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By Anna Von Reitz In 25 words or less: the culprits responsible for this situation --- all of whom are thieves guilty of capital crimes --- chose one of their own to be the Holder, instead of returning control of the assets to the actual owners. Is that simple enough for everyone to understand? Kim Goguen is one of them by blood, by training, by indoctrination, by belief, by all that is endemic to the evil that pervades the Banking Cult. She may try to do things differently. She may have good intentions. But that does not change the fact that she is in control of (or claims to be in control of) stolen goods and assets that don't belong to her, and she is standing there bare-faced and refusing to give the assets back to the actual owners. So, what am I as a Justice supposed to do? Support her in unlawful possession? Just because she seems to be a Nice Person? Looking deeper into the situation, it is clear that the actual Holder of all these assets is and should be The United States of America, which means that they fall under my Fiduciary Office and not hers. She should be working for me and doing what I tell her to do, not stomping around making False Claims based on possession related to piracy, fraud, and unlawful conversion. What I would tell her to do is very simple --- start releasing assets in a step-by-step fashion to the people they actually belong to. Return all the Titles to American Land to the most recent American Owners, meaning living people, not corporations. Do the same on a worldwide basis. Return all the "individual" ESTATES to the Americans they are named after, all the Brits they are named after, all the Germans they are named after.... . It isn't rocket science. The benefit of the massive wealth stolen and amassed by these criminals can be returned to the people individually and as funding for many beneficial technologies and new infrastructure. And as for the military, I'd tell them to stop goosing around like idiots. Tell the Europeans we are calling in their debts and taking over their corporations and their banks if they don't shut down the B.E.A.S.T. system and the UN nonsense and stop all the False Claims against Americans. You military generals may be "US Citizens" all you like, but you need us to back you up and give you a contract, otherwise you are all just a bunch of mercenaries and thugs with no standing as soldiers and if you are going to betray the people who actually employ you and do the bidding of Middlemen acting in Breach of Trust ---- then why do we need you? Hello? Why do we need to keep paying you and buying you new toys? What good are your oaths to protect and defend "the" Constitution when you are too clueless to know which Constitution that is? Too clueless to know that you work for the American People, not the Queen, not the Pope and not the ever-loving "UN CORP", either? NATO is the Enemy. It was formed by the same group of criminals that formed the European Common Market and that are trying to create the B.E.A.S.T system. The US Navy is compromised and in conflict of interest. Even the Marine Corps that actually allows that our troops are American --- is compromised in its command structure because they take their orders from the Navy and the Navy takes their orders from the Queen. We have no Coast Guard thanks to the same cozy arrangement. The Coast Guard is supposed to be protecting us --Americans-- from Inland Piracy. That is what we pay them to do as their principal responsibility. But guess what? All this graft and fraud has come ashore on their watch. They are stood down, useless, helpless to stop the human trafficking and gun running and drug running, left without funding just like the Federal Marshals who are supposed to be protecting us and our international land jurisdiction. We have to rely on volunteers to provide enforcement. They-- the Navy, the Marines, and the Coast Guard (inappropriately) are all under the command of the Brits, and the Queen is guilty and up to her knickers in graft and fraud against her own people and the "former" commonwealth nations and us, too, taking the payola and not giving a fig more than her batty great-grandmother did about the consequences of her betrayals. The pelicans at the BBC snarking about Trump and trying to get something started with Iran --- or anywhere else they can get a nice little war going -- are nothing but a bunch of greedy self-interested war mongers and propagandists for men who make their money on war. So let's throw them in front of the cannons and the tanks, this time, shall we? Haul out all the BBC Commentators and the Board Members of all of Britain's top corporations and their US Brethren and the members of Congress, and let them fill the trenches. They always want war, they are always pulling false flags and blaming others for their misdeeds. It's time that the Brits either shut up and pay up, or we stand back and let the buggers take it square in the shorts and nobody -- not us, not the Aussies, not the Canadians, not the New Zealanders, not the Scots, and certainly not the Irish --- nobody comes to rescue them. Anyway that "Special Relationship" with the British is why Trump has had to fall back on the US Army and Joint Forces Command of the American Armed Forces. See that word? American? They aren't talking about South Americans, in case you were wondering. Trump can't trust the US Navy. Its a sad day when the Commander-in-Chief of American Armed Forces can't depend on a third of the military we pay for, but that is the circumstance. The Navy wags have tired to kill him three times that I know of, and also tried to get WWIII started with the Russian submarine incident. I can only thank God that Putin had sense enough to see through it and Trump had sense enough to be skeptical and not rush into anything. All you Brass in the Navy? You'd better straighten your gigs and ratlines. The Queen is supposed to be acting in Good Faith under our Delegated Authority, but instead, she's in Breach of Trust. Be aware. She's not your actual Boss. We are. Without us, all she can do is serve you tea and crumpets and shower you with "knighthoods" like she gave the feckless traitors Colin Powell and G.H.W. Bush and Henry "the Floss" Kissinger. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com By Anna Von Reitz The "Federal Reserve" has always been as "federal" as Federal Express, folks. It's just a deliberately deceptive business storefront for a "private association" of international banks that have no business even being on our soil. First, the bankers behind the "Federal Reserve" caused the 1907 bankruptcy of the deceptively named foreign for-profit corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" which was formed by the Territorial United States in 1868 as a storefront purportedly "standing for" our actual land jurisdiction government. This ultimately resulted in WWI. Next, they stole the actual United States Treasury and moth-balled it in 1920, using it as a "resource dump" and managing it as a "trust", while claiming that our land --- land belonging to the member States of The United States of America (Unincorporated) was instead property belonging to their own bankrupt corporation dba The United States of America, Inc. which was in fact infringing on our copyright and Good Name. Then they ran up the stock market and dumped it, causing The Great Depression. Why? Because while everyone else was losing their shirt, the bankers involved in the Federal Reserve were standing back ready to come in and buy everything back at pennies on the dollar. Using their own manufactured "emergency" as an excuse, they next promoted the "Emergency Banking Act" of 1934, in which they established a bizarrely self-favoring exchange rate --- one of their paper I.O.U.'s called a "Federal Reserve Note" in exchange for one American Silver Dollar, on a "dollar for dollar" basis. What a deal, hey, Heimi? Having deliberately created a confusion between us and their bogus commercial corporation merely named after us, and having taken a false title to our land as chattel backing their debts, they next turned to stealing the value of our lawful money via this "exchange rate" ---their worthless I.O.U.'s for our silver. They played the same kinds of games in Europe, which caused World War II. Using falsification of public records, they next levied a false claim of ownership against us and our labor. In the 1940 Buck Act, they baldly claimed to own "us" as property. After WWII, they settled down for a while to count up all the ill-gotten gains and expand their empire of fraud to include the entire rest of the world. Via abuse of our Patent and Trademark Office they created all sorts of "franchises" for themselves. The Municipal UNITED STATES created STATES OF STATES like the STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, which then chartered all kinds of commercial corporations, like FANNY MAE and BASKIN-ROBBINS, and JAMES DUDLEY, LLC-----and CANADA, CHINA, JAPAN, VENEZUELA..... The Territorial United States created the USA, Inc. and chartered all sorts of franchises for itself, too --- State of Wisconsin, State of Illinois, and so forth, and also, Canada, Inc., China, Inc., Japan, Inc. Then, in 2009, they bankrupted the "Federal Reserve System" that guaranteed all those Federal Reserve "Notes" ---- and their very own court doing business as the International Court of Justice --- gave them bankruptcy protection that they did not deserve. So, they just stole the value of all our labor, all our silver, all the natural resources purloined out of this country from 1934 to 2009. And now, they are plotting to steal our land and our credit -- $4,778 Trillion Dollars which is owed to the actual United States of America via false claims of "abandonment". Then, they plan to take all this ill-gotten credit and release a bogus "RV" which will "distribute the wealth" --- which isn't theirs and which isn't abandoned and which is already properly claimed on the international record by people who have seen through their con game and re-claimed their Good Names and Estates in behalf of the actual States and People of this country---on a very ephemeral basis. The Plot, which is simple enough, is to release all sorts of Funny Money and Money of Account to favored individuals, who will instantly become "Trillionaires" overnight, and who will then of course run out and stupidly spend all this paper money, thereby collapsing all paper currencies worldwide. They'll be Trillionaires for three days as the joke goes---- before the glut of "cash" in the market becomes self-evident ---and the bastards responsible for this Plot will try to say, "But, we paid off that debt....we gave all this "money" back....." That will leave them where they always planned to be --- in control of the world's gold and silver reserves -- forcing the grandsons and granddaughters of the men they stole the gold and silver from to pay them a 10,000% mark up on their own inheritance. Time to arrest the whole lot of them and confiscate everything they own or claim to own and put it under new management --- worldwide. No bogus "RV" and no more bullshit. Begin shooting them in the streets like mad dogs if necessary. ---------------------------- See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com By Anna Von Reitz When the Hired Help took over, they didn't bother to tell us that we are the actual and lawful heirs, the landlords of this country. If you don't remember who you are---if they can keep you in an ignorant and debased condition, kidnapped and enslaved in their foreign jurisdictions--- well, so much the better for them. So it came down to us and two frightening questions: how do you restore a lawful government to a country and to a people shanghaied for decades? How do you return them home again after six generations lost at sea? When people ask why they should support us, I have a question to ask them in return -- who else is standing up for you? Not the Queen. Not the Pope. Who else served Due Process on the Trustees, on the Municipal Government, and on the Territorial Government, too? Well, here we are, on the record, with thousands of pieces of registered mail to verify the effort. Who asserted their standing and proved their provenance all the way back to the Armoricans and William the Conqueror? Who lawfully summoned the States of the Union to Assemble? Who else provided you with the tools needed to reclaim your own Lawful Person and return home to your natural domicile on the land? We could have collected kick-back money, kept silent, and gone on like all the others who have been paid off since 1871. Could have. Didn't. So why should you support us and what we are doing? Because we stood up for you, because we told you the truth. Is it such a stretch that you should stand up for us, too? Our forefathers established a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, a lawful government which depends upon each one of us to self-govern not only our own lives, but the affairs of our individual States. Where is that lawful government now? Look around as far as you can see, and you won't find any other organization operating in the proper jurisdiction, with the proper credentials and provenance to operate our Ship of State, The United States of America. If you are Joe Average American, you should support us and what we are doing because we stand together to reclaim and restore your rights, your freedoms, your property assets and your lawful government. We have shown the world the evidence of the unconscionable contracting practices and other acts of constructive fraud that have been employed against us (and you) as a means to press-gang, enslave, convert, and impersonate Americans. We have called upon the actual Allies of the American People to enforce against these False Trustees --- and our Allies have answered. Like the Riders of Rohan--- they have come when the Watch Fires were lit. And who lit the Watch Fires? We did. We exposed the fact that we own the land mass of the Philippines and that the Philippine Government created in 1934 was granted independence specifically so that they could act as our Trustee and hold our physical gold assets until we should come and claim them. Well, here we are, and there is nobody else with the standing to do so, who has pursued lawful due process and brought forward your claims and the claims of the lawful American Government. We have made many friends who support us, but at the end of the day, we need to stand on our own two feet and take up the responsibilities of honest men and women. This is our country. And we are its lawful government. That means we have to do the work. It's not something we can hire someone to do for us, and it's not something we can do alone. You are needed to take up an oar. We exposed the fact that we, Americans, are owed all the land titles and patents owed to the Statehood Compact States, which means that you stand to inherit not only actual lawful possession of your own private property, but the public property of your States of the Union, free and clear of debt or encumbrance. Who else did that for you? We exposed the fact that we, Americans, are owed the gold that FDR confiscated from our grandparents under color of law. We exposed the fact that we, Americans, are owed over $21 trillion dollars worth of credit as our National Credit. We have debunked the claims of the pirates and the mercenaries when there was nobody else to do it, and now you ask --- why should you support us? How about this? Because we are the ones who have supported you. If you are a Federal Military or Civil Service Employee, you should support us, too. Why? Because when you retire, you will want to come home and enjoy the freedom you fought for. You will want to be at peace. You will want the respect and care you deserve. And how are you going to get that from a bunch of crooks bent on defrauding Americans and stealing everything in sight? Your freedom and your property rights depend on us, too, just as much as everyone else's. If we don't uphold our "Natural and Unalienable Rights", there will be no reference standard for you to claim any "Equal Civil Rights". There will be nothing to be "equal" to. So your fat is in the fire along with every other American. This week, in despair, we deleted 85,000 emails. With our current resources and staffing levels there is no way to answer. We need volunteers. We need educational materials. We need prayers. We need money to continue this effort and expand it. There are now Americans populating the land jurisdiction of all fifty states, but a great deal more remains to be done. The People need to be educated and enabled to run the government they are owed. We are restoring the lawful government one office and one volunteer at a time. And that's why you need to support the effort, need to get your own political status records corrected, and need to join your State Assembly. The American Dream is still alive and kicking, but it depends on you as much as anyone. This Fourth of July--- think it through. It's not just a matter of what our Forefathers did. It's a matter of what you do, too. We could make an earnest plea for more donations, because we surely need them, but don't think that throwing money at it will answer all the needs and serve all the causes. [Paypal address is: [email protected]. Snail mail donations should be sent to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.] We need your minds, your skills, your time, your care, and your ability to communicate, too. It takes living people to run a lawful government. It takes a whole cadre of dedicated Americans in every State taking care of their own. Now, we aren't saying this is an easy prospect, but its what has to be done. Americans have faced far greater challenges and won. Meantime, millions of people worldwide need to be brought along and educated, too, because this same vicious system of Corporate Feudalism has been employed worldwide to enslave and demean and devalue everyone. It's not just an American problem or an American need to live in peace and dignity. So let's build on what our Forefathers gave us and make it count. Let the lessons learned be fully internalized so that we never forget who we are, and never fail to meet any challenge to our sovereignty. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. http://www.paulstramer.net/2019/06/new-donation-system-for-small-monthly.html |
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