actually pay their salaries. Earth to everyone? What are you all standing around for? Their entire scam, as Bruce Ray Riggs has told you and as I have told you and as many others have now told you, depends on “redefining” you as a corporation belonging as chattel to their corporation. Are you a corporation? Yes or no? Do you really need me or someone else to tell you the answer to that one? Can’t you even tell the difference between Shinola and Chocolate Cream Pie? Are you a living breathing man or woman standing on the land of your birthright State, or are you a conscripted merchant marine sailor on board Her Majesty’s slave frigate the USS BULLSHIT? Which is it? As for the UCC process — it is ongoing. The Uniform Commercial Code, as I have explained elsewhere, is a special law form that was developed by the Roman Curia expressly to handle the international claims and counter-claims resulting from the bankruptcy of the G-5 nations which was arranged by treaty at the Geneva Conventions in May of 1930. The resulting bankruptcy of the United States of America, Incorporated was just settled in 2013. We are in the mop up phase of that settlement. The UNITED NATIONS CORPORATION through its agency the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC. has claimed to own you and your state outright as chattel. I have said a big, fat “No, and furthermore…” to that and placed it in the international public record. I filed my counterclaim timely, in behalf of myself and my state. That means that you and your state have the right to “claim in kind” because you are in exactly the same circumstance. If you want to sit around and go, “Woe is me! I am helpless! I don’t know who I am or what to do or where to go or what to say!” — too bad. The liars will be more than happy to lie about you and misrepresent you as a “thing” — a corporation — instead of a living man or woman. There is no law against enslaving a corporation, kiddo. They will be more than happy to claim you and your home and your labor and your children and your land and your natural resources as chattel belonging to them and their corporation. And if you don’t stand up for yourselves and claim otherwise, what are the other nations of the world supposed to think or do about it? Right now these criminal corporations and banking cartels are on the ropes. Both the FEDERAL RESERVE and the IMF and their backers have shot themselves in the foot. The American People are waking up and so is the rest of the world. China, Russia, and the other 177 nations who have taken the pledge against the “US Dollar” are breathing down their necks on one side and we are rising like the juggernaut we really are when we get motivated on the other. I pity them. They’ve got us surrounded. 26. The Real Criminals http://www.annavonreitz.com/therealcriminals.pdf 27. US Corporation Fraud: Why the Courts are at Fault http://www.annavonreitz.com/courtsatfault.pdf 28. US Corporation Fraud: What Can Be Done http://www.annavonreitz.com/whatcanbedone.pdf 29. What is the Constitution? http://www.annavonreitz.com/constitution.pdf 30. Your Offer to Contract is Rejected http://www.annavonreitz.com/youroffertocontract.pdf 31. Did you give your Consent to any of this? http://www.annavonreitz.com/classicdisinformation.pdf 32. Role of the Trustee – Members of Congress http://annavonreitz.com/roleofthetrustee.pdf 1673. The Situation, the Ledger, and You http://annavonreitz.com/theledger.pdf 1675. Get “YOUR” BC’s Now http://annavonreitz.com/getbcsnow.pdf 1676. The American States Assembly Reminder http://annavonreitz.com/asareminder.pdf 1677. March 17, 2019: Dear Mr. Trump http://annavonreitz.com/dearmrtrump31719.pdf Share Far And Wide Recap of Our Maiden Voyage By Anna Von Reitz You all sent in some great questions for our “Maiden Voyage” broadcast of our first-ever Countrywide Call for The American States Assembly: Among the important topics we discussed were: (1) the differences between States and States of States, (2) where the whole concept of soil and land jurisdictions came from (British Land Law), (3) how a Law Enforcement Officer is different from a Peacekeeping Officer (the Mack and Printz v. USA, Inc. decision and Pinkerton Laws), (4) the status of Federal Civilian and Military Employees, (5) the continuing obligation of Federal Employers and Social Security to pay pension dividends and provide services to vested participants regardless of changes in political status after retirement or other severance of employment. (6) We also discussed the importance of Baby Deeds and putting an end to the shameful practices that have allowed these predators to falsify our records in the first place. Unfortunately, as we are still working out the bugs, the recording of this event was lost and won’t be available for replay. No doubt we will revisit these large and important topics again and we look forward to more new questions this week for next Monday’s Countrywide Call. Please send your questions to: [email protected]. Please visit the new website at: theamericanstatesassembly.net And keep the Zoom link handy: https://zoom.us/j/597600142 Call in: 1 (669) 900-6833, or 1 (929) 205-6099. —————————- See this article and over 1600 others on Anna’s website here: http://www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. http://annavonreitz.com/ Wednesday, April 25, 2018
