By Anna Von Reitz When you operate in commerce --if you ever legitimately do--(remember that "commerce" is business between two incorporated entities) you typically need insurance of some kind -- liability insurance, fire insurance, insurance against illness, accident, unemployment, theft, wrongful death, auto insurance, life insurance, casualty insurance, flood insurance.... the list goes on. When you operate in trade (business between unincorporated parties) you also need protection, which is provided by an indemnity bond. One way that the rats have worked their system is by making sure that you don't have an indemnity bond, and therefore "can't" be operating in a private capacity in international trade. It's an "omission" on your part that allows them to presume that you can "only" be operating in commerce as one of their very own franchises, subject to their whims, and their statutes. So one of the first steps toward becoming truly independent and being able to operate "privately" is the establishment of an indemnity bond. They've made this very difficult also. There are few bonding agencies that even know what you are talking about, and those that do are likely to mistake you for a pauper and demand a huge cash bond before they issue an indemnity bond for you. We, The Living Law Firm, finally put an end to that dodge, by establishing an Indemnity Bond that covers the States of the Union, and thereby everyone living in the States. When you go into one of their courts to protest their presumption that you are one of their franchises and acting in that capacity "voluntarily" or, otherwise, that you are irresponsible and operating without indemnity--and therefore are "incompetent" and under their control, you present the Court Clerk and the Court Administrator (the Judge) with a copy of your State of the Union Indemnity Bond -- RA 393427640 US. If you wish, you can add the name of your birth State, such as Florida, Maine, or Minnesota. Most of us Joe Averages who have not chosen to create incorporated entities of any kind, can then produce our Deed of Re-Conveyance showing that we have officially and knowingly transferred our Given Trade Name back to the land and soil jurisdiction State where we were born, and also produce our recorded Certificate of Assumed Name(s) which documents "their" expatriation back to the land and soil jurisdiction, too. This gives a three-pronged defense against any presumption that you are voluntarily acting as one of their franchisees or in any public capacity related to them at all. This deprives them of all their usual excuses to act "as" your guardians and "assume" Powers of Attorney never granted to them. There is typically only one other thing needed (besides a backbone) to put them in their places and that is a specific denial of any Power of Attorney. My dear friend, "rb" Young, the Marine I eulogized earlier this month provided the following Revocation: Know by all men these presents in the interest of/for the Administration of Justice... In the form of a Letter of wishes regarding: The Revocation of Power of Attorney by: me: rb… To Whom it may concern: The Revocation of your Power of Attorney as per your: [cf] Uniform Power of Attorney Act Section 1101 and Montana Codes Annotated 72-31-310 states: Termination of power of attorney or agent's authority. (1) A power of attorney terminates when: (c) the principal revokes the power of attorney; (2) An agent's authority terminates when: (a) the principal revokes the authority; (6) The execution of a power of attorney does not revoke a power of attorney previously executed by the principal unless the subsequent power of attorney provides that the previous power of attorney is revoked or that all other powers of attorney are revoked.[cf] Therefore... It is my wish, my order, and my command to any and all such parties: as of this memorial moment; i, me, (us, we) hereby revoke, rescind, remove and deny any and all assumed and/or presumed power(s) of attorney(s) part and parcel, that you think you may or might have had...previously invoked and/or all otherwise utilized are hereby REVOKED from this day forward; dated as now for then. PERIOD May our beloved "rb" rest in the peace he has earned with the Savior he loved, and may you all listen and benefit from his hard work, research, dedication, love of country, and love of fellow man. Every time you have to deal with any court or attorney pressing in upon you and making "presumptions" --- issue your version of rb's Revocation -- and present your Deed of Re-Conveyance, your Certificate of Assumed Names/NAMES, and your State's Private Registered Indemnity Bond. Make it clear that they are on your soil and your land and they had better "shove off" and leave your "internationally protected person" --- alone. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. The Indemnity Bond and Court Process -- Step by Step By Anna Von Reitz The Indemnity Bond and Court Process -- Step by Step In order to conduct business across "state" borders--- which we all do --- we have to either function in private or public capacity. If you are a public corporation and functioning in the realm of international commerce, you are insured by your parent corporation as a franchisee. If you are a private "person" functioning in the realm of international trade, you are indemnified by your country and its assets. Notice the words: "Commerce" versus "International Trade". "Insurance" versus "Indemnity bond". Two different jurisdictions. Two different political statuses. Two different forms of business transactions. Two different forms of insurance. Commerce is business between incorporated entities. [ Land of the dead - Corporate US Inc. Citizen - Fictitious Entity created in your name - Lost at Sea - Presumed Dead - Estate Ceased Upon by Corporate Inc. ] Trade is business involving unincorporated businesses. [ Land of the Living, Living Breathing Man/Woman, National Sovereign of California, Nevada etc. - Alive and well residing within the Land, Soil, Laws of the Master Creator of the universe, under Laws of Creation - Returned to re-claim estates and All Rights Belonging to a Living Breathing Man/Woman of the Master Creator ] When you engage in Trade you use your Trade Name --- "John Michael Doe". Trade is internationally protected. Commerce is not. We claimed back your country and your assets for you and issued a state-by-state indemnity bond. This allows you to operate as a "private person" engaged in international trade and nobody can say otherwise. It is part of the rebuttal "proof" that you are not operating in any public capacity and not subject to statutory or municipal law. When you walk into a court and present certified copies of your Deed Re-conveying your Trade Name to the land and soil jurisdiction and your Certificate of Assumed Name(s) and your Indemnity Bond Number, for example, RA 393427640 US - California, and your Revocation of all Powers of Attorney --- you have delivered a crushing series of evidences and pre-recorded "motions". A "deed" is a motion in the public court record. You walk in and while standing outside the Bar that separates the Judge, etc., from the gallery, wait for your name to be called and when it is, make sure that the court recorder is recording, then stand up and say, "I am here in the matter of YOUR NAME and I invoke trial by record and Public Law." Then you lay down the Birth Certificate and say, "Your Honor, this Birth Certificate was issued in my name in error. I have reached the age of majority and I do not elect to be franchised." (Boom.) And you lay down your Deed of Re-conveyance and the Diagram of the Fraud, showing that your "missing Trade Name" is at the center of this issue and you say, "As this diagram and this public Deed of Re-Conveyance shows, I was presumed to be lost but now am found alive and standing on the land and soil of my birthright. I am the original Possessor and Entitlement Holder of the missing Trade Name and I am owed all beneficial reversionary trust interest in it and in any derivatives thereof." (Boom, Boom.) Then you lay down your Certificate of Assumed Name(s) and you say, " As this recorded Certificate of Assumