By Anna Von Reitz People – You Must Learn From Your Mistakes Suddenly there are all these “offers” — the so-called M1 “Prosperity Bonds” and now “Treasury Direct Accounts”. Remember the Trojan Horse and Esau’s bowl of porridge. By accepting these offers you don’t know what you are giving up. You are doing precisely the same thing your parents did– signing up for things and obligating yourselves without knowing the consequences. . Just STOP. . You have just been set free. Don’t run in willy-nilly and entrap yourselves again. And don’t give away the birthright that has been won back for you. . This kind of “assumption” and private contracting process is what got you and your country into trouble in the first place. . You are dealing with snake oil salesmen. Be aware of that! I have tried to teach you Truth from Lies and the dangers of assuming anything– so turn on your Shinola Sensors High Alert. . I have not read the M1 Bonds but I can tell you that the organizations backing them have an evil history and that bonds by their nature are almost always debt instruments. You do NOT want to bond yourself in exchange for service or money or any other thing. . I haven’t gotten to the bottom of the Treasury Direct Accounts either, but they appear to be for federal employees and dependents and NOT for birthright Americans. . It is possible that the TD Accounts may be used as a vehicle for all Americans to receive back the trust funds that are owed to them, but it is also possible that this is just another bowl of porridge scam designed to trick you into foreign citizenship and servitude and offering to pay you only a slaves’ portion in exchange for your whole inheritance. . Remember –these are all the same organizations that set up the Great Fraud. These are all the same parties that created the Breach of Trust that led to this situation. They had already planned to kill off their Creditors by the millions to enrich themselves and leave only slaves to serve their needs– a Fourth Reich Nazi-Style government complete with Death Camps. . Knowing that you must also know that you cannot just “trust” these organizations and foreign governments to give you anything but more chicanery. Let us deal with them and nail all details down BEFORE signing ANYTHING.
Judge Anna von Reitz You are the heir of a vast fortune, but you were never told about it. Instead, your own employees kidnapped you to a foreign land and sold you into slavery. All your life you have worked and paid taxes and mortgages and utility bills you never owed. The perpetrators of this scheme flourished and multiplied and grew fat from their misuse of your credit and your assets. Billions of people have labored under their yoke. They are all owed remedy and recompense. Now, the perps have tried to enter you and your assets into a giant worldwide bankruptcy. They have pretended not to know who you are. They have pretended that instead of being a Priority Creditor, you are a chattel property backing their own debts. They have offered to have “YOUR” debts — which you never owed in the first place — discharged in the giant bankruptcy. Taking advantage of that “Treasury Direct Account” at this point leaves you listed as a bankrupt indentured servant, and it leaves them still in control, still acting as your Creditors, still siphoning off all the benefit of your labor and your land and everything else. It’s time to change that. There is another way to have all those debts discharged. When you “return home” to the land and soil of the state where you were born, they have to give you back your estate free and clear and fully restored. You are the actual landlord. You are the Priority Creditor of their bankruptcy. You are the Paramount Security Interest Holder. And they are disloyal, crooked employees who have drunk your wine, paid themselves your rents, and enslaved you under color of law. So– (1) Get the bogus debts discharged in bankruptcy using the offered “Treasury Direct Accounts” and give up your claim to your birthright and be a bankrupt indentured servant the rest of your days…… and your children after you. (2) Or, get the bogus debts discharged AND reclaim back your land and labor and name and everything else, too. Stand up now or there will never be another chance to reclaim your birthright and force the rats to run like cockroaches in a bright light. Your choice. The Living Law Firm needs help to do this. We made the initial claim in behalf of the American states and people on June 29, 2017 and we are prosecuting it. The PayPal is: [email protected]. The mailing address is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. Just as I told you about the “M1 Prosperity Bonds” being another trick, the Treasury Direct Account is also another trick at this point, because it creates the legal presumption that you are subject to their bankruptcy and leaves you at the mercy of Secondary Creditors, when you are in fact the Priority Creditor. Until we negotiate this and get it straightened out, boycott the Treasury Direct Account offer and tell all your friends and neighbors what it means and what is going on. The Birth Certificate Discussion - Part 1 By Anna von Reitz The Birth Certificate -- The Evidence of the Crime Against Your Life I have been asked to summarize this issue many times, so here it is in the proverbial nutshell. The problem is that privately owned for-profit corporations under contract to provide government services have misrepresented themselves as the government and used that presumed position of public trust to defraud us, enslave us, and levy false claims against us and our assets in the foreign jurisdiction of international commerce. The misuse and abuse of "birth certificates" and their misrepresentation as "voluntary private contracts" has led to the literal enslavement of hundreds of millions of people worldwide almost a hundred years after slavery was universally outlawed. These issues of economic slavery and "slavery via corporate proxy" must be addressed and the mechanisms used to promote this abuse must be dismantled. The registration of live births in America and throughout the former British Empire, most of Europe, and Japan is used not to simply record the birth of babies, but to name commercial "vessels" after those babies. These proxy entities may be variously constructed as estate trusts, foreign situs trusts, or even public transmitting utilities---- the creators of these incorporated entities named after living children then operate these corporations and accrue debts that they false charge against the living people using the deceitfully similar name as a means to defraud the victims. This is a bunko crime known as "personage"---knowingly "mistaking on purpose" a living man for a corporation using the same or similar name--- for example, mistaking a man named "James Clarence Penny" for the retail department store doing business as "JC PENNY". The corollary crime routinely practiced by attorneys and barristers is known as "barratry"---knowingly bringing charges against this corporate proxies "as if" they were the same as the living