By Anna Von Reitz I have had several people contact me all excited and upset because some woman calling herself "Virgo Triad" is all over the internet saying I am a fake. Fine. Here is an object lesson in what I am trying to teach. 1. Why would you trust a nameless, faceless "voice" on YouTube and give them any credibility at all? I listened to one of her broadcasts and she was just blithering rumors and gossip like "Katie Courier" before her. 2. And why trust a nameless, faceless person calling herself "Virgo Triad"? Virgo star constellation? Triad -- name of Oriental gangs? Hello? The Virgo star constellation is the home of the "Doctrine of Scarcity". If you want to continue to suffer and go without things you need, that's where you want to go. All Masochists please form a line.... and Triads? You listen to Japanese and/or Chinese gangs as regular news sources? But she doesn't sound Oriental. She sounds like a confused Midwestern housewife in over her head. 3. And if I am a fake and impersonating a judge, openly, flagrantly, for four years running now --- why is it that I am still here, still running my court? Uh-duh...... The obvious answer is that I do know what I am talking about, my interpretation of jurisdictional issues is correct, and what I am teaching you all is correct, too. If I wasn't exactly who I am and doing what I say I am, I'd be in jail like a great many others who have visited federal "correctional facilities" before me. The other obvious answer is that certain parties are desperate to slow down the onrushing mass Exodus from their jurisdiction, because it means they can no longer play pirate and loot and pillage as they please, can no longer control and tax and harass as they please. Our leaving their jurisdiction also hastens the day when their heinous crimes are brought to justice. What "triad" wouldn't want to slow down that outcome? Please, we must learn to logically evaluate information and information sources and apply logic and discernment to what is being presented. If I dismiss clearly identified "Talking Heads" who show their faces on the major news channels, why would I pay any attention to the same kind of "Talking Head" embedding herself as a mysterious "anonymous" news source? Remember what I told you about the "Press Corps" and the military controlling all the media in this country since World War II. Some of these "agencies" have been taught to think of us as "the Enemy" and that controlling and harassing and misleading and defrauding us is their JOB. Think about that for fifteen minutes. And then realize that you have been paying for this "service"----on top of it. Next time you have to deal with an aggressive nasty public employee of any stripe, rear back, look them in the eye and say, "I am not the "Enemy" and you are not the "Employer" -- I am. Now that we have that straightened out, what is the problem you are trying to address?' Keep placing the plainly observable facts and logic of things in front of people ---things as simple as who is paying who's paycheck? Am I a Warrant Officer in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service--also known as a "Withholding Agent"? Really? Is it proper to coerce anyone to file false statements under penalty of perjury--- such as claiming to be a Withholding Agent when I know for sure that I'm not one? And if "Judge Anna" isn't a Judge--- (1) why is she claiming to be and acting as one, since this is not exactly a "fun job" to be doing without pay, and (2) how is it that she is still on duty after four (4) years of --- purportedly --- impersonating a judge??? I just published the facts about these "Courts" not being Courts and the "Judges" not having degrees in law or Oaths of Office, often not even having a working knowledge of law, because they are in fact just specialized bill collectors in charge of plundering and pillaging bogus public trusts for foreign interests. So the irony is that I am one of the very few actual Justices (national soil jurisdiction) or Judges (international land jurisdiction) left in this country and all the actual fake judges and their sycophants are confused and complaining. Go figure. People like me signal the end of their Gravy Train. And we are pleased and proud that this is so. ---------------------------- See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com |
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz