This is a video about the de facto so-called courts. It talks about what de facto means, and how they are de facto, and why. It shows that the real criminals are the BAR members sitting on the bench, and working for the Crown PIGs. They are all Satanists completing their commercial transactions for their United Nations and Roman Cult handlers and all of the officers are priests of BAAL.
![]() By Anna Von Reitz I have recently had cause to be re-reading documents from the past as we continue the arduous business of sorting through and reconstructing my law offices after the Earthquake. As I reported, the books all landed on the floor and got put back in the shelves in no particular order; lots of old files and publications also hit the floor and are in boxes and piles waiting to be sorted. So in all my "spare time"..... Anyway, I chanced upon my copy of "Lawfully Yours" --a quite wonderful publication from The Anti-Corruption Society-- ( and was reading it again as one tends to do while sorting paperwork. And thanks to Al Whitney and Crew, I could very clearly see The Missing Pieces: 1. There is an entire part of our "Federal Government" that is Missing in Action and has been MIA since 1868. It was never fully "reconstructed" after the Civil War -- though we were all left to assume that it had been. 2. The portion of the Federal Government that is missing just happens to be the portion of it that is owed to the American States and People: the Federal Branch of the Federal Government, which was and is supposed to be run by the Confederacy of Federal States of States formed under The Articles of Confederation adopted March 1, 1781. This Confederation doing business as the "States of America" was composed of business organizations operating as "States of States" that mirrored the actual States of the Union Federation called "The United States of America" formed five years before. Both of these organizations, one a Holding Company for the Federation States (The United States of America) and one a business association (States of America) were both formed during the Revolutionary War and continued to function afterward. The United States of America is still in operation, but the original States of America organization is not. That's the Missing Piece, together with the Federal States of States that are supposed to operate the Federal Government. These States of States operate under these names: The State of Georgia, The State of Ohio, and so on. Notice that like The United States and The United States of America, the word "the" is capitalized and is part of their actual Proper Name. When you realize this fully you can see that what we have been dealing with are operating under deceptively similar names: "the" United States, "the" State of Florida are not the same, so what are they? They are Territorial United States entities. The Territorial United States Government operated by the British Government is also a part of the original Federal Government-- the Territorial Branch. Not the Missing in Action Federal Branch, but it has been deceptively calling itself "the" Federal Government and getting away with it as a part of the intended Federal Government we are owed. The Municipal United States Government authorized under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 has been using the same semantic deceit to call itself "the" Federal Government, giving everyone the impression that a mere (and intended to be small) part of the original structure is the whole. There are supposed to be three branches to the Federal Government-- Federal, Territorial, and Municipal, but the actual "Federal" branch is MIA, and it's Federal States of States are mothballed, awaiting "Reconstruction". Meanwhile, self-interested European carpetbaggers have been secretively and fraudulently "representing" the American States and People and we have been kept in the dark, unable to solve a problem that we were deliberately left uninformed about. Meanwhile, our False Trustees and disloyal employees responsible for this situation have put in place various ploys to try to cement their theft of our entire country via legal chicanery and false claims in commerce. First and foremost is the bogus claim of the Municipal Government that our Mothers were all Unwed Mothers who donated our DNA and our Good Name to the Territorial Government. Second is the bogus claim that we set sail in 1933 and were never heard from again-- allowing the perpetrators to declare our Good Names "legally" dead and to probate our Estates "for" us -- so as to enrich themselves at our expense. Third is the bogus claim that any of this has been done with our knowledge or consent, that any of this was fully disclosed or voluntary. I have often locked horns with Karen Hudes, but I do agree with the quote you will find in the Foreword of "Lawfully Yours"--- "....the ABA (American Bar Association) has lost all -total- credibility, and they should apologize to the American people for what it is they have been doing. And they should disband." None of this pernicious and evil deceit, nor any of the abuses of it, would be possible without the corruption and often, gross ignorance, of the members of the American Bar Association. Folks, we have been kept in the dark and fed hay for so long by these villains that they think we are dumb beasts, "livestock" to be milked, and when times get hard for them, to be slaughtered either as cheap mercenaries in wars for profit or as murder victims in concentration camps, so they can collect on life insurance policies, write off their debts to us, and seize our property as "abandoned" assets. These corporations and the people who are running them are shameless and they don't want to give up power even when it is crystal clear that the jig is up. Record your claim to your Trade Name (Given Name) and Re-Convey it to permanent domicile on the Land and soil of your birth State. Then claim your ASSUMED NAMES. ( Then join your State Jural Assembly and post to the National Jural Assembly: Although our actual government and our Federation of States was never in the Civil War, it falls to our States to clean this mess up, convene our State Jural Assemblies, and reconstruct the "missing" Federal States of States that each one of our States are owed, and take care of our other business, too. Once our actual Federal Branch of the Federal Government is restored and the European thieves and knaves and their American Flunkies are put in their places, America will be back on track. So if you want to Make America Great Again--we now know what needs to be done, by whom, why, and basically-- how. Come back "home" to the land and soil of your birth, and join your State Jural Assembly. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. ![]() By Anna Von Reitz Aside from the fact that many of the people running the "government corporations" are liars and have to be liars to keep their jobs, and also the fact that the same liars hire propagandists to work for them-- ask yourselves some questions. If I am a fake and impersonating a judge-- why isn't anyone arresting me? Why is it that it's only the people who don't follow my instructions who get into trouble? Is it possible to be a Jesuit and a Lutheran at the same time? Just put on your own thinking caps. I am not a member of the Bar Association. I never said I was did I? What kind of court am I running? Answer: a State Court. Which courts require their judges to be Bar Association members? Answer: State of State Courts. Do land jurisdiction Courts hire Bar Attorneys? Answer: No. What kind of court am I running? Answer: Land jurisdiction. Can I run a land jurisdiction court and be a Bar Member? Answer: No Does that expose the exposers as the know-nothings they are? How did I meet the Pope? Answer: By accusing the Holy See of crime and Breach of Trust. Why did I work (unpaid) for three years as his Private Attorney to give Due Process to his employees? He repented and asked for my help. Would a sincere Christian say no? Do I think I am the "Messiah"? Have I ever said anything like that? No. What have I said? That I am the Fiduciary sent to clean up this Mess. What proves that I am who I say I am? Who else sued the Holy See and presented a cured Payment Bond and Bill of Lading? How is it that my Bill of Lading and its cure date exactly coincides with the official start date of The Age of Aquarius? What did Yeshuah say about his Kingdom, speaking about it back then in the Age of Pisces? "My Kingdom is not of this Age." Who is traditionally the Fiduciary in a Jewish community? The Grandmothers. What am I? A Grandmother and Great-Grandmother. What is my name? Anna. What is the name of Yeshuah's Grandmother as recorded in the Bible? Anna. Who do I represent in this matter? The Kingdom of Heaven. Who does the Pope represent? The Kingdom of God. Who triumphed and won the bet at Golgotha? Yeshuah or Satan? Yeshuah. So whose Kingdom was forfeit? Satan's. And where is his Kingdom? The international jurisdiction of the sea. And what is the Kingdom of Satan called? The Kingdom of God. So whether anyone likes it or not, The Kingdom of Heaven is here to collect Satan's Kingdom. It's simple enough and it's only been thousands of years that everyone has known about it, so nobody can say it's a big surprise as if it was unannounced, can they? And with all that has come out at the Dual Life of the Catholic Church, can we admit that the Apocalypse-- the great Revealing has come? And with all the Churches turning themselves into corporations operating in Satan's Kingdom, can we admit the Great Apostasy has come? And with the War in Iraq, did the Kings of the South and East and West not come as foretold? And did the Kings of the North not come afterward and take over all the other Kings fought over? And is Jerusalem not currently besieged in the midst of a great spiritual battle? Are not all the Nations of the world against her? And is not the Great Abomination, a giant idol, a statue of Ashtoreth, "standing where it should not stand" in New York Harbor? Are we not seeing evil in high places aplenty, and especially in the Kingdom of the Air? The Global Jurisdiction managed by the Church? Even the Prophecy of the Cedars and the Sycamores has been fulfilled, had it not? And don't the Liars still huddle in their dark places and trust in secrecy, thinking that their evil is unknown and that nobody will know their intent? Aren't the Lawyers still the stumbling block? Refusing to go into The Kingdom of Heaven themselves, and blocking the way for everyone else? What have I told you? That there is no point in lying or trying to hide, because in Truth, everything is known. That being so, why would I, knowing that, bother to lie about anything or hide anything from you? With the Americans being raped and pillaged by their supposed friends and Allies and international Trustees---Britain and the Popes--for a 150 years, does anyone doubt that the Great Tribulation--the payment of Tribute to Rome-- has not come also? Is there any doubt that these times are like the days of Noah with the Satanists murdering millions of babies and men sleeping with men and beasts and women cherishing dogs and cats instead of their own flesh? America, even under Mary's protection, has suffered terrible unrelenting damage for many years and has been pillaged and broken by all the nations of the world, defamed, defrauded, degraded, laughed at and scorned, robbed, raped, polluted, hated and blamed has it not? Haven't Christians all over the world been attacked and murdered for their faith? Have I not been a faithful Watchman and sounded the alarm? Have I not told you to flee Babylon? Is there not a "remnant" of the once great American People -- our fledgling Jural Assemblies, coming back into the land jurisdiction and leaving the Kingdom of Satan behind? What part of any of this is hard to see and understand? Do you all need a brick wall to fall on your heads before you know what is true and look at what is right in front of you? It has all come to pass. In five years time, he will stand among you again. So why are you not happy and making haste to prepare? I could care less if you believe me, because the Truth is a sword in my hand and The Living God will not be mocked-- but a prudent man has eyes and ears, does he not? ---------------------------- See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here: ![]() By Anna Von Reitz The Watchmen of The Republic-- the real one, are shouting from the rooftops and from the city walls. The Watch Fires are lit. The mouthpieces of their bought and paid for media blare nonsense night and day, bread and circuses to keep us entertained. But it isn't working. Their banks steal from their Depositors and throw fanciful money laundering schemes at us, seeking to exonerate themselves, entrap everyone else-- and use other people's money to do it. You want to do business with these "persons"? Really? A great and unseen struggle is being waged-- with one aim: to keep the American People duped and asleep. But it isn't working. It is this simple-- their Territorial Congress you see in Washington, DC is not our Congress. The Municipal United States Congress you see parading around and causing trouble isn't our Congress, either. Our States are not their States of States. Their Territorial States of States are not our Federal States of States. They are running a foreign, usurping government out of Washington, DC, and pretending to "represent" us. They don't. The Municipal United States Government should not exist outside the ten miles square of the District of Columbia. The Queen and the Popes have been colluding against us in Gross Breach of Trust since 1822. They are such good liars and payola artists, they've gotten away with it, too. To hear them tell it, black is white and red is blue. They have made false claims in commerce and duped us into obviously paying their corporate debts for 150 years, impoverishing us and enriching them. And when they realized the jig was up, what did they do? Even with the benefit of all that they have stolen from us, they could never pay us back. So they set up their FEMA Concentration Camps and ordered their 30,000 guillotines and taught the fools who work for their pieces of paper and their digits on a screen that we are "livestock" and "useless eaters" --- as they prepare to murder their Priority Creditors, their own Employers, the people who have paid their bills for all these years. And they collected the Life Force Value Annuities that should have been paid to the Americans and Canadians. And they concocted a bogus $20 Trillion Dollar U.S. National Debt by not applying credit that we are owed. And they won't protect our Southern Border even though that is required by their service contract. And right now, with the horrified eyes of the world upon them, they are trying to sell our Highway System to you so you can charge us tolls to use our own roads to pay their bills for them? You think that is going to fly? Wake up, Beijing! Do you need a better reason to destroy the "Federal Reserve"? Has it dawned on everyone yet who the real villains in the story are? The same worthless roaches are trying to sell our land and soil and water, too, to anyone stupid enough to think that they can buy it from them. Be forewarned all you investors. The land and soil and the waters belong to our States and our People and we are sick and tired of any more legal chicanery, any more lies, any more excuses for any of this. If you have a debt or a claim against the "U.S." --the American States and People are NOT their "Sureties". The Queen and the Pope are their Sureties. Don't come here, China, and negotiate with the thieves of the "Federal Reserve". Those roads belong to us. Don't come here and claim to buy a "Water District" and think you own the People's water. You are being Swindled and so are we by international criminals ensconced in Washington, DC-- and those criminals have nothing to do with us. Just keep flying East until you get to London and Rome. There you will find the deplorable scoundrels who stole our labor and money and resources and now propose to steal yours. What good is their fraudulent title to things they don't own? Of what value are their lies, pretending that we are their Sureties and that we agreed to this? 99.9% of Americans never heard a word about any of these cozy arrangements made "for" us by these self-interested Liars. Fly East to London and to Rome and speak to those who are truly responsible for the debts that the fake "U.S." owes. Wake up, Beijing. A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but a dung heap is still a dung heap, too. America is not for sale and we are not responsible for their odious debts. The Queen is responsible for the debts and bad behavior of the Territorial Government and the Pope is responsible for the Municipal Government and both the Queen and the Spanish King are responsible for all the criminality that has been headquartered in Puerto Rico. It has nothing to do with us and trying to buy up our infrastructure from them is like trying to buy a Hawaiian Beach from an Eskimo. No doubt they would give you a Quit Claim Deed to everything they don't own. Wake up, Beijing. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here: ![]() By Anna Von Reitz I was sent to straighten this mess out. Literally. It happened just as I stated. I was minding my own business, just counting all my blessings one afternoon and realized how truly blessed I have been. Looking back on it all I realized that there must have been a reason for it all, so in gratitude, I just said, okay, Lord, here I am. Whatever it is you want me to do, I will do. Three days later all this began and has been ongoing ever since. To date, I am the only living being on record to sue the Holy See to turn over Satan's kingdom (international jurisdiction of the sea) and present the Bill of Lading for it. You think that action was because I am arrogant and conceited? Or because my Master is OWED Satan's kingdom along with everything else? Looks to me like you are you looking in your own mirror and judging others by yourself. Satan still hasn't paid up for the bet he lost at Golgotha and his followers thought that nobody would catch on to that fact, but yes, we, The Kingdom of Heaven, have come to collect from The Kingdom of God. I also gave them instructions how to convert the debt system to a credit system in three days without hurting anyone-- even the bankers. But they would not listen, just like they would not listen to my Master. Instead, this is what you are supporting and involved in: The bankers stole all the Special Deposits --huge private asset accounts of actual gold, silver, etc., falsely claimed that all these assets were "abandoned", set up a separate accounting system for all this, dubbed it "Manna World Holdings Trust" and handed the keys to Kim Goguen. It was all premeditated fraud, theft, and crime aimed at the banks washing their hands by handing the loot over to an innocent Third Party and paying off their debts to society using someone else's money. So Trump is in a bind and Kim goes to him and offers to help and he takes the bait. There is just one little problem with all this-- it's primarily stolen money she is distributing. Notice-- banks steal from depositors. Banks try to launder their theft by handing the loot to a Third Party-- "Manna World Holding Trust". Kim starts giving away money and causes a stir, taking heat off the banks--- which is what they want. Trump accepts money from Kim and thereby becomes an accessory to the crime-- which is also what they want. And at the end of the day, people (like you) think--oh, boy, this is great! Free money! But it's not free money. It was not "abandoned" either. It belongs to Depositors who were robbed and cheated by the same white collar thieves who have been running this crime scene for generations. Now, all you former government employees think I should just fall in line behind your Commander in Chief and give the green light to all this finagling and you attack me because I won't approve of it. So let's look at why? Theft like fraud taints everything it touches. And it does not actually change the ownership of anything. The only way that Trump can now wash his hands is by going to the actual Depositors and Trustees who are owed those Special Deposit Accounts, and asking for them to agree to help by paying off government debts and funding his operations. They would do that so long as his heart is in the right place for the American People. I know quite a number of these actual Depositors, and they would help Trump--- but just taking without asking because you have the naked power to do so, is theft. And the rather childish attempt to launder theft through Kim Goguen won't work. So. Nice kettle of fish you experts --all you former high ranking government officials and subcontractors and priests at the Vatican and World Bank officials have gotten us into, just because you are so arrogant and such know-it-alls that even now you won't listen. It's not going to wash. Just study those words. Laundering it through "Manna" isn't working now and it won't work later. The banks stole the Depositors money-- actual gold, silver, etc. -- and that theft doesn't end just because it passes hands. And as for "fairy-tales" who is going to believe that this nice lady who never had a pot for herself just showed up out of nowhere with all this "endless" supply of money to shower on everyone? Right? Hello? This is just an American version of the old "Wolfgang Struck, Philanthropist" scam and if you had been wrestling with these issues as long as I have, you would have no trouble seeing that fact. Finally, your suggestion that I did all this out of some selfish motive or for purposes of self-aggrandizement is a Flat Tire, too. Powers far beyond this Earth sent me and I agreed to go out of love for the Earth and for the people on it, and out of personal gratitude to the One who created it all. That may not be something that motivates you and your Buddies, but it is the only reason I am here. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1500 others on Anna's website here: ![]() By Anna Von Reitz As we reported some months ago, Prince Philip absconded with $950 T USD by making false claims to receive assets that actually belong to Canadians and Americans --- then "retired" into "private life" in an attempt to consolidate his hold on the ill-gotten and unjust enrichment. It is a fundamental principle of British Law from time immemorial that criminals not be allowed to profit from their crimes. What, ho? Westminster? Whitehall? Members of the Privy Council? Your Britannic Majesty? We have explained how a succession of gross Breaches of Trust and commercial contract have resulted in equally gross and blatant fraud and racketeering against America and Americans by our British Territorial "public servants" and the members of Municipal United States CONGRESSES. In the 1860's the collapse of the Federal States of States making up the original Confederacy established under The Articles of Confederation was deliberately misinterpreted as a collapse of our Federation of States. The British King saw his opportunity to pull a fast one and substitute Territorial United States franchises merely calling themselves "State of _______" for the Federal States of States we are owed. This was done via a combination of similar names deceits and non-disclosure to the populace at the time. This unlawful conversion resulted in millions of Americans being disenfranchised and unable to cast ballots in what appeared to be public elections, but which were actually private corporation elections. Then, in the 1930's, the Pope and the British Monarch further conspired with Democrats headed by FDR, to pull another fast one and pretend that our Trade Names were actually the names of British Territorial Foreign Situs Trusts. This unlawful conversion resulted in: (1) illegal conscription of Americans via the "Draft" in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam; (2) illegal taxation of Americans who were not "voluntarily" or knowingly claiming British Territorial Citizenship, not employees of the Territorial or Municipal governments, and not dependents thereof; (3) unlawful Breach of our National Trust; (4) False claims against our land and false issuance of Titles related to our land holdings; (5) Unlawful and illegal probate of our individual estates; (6) Unlawful and illegal crimes of personage resulting in copyrighting our Trade Names as the names of British Territorial franchise corporations and the creation of Municipal Public Charitable Trusts, Public Utilities, and Cestui Que Vie "gift" ESTATE trusts operated "in our names" by these Vermin. And now, for the instant case: Americans have been uniformly subjected to conscription and mis-characterization of their nationality by the Territorial Government obligated to serve us. This has resulted in Americans being deliberately misidentified as British Territorial Citizens known as "US Citizens". This is a capitol crime under the Geneva Conventions. This in turn has led to the creation of millions of "infant decedent estates", the evidence of which is apparent from the Certificates which the Vermin issued to unsuspecting parents. These "Birth Certificates" clearly show the details of the birth event of a live American baby and the probate of their natural estate to form a Municipal Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust operated out of Puerto Rico. This gigantic fraud scheme allowed gross crimes of personage and racketeering to occur on our shores for almost a hundred years and we are still suffering the affects of this outrageous international crime by the sanctimonious politicians who have been in league with the British Trust Breakers and the Popes who have similarly betrayed their Holy Office and acted in the Office of the Roman Pontiff to defraud Americans. None of this is a matter of politics. None of it is a matter of an actual "war". All of it is merely garden variety Bunko and white-collar crime carried out on a vast scale by Trustees acting in Breach of Trust and conspiring together for mutual self-benefit. Which leads us to the current circumstance wherein Prince Philip owes the Canadian and American People $950 Trillion USD in "Life Force Value Annuities" which he claimed as part of the settlement of the bankruptcy of the Municipal Corporation of CANADA. "Life Force Value Annuities" are basically the equivalent of life insurance for a corporation --- in this case, the Municipal Cestui Que Vie "gift" ESTATE Trusts which were purportedly all subsumed and liquidated while in the care-taking possession of CANADA. Prince Philip has claimed that all of these ESTATES were part of the Commonwealth and belonged to unknown British Territorial PERSONS presumed "lost at sea". But in fact those ESTATES were formed as part of a deplorable international fraud scheme and they belong for the most part to Americans who are the Priority Creditors of Record. The schemers have attempted to run this through CANADA to avoid direct claims against the ESTATES via the parent corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.). However, as CANADA is in fact a franchise of the UNITED STATES (INC.) and our claims against the UNITED STATES (INC.) were already established and have since been perfected, there can be no doubt that our ESTATES were not "gifted" and were not "abandoned", either. When our purported ESTATES were liquidated by the bankruptcy of CANADA, they "died" ---- liquidation being "death" for a corporation, and Prince Philip picked up the "Life Force Value Annuities" as corporate "life insurance". The scenario --- merely translated into the realm of legal fictions --- is the same as the evil husband who takes out a life insurance policy on his wife, murders her, collects on the hefty secret life insurance he placed on her, and then runs off with his mistress. The same exact scam, and crime, has been applied to incorporated entities bearing our names--- only in this case, the "betrayed wives" are incorporated entities that should never have existed, entities which have no legitimacy and therefore, no legitimate debt; however, if there are any debts, those debts should certainly be paid out of the "Life Force Value Annuities" that the insurance companies have given without proper consideration to Prince Philip and the living people and all their property assets should be held harmless, free and clear, and any residuals owed from the rent, lease, taxation, or other profit-making from our assets should also be returned to the victims of this criminal scheme. I am fairly sure that America and Canada are not the only countries that have been bilked in exactly the same way, and it won't take a team of rocket scientists to examine the books and come to the same conclusions. Australia, Germany and Japan have almost certainly suffered from the same fraud, as well as the nations of the EU, most of South America, and most of Africa, and numerous nations in the Middle East. Now, the Popes and the Holy See and the Vatican are all in this pile of horse dung up to their necks. The Predecessors of Benedict XVI and Francis had their paws all over this fraud scheme and it can readily be proven that they and the Queen and the Vatican Bank, the Banks of England, Scotland, and France, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of New York Mellon, and others all benefited themselves royally at our expense via these institutionalized fraud mechanisms and improper bankruptcies and improper bankruptcy settlements and insurance frauds. Exposure of this vast criminality and actual correction is the only hope for humanity to go forward. Everyone reading this has the motivation to reclaim their country's public property and their own private assets from this multinational crime syndicate, and also to demand their piece of the profits. After all, these corporations used our assets to obtain their profits and did so via a process of fraud and coercion and false claims in commerce as well as probate fraud, personage, and mis-characterization of our nationalities, bankruptcy fraud and insurance fraud. The criminals must not be allowed to profit from their crimes, and those who have suffered for generations deserve to be compensated to the extent possible --- which in the case of the Canadians and Americans is $950 T. Pay up. PS. We don't care what you have to do to convince Prince Philip of the necessity of returning the value of our purloined assets directly to us with no further flim-flam, and since you failed to pierce the veil during the bankruptcy of these corporations, we trust that you will equally not honor his pretensions of entering "private life" and taking the insurance money you allowed to the actual beneficiaries with him. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here: The Big Con By Anna Von Reitz For most people, contemplation of how our American Government has been commandeered by foreign con artists-- British and Papal Agents-- will be hard enough to deal with. However, beyond this deplorable breach of trust and criminality is a far more common, pervasive, and universal con scheme --The Big Con -- that underlies the world as we know it. I will call it "The Pillar to Post Scheme". It is very simple ---and it is the necessary condition needed to "divide and conquer"-- as in divide and conquer all of us. Basically, the Fraud Artists deliberately set up two sides to everything and use this mechanism to --as my Mother used to say, "Play both ends against the middle". Here is a stellar example of it: We now know that in the Dark Ages, the Roman Catholic Church paid Mohammed to popularize the Quran throughout the Middle East, apparently in order to create a "Pillar to Post" situation for itself-- that is, to give itself something to fight against and an excuse to confiscate property from the Moors and the Jews. This creation of religious controversy was the "necessary condition" for The Crusades and all the money, power, and property assets that the Church acquired as a result. The whole enmity between Islam and Christianity was ginned up with malice aforethought-- created, and not by accident. We were all used by the "Belief Makers"--- for their gain and our loss. The Crusades depopulated Europe leaving the Church as beneficiary of most of the resulting largess. We have all been "played" throughout history in exactly the same manner. The Perps create two sides and we stupidly line up and choose one side or the other, as if all our choices suddenly dwindled down to that. Statutory or Common Law? Allopathic or Naturopathic Medicine? New England Patriots or Dallas Cowboys? Republican or Democrat? Catholic or Protestant? It's all the same game-- Pillar to Post. One of the most obvious and vicious examples occurred during the British Protectorate in the Middle East. They drew some lines on a map and labeled it "Palestine". Everyone inside the border of Palestine was this labeled a "Palestinian" and redefined as such. Where, the day before, a peaceful polyglot culture of mostly Arabic and Jordanian people co-existed with a large contingent of European Christians and Jews--- we now had all of them arbitrarily labeled as "Palestinians". Side One was created. Then all the Perps had to do was create another "side" for the newly created Palestinians to fight against. This was accomplished by importing large numbers of Jews. Pillar to Post. A recipe for endless war for all of us and endless profits for arms dealers and "defense" manufacturers--- also endless excuses for foreign governments to meddle in the region. The Vermin are trying to do the same thing throughout the world. The Masters of the Big Con are busy setting up multiple two-sided hate complexes-- Muslims against Christians, Immigrants against Americans, Immigrants against French, immigrants against Germans, Jews against Everybody, Blacks against Whites and so on. They are desperately promoting "sides" to everything, and if they have their way, we will soon be fighting each other over which brand of toothpaste we use. Crest or Colgate? The important point here is that we are all being played--- conned, set up, used by these Vermin, who are sitting back and profiting themselves from our misery, and never even being identified as the Cause of it all. Look at what the Church gained from the Crusades? Most of Europe was de-populated, with the Church being the single largest beneficiary of the wealth and assets left behind. The Church also gained the power of taxation -- a power formerly held only by secular governments. Remember that the Income Tax began as "Peter's Pence" --a tax imposed by the Church on Parishioner's income for the prior year, collected by the Inquisition and due April 15 of each year -- to support the cost of The Crusades. And what is the current Income Tax? Technically, and top IRS officials will tell you this to your face- it's a gift and estate tax. They are taxing you for the privilege of gifting your estate to them, and you are presumed to be doing this voluntarily as a religious subscription to FDR's "Holy cause". If the Bushwah got a quarter of an inch deeper, we'd all drown. And what is this "Holy cause"? War, eternal, perpetual, horrific, endless war to please Lucifer, the "god" who "loves the smell of burning flesh". You and millions of others are being defrauded every year out of large portions of your earnings to finance your own destruction and the destruction of other innocent people around the world. Technically, it is being done by a web-like interlocking trust directorate linking 147 key corporations worldwide and via commodity rigging of the world currency markets by the euphemistically named "Exchange Stabilization Fund" --- but in truth and in fact, in a greater sense, it is only possible because we have been fooled into choosing sides and falling for all this malarkey. I have one "side"-- the side of life and love and sharing and justice and passion and pleasure and abundance and freedom and peace. These are the fruits of waking up and putting a stop to their Pillar to Post schemes and withdrawing all support from the organizations that promote these evils. Are you ready? The next elections held in this country need to be Public Elections for Public Offices---not Make Believe private corporate elections for political lobbyists. Declare your political status on the public record and join your State Jural Assembly. Wake everyone up and spread the word. Be not like dumb driven cattle. It's easy. Stop choosing sides. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. The "terms of the gift" The "Terms of the Gift"
By Anna Von Reitz A few days ago I wrote an article called "The Big Con" in which I described the treasonous manner in which you have been conscripted, used, and abused for the benefit of foreign powers as a result of treason by FDR and others. I also made the apparently stunning revelation that the "income tax" is considered a "gift" tax on your ESTATE, which you and your Mother purportedly donated to the Municipal United States (as Trustee) for the benefit of the Territorial United States Government (the purported Beneficiary). Here is the actual citation proving it: United States Code (USC) Title 31, Money and Finance Subtitle I, General Chapter 3, Department of the Treasury Subchapter II, Administrative; §321, General authority of the Secretary (d)(1). The Secretary of the Treasury may accept, hold, administer, and use gifts and bequests of property, both real and personal, for the purpose of aiding or facilitating the work of the Department of the Treasury. Gifts and bequests of money and the proceeds from sales of other property received as gifts or bequests shall be deposited in the Treasury in a separate fund and shall be disbursed on order of the Secretary of the Treasury. Property accepted under this paragraph, and the proceeds thereof, shall be used as nearly as possible in accordance with the terms of the gift or bequest. (d)(2). For purposes of the Federal income, estate, and gift taxes, property accepted under paragraph (1) shall be considered as a gift or bequest to or for the use of the United States. And now, that you have proof that your ESTATE was supposedly "gifted" to these venal criminals while you were still a baby in your cradle and then mis-administered by other venal criminals "in your behalf", what are you going to do about it? Sit there and smile while they rape and pillage the "infant decedent's ESTATE"? Did you or your Mother ever consciously and "voluntarily" gift your Good Name and Estate to the Territorial United States? Ever? No? Well, get on your shit-kicking boots and say so. Stand up. Go after the bastards who have mis-represented you in this outrageous fashion., There is a lawful way to deal with this. You form your Jural Assemblies, you elect your Land Jurisdiction Sheriff, you elect your Justice of the Peace, you set up your State Court and you arrest these undeclared foreign agents caught engaged in conspiracy against the actual Constitution and participating in extortion and racketeering on your soil. You then inform the Territorial Government and turn them over for prosecution. So what is so hard to understand about this situation? You need to reclaim your "reversionary trust interest" in your own Good Name and ESTATE and return to the land and soil of your actual birth, see through all this legal chicanery, and start holding those responsible feet first to the fire. These are criminals we are dealing with, both Territorial and Municipal, but when you put your foot down and organize your own courts they have no further recourse. That has already been decided by their own United States Supreme Court in Milligan Ex Parte. Your courts take precedence over THEIR courts. So get on your feet and address this situation for yourself and for your country. Do it now, before its too late. Follow the instructions posted on my website --- Article 928 --- to re-stake your claim and join your State Jural Assembly. They can be contacted via and specific help can be accessed by contacting: [email protected]. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. ![]() WHAT IS SOVEREIGNTY? It is the inherent right and prerogative of a civilized people to rule itself, and to dictate all of the forms and conditions of the institutions it sets up to carry out this rule. WHAT IS DE FACTO GOVERNMENT? The state and federal government is a corporation and therefore the Congress, State Legislatures, City Councils, Municipalities and all State and Federal Courts are corporate entities posing as Constitutional branches of government. The delegates to the first Federal Convention prohibited the use of corporations by all governments representing the American Republic. Therefore, all of these corporate governments and their corporate laws are a usurpation of the organic Constitution of the United States of America. All State Governments are now sub-corporations of the Federal Government, making all Courts and all law enforcement personnel, corporate federal agencies or employees. Corporations are privately owned businesses, meaning that the Corporate United States belongs to one or more private individuals, which is always governed by a Board of Directors. The Corporate United States is privately owned by a group of European Royal and Elite individuals tied to the Federal System and the letters of incorporation are recorded in the Vatican. The President of the United States is actually the CEO of the United States and the Congress and all others are corporate employees. Everything they do is in the interest of the corporate owners! Continue... ![]() Which Is The Real American Government? --- Unanswered Letters 2 -- Reply to Pat Anderson By Anna Von Reitz There has been a LOT of confusion in this process, Pat---- unavoidably so, with the meanings of words being deliberately obscured and many facets of our history buried in reams of the most boring verbiage on Earth. is the skinny of it all, as delved out from the public records we have. The Forefathers established nation-states in each of the colonies. Nations are political entities composed of members of Jural Assemblies--- unincorporated associations of people who join together for the purpose of defining and enforcing local law; and in our case, that means the Common Law of the land, because our nation-states and our jural assemblies are all land-based and this is the form of law that our Forefathers chose to operate the land jurisdiction. States are also political entities "standing for" those nations, created for the purpose of administration of public works and trusteeship of public resources. So you have the nation, a political entity structured as an unincorporated association of free people acting as a Jural Assembly to define and enforce the law, and you have the state, which is entrusted with providing public services and trusteeship of public property which is owned "in common". The word "state" has another meaning, too, which is the geographic territory in which the members of the state jural assembly live and over which their authority extends. A "county" is similarly structured. The word can stand for the organization charged with administration of public works and trusteeship of public resources within the boundaries of the geographic territory, or it can mean the literal geographic territory in which the county jural assembly lives and over which their authority extends. In the American System, generally speaking, townships make up counties, counties make up states, and the political power vested in these organic states and their living people forming their jural assemblies flows upward---- from the bottom up, not the top down. Continue... By Anna Von Reitz
People ask me--- what are we to do? First, realize that our Enemies are Liars. They worship the Father of all Lies, all Errors, all Delusions. Second, realize that they operate by pretending to be us. They just ram around taking up fake personas, pretending to be Catholics, pretending to be Muslims, pretending --- even --- to be Patriots. Or Republicans. Or Democrats. To them, it is all just a matter of playing a part, like an actor plays a part. Third, realize that they have little or no conscience. They are motivated by the most base kinds of needs and wants --- sex, food, ego. When you look at all their crimes it is apparent that a base and mindless kind of selfishness permeates their every move and motive like a bad smell. The "bad smell" attribute of all their works and ways is understandable in part, because these people are, in a sense, dead. Their souls are dead, so they are rotting from the inside out. The presence of our Creator, His Life extended to us all, withdraws from them and leaves them in a queer muddle of existence. Their bodies function, their mouths speak -- but only to spew lies and snide ego-driven comments -- like what you see on television every day among "news commentators". Since when did we ever need "news commentators"? --that is, politically motivated editorialists to tell us what to think? As I recall, the only need a sane society has is for "news reporters", not "opinion makers". Left alone to use our own minds, we can all form our opinions very well. But we are not living in a sane society. We are living in a modern-day repeat of the Babylonian and Sumerian Abomination, "as in the days of Noah". Not only are these people Liars and devotees of all things fraudulent, deceitful, illusory, and dishonest, they are also devotees of all things that are unreal, fictional, "made up". They love names and labels and use these as "handles" --- literally --- to grab and steal and attempt to alter identities and realities. I have spent an inordinate amount of time teaching you all how they have made up and used "styles" of your own name to defraud you, but the same and worse has happened to whole countries. Ask yourself--- when did "Gaul" become "France"? When did "England" become "Great Britain"? Observe how they have endeavored to change "The United States of America" into "the United States"? They have used this same device to "re-brand" and "re-define" you from being a living man with rights and protections, to being a dead thing --- a corporation franchise that can be murdered and pillaged and plundered at will. They have killed you on paper and probated your estate while you were still an infant in your cradle. And they think it is all a fine joke--- and will think so, until we prosecute them as the criminals they are. Things are looking bad for Scotland, very bad, indeed. It was a Scottish corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated" that kicked off the Great Fraud against America. It was Scotland where the Templars fled after King Philip got wise to them in France. And now, it's the Scottish Rite Temple Master of Rosalyn calling for "Ordo ab Chao", ordering all the 33rd Degree Freemasonic "Brothers" to wage war to "restore order" when their own Overlords, the British Guilds, have been so uniquely responsible for the Disorder we are facing. It's like the left hand of a monster declaring "war" against the right hand of the same Beast, all for show, all for the purposes of blame. They are at it again, playing their endless game of pretend, pretend, pretend, and it is truly as if they don't realize the difference between fiction and fact. People ask me--- why is Donald Trump having such a hard time? First, Donald Trump is an outsider to all this craziness. He is "Nouveau Riche", he actually has Jewish people in his family, he doesn't get the joke when certain Catholic priests declare that the wine in their communion cup is transmuted into the actual blood of Christ. Drinking blood? Where have we heard that before? Second, Donald Trump is surrounded by and dealing with gangs on every side: political gangs, professional gangs, gangs even in the military. These gangs are a logical result of the corruption of governments worldwide by corporate interests and by the secretive "redefinition" of actual national governments as incorporated "territorial" and "municipal" governments. Third, Donald Trump has had to go through a very onerous and dangerous process of testing "his spirits" even among those closest to him to try to discern who is telling the truth, who is compromised, who is corrupt, who is a viable ally --- and who is a deceitful enemy in ally clothing. All this sorting and sieving is accompanied by loads of gross dis-information and propaganda and outright lies that are being pumped at Trump from every side, but--- like me, God blessed Donald Trump with a Shinola Sensor, so while it may take him a little time to cut through all that mustard, he is actually getting down to the ham and roast beef in record time. Last week I forwarded his Tweet about shutting down the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has been operating without a contract since 2009 and should have been shut down a decade ago, but they were allowed to continue merrily taxing the American people on one hand and counterfeiting "US Dollars" on the other. What else do you call it when an unauthorized person or group prints money? So, not only is the Federal Reserve being shut down, it doesn't take rocket science to figure out that various parties will be prosecuted for these crimes. That's why I told everyone to batten down the hatches and take those disaster preparations seriously: food, water, heat, some cash and barter items, medications, pet food.... all the things you need so that you can stay home if need be. If the word out of Washington this week is true, a gang of 50 Federal Reserve Operatives embedded in the Treasury Department tried to pull a New Year's Eve Putsch, one that would have resulted in stealing another five trillion dollars from the American States and People and resulted in another catastrophic Depression. Why 50? Odd number of co-conspirators, don't you think? Unless there was one for every State of the Union manning a bank terminal and trying to work the same sleight of hand at the same time. Luckily for us and everyone else who enjoys eating, they were caught in the act and whisked away to join their friends at Gitmo, and despite the obvious disarray and silence of the so-called "News" Media, the word is on the street. The IMF just clobbered the Federal Reserve. Now who is going to clobber the IMF? As I have so often observed, in the Kingdom of the Dead, there are no good choices, just lesser or less flagrant and irresponsible evils. This is primarily because corporations are not held accountable and those running corporations are not held accountable. The Roman Curia is supposed to rule over their creations --- trusts, foundations, C-Corps, S-Corps, LLCs and so on --- and is obligated to liquidate any corporation that is caught engaged in unlawful activity, but as you can now perceive, quite a number of Satanists pretending to be Catholics have infiltrated the Church and the Curia neglected its duty. As a result, entire countries have been run by incorporated crime syndicates in an interlocking trust directorate affecting every country on Earth. Now, to their credit the Curia has weighed in and liquidated a great many municipal corporations involved in criminal activities. This includes the UNITED STATES, INC. which has been subjected to Chapter 7, Involuntary Bankruptcy. They are now in the process of "vacating" the premises and have to shut down and leave DC for 90 days. How long do you think the "government shut down" is going to go on, if the members of Congress have anything to say about it? 90 days. The problem with all of this is, that until the people running these lawless corporations are brought to justice and punished by losing their unjust enrichment and paying damages and never having the privilege of forming, owning, operating, or profiting from a corporation again --- the same Bad Actors just flip around slap a new name on their shingle, and keep on skating. I have already observed two good examples of this --- the Tavistock Institute has renamed its American branch the "A.K. Rice Institute" and the infamous mercenary operation known as "Blackwater" has re-branded itself as the "Academi". This re-shuffling and re-branding and re-naming is also apparent in the grocery stores --- old brands and labels you recognize are disappearing and new ones are taking their place --- albeit at much higher prices. Rapid inflation and devaluation is underway, with a cup of yogurt that cost $1.09 last week now costing $1.89 and a loaf of bread that was $3.99 now costing $6.97. But you will have to observe these things for yourself on your own grocery shelves, because the "News" Media isn't really about news. I was at the grocery store in Big Lake, Alaska, within an hour of reading Trump's Tweet about closing the Federal Reserve, filling my cart with last minute supplies. I heard a young couple behind me arguing over the prices and obviously in distress over a $.30 price per can increase of beans. They were already on the ragged edge and she was saying to him, "We have to cook the dried ones. We can't afford these. My babies have got to eat." And he was saying, "I don't know what we are going to do, then--- you know how much it costs for heat and electricity." There, in that little microcosm, is The Problem. While some crime syndicates have helped themselves to trillions of dollars worth of credit and assets, billions of people have been reduced step-by-step to a choice between food and heat in the winter. Mr. Trump, please arrest everyone involved in the Federal Reserve and its operations, including its owners and share holders and affiliates. Nationalize their holdings and return the value of their liquidated assets to the States and People who have been ruthlessly victimized by these Vermin for over a hundred years. It's time. And don't think that the IMF is a bit better. Make sure that no young couple has to choose between beans and heat, by returning to them what should never have been stolen from them. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. |
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