people they are named after, and addressing those same people as defendants in civil and criminal actions. This is the tip of the iceberg of the harm that is routinely done to living people via the misuse of incorporated proxy entities merely named after them. It is a venal institutionalized fraud scheme that must be recognized for what it is and attacked by every peaceful and determined means possible. When my son was born I was presented with the paperwork that all new Mothers are coerced to sign. When I refused I was bluntly told by two menacing interns and a Catholic Nun that I either signed or my son would be kept in State custody and I would not be allowed to take him home. Please bear in mind that I was a successful 40 year old married career woman with no criminal record, no addiction problems, no history of mental illness. There was and is no possible excuse for the way I and millions of other American women are treated and the extortion used to secure an inequitable, involuntary, and unconscionable "public" commercial interest in our babies as a chattel properties being bonded and used as collateral to finance the "public debt" of these private governmental services corporations pretending to be the American government. Those responsible were and are criminals engaged in press-ganging land assets into the international jurisdiction of the sea, inland piracy, enslavement, human trafficking, unlawful conversion, extortion, racketeering, armed robbery, kidnapping, commercial fraud, and conspiracy against The Constitution for the United States of America. Every single person involved in this needs to be charged and arrested and thrown in jail without further delay, but the police are employed by the same privately owned and operated corporations that are benefitting themselves from these gross abuses. That is, the police forces that we depend upon to enforce the Public Law are operating instead as private commercial mercenaries, not as public peacekeeping officers at all. The foxes are indeed guarding the hen houses of America, a circumstance that again requires awareness and action by the body politic to resolve. As I have explained, the organizations we are dealing with are governmental services corporations----not our lawful government. They are merely claiming to "represent" our government in the absence of our actual government, which is owed to us, and which must be provided by us. This addresses the heart of what "self-government" means. Every living American has more civil authority on the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States than the entire Federal United States government. It's time that we exercised that inherent power and put an end to this gross criminality, fraud, and usurpation by our "public servants". The historical facts and timeline progression of how we got into this mess is fully explained in "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause", available on Let's Get This Straight, Once and For All....Birth Certificate Fraud Let's Get This Straight, Once and For All....Birth Certificate Fraud By Anna Von Reitz Let's get this straight---- some schmucks pretending to "represent" you, had you declared legally dead, seized your estate, pretended to be the beneficiaries of your estate, and sold it all on the stock (as in "cattle") market to benefit themselves---- and you think that is okay??? I have people running around like Henny Penny saying, "Your Birth Certificate is worth millions! Your Birth Certificate is worth millions!" Millions of what? (1) Digits on a ledger that someone jotted down; (2) IOU's printed on pieces of paper the same schmucks responsible for this whole scam created by pledging you, your land, your home, your business, even your children as chattel backing their debts? Worth millions to who? To investors who think that they are buying an interest in you, your body, your labor, your home, your business, your land, and your share of the Grand Canyon---not to you. You and everything that you naturally possess including your children are the object being offered for sale, the slave, the property, the asset backing all those millions of IOUs. What happens when you "access" all that "credit" that is generated on the value of your labor and everything else you possess? You "voluntarily" sell yourself and your country and your children. You give up your claim to your independence, your children, your home, your land, and everything else that has been put at risk by these criminals who have stood in the middle, bilking you on one side and bilking the rest of the world on the other. By all rights, the Americans should come at them from one side and the Chinese should come at them from the other, and the entire rest of the world should applaud! Now think of it another way--- right now there are 390 million Americans who have a stake in America. You decide you want someone else to pay your light bill so you hop on the band wagon and "cash out" your Birth Certificate instead of rounding up the bankers responsible for this situation and forcing them to pay you the principal and interest they already owe you---and by so doing, you sell yourself and your children and your country down the sewer. You AGREE to their claim that you are a slave, and that everything you possess is theirs, and subject to their disposal in "equitable exchange" for some pieces of paper and digits they created out of thin air based on the value of your own actual assets. Well, then, the foreign investors get to own your house and your business and everything else and the bankers get fabulously rich and you and your kids get to lose everything and be slaves and pay off all those IOUs they floated "for you" and in your name. As the Americans drop from the vine one after another, there are fewer and fewer people who actually own a "piece of the pie". From 390 million Americans you go to 300 million to 200 million to 100 million to 50 million to 20 million to 2 million to 200,000 to..... and pretty soon there's just a handful of Americans left who have a claim to own the whole country. And they can be killed off, right? So the bankers inherit the Earth by swindling everyone else? And we all go along with this? I don't think so. If you have a brain in your head, you won't "cash out" your Birth Certificate or tolerate this bull at all. You will remove the "strawman" they created "for" you back to terra firma--- the land of "his" birth, and you will kick these international bankers and politicians in the shorts so hard they will be seeing stars instead of profits for the next hundred years. You will bring suit against the British Crown for malicious fraud tort and copyright infringement and war crimes against peaceful non-combatants. You will wake the Hell up and seize back your identity and start making these cretins in Congress answer the bell. --------------------------------------- See this article and over 200 others on Anna's website To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. Are social security cards banknotes?? |
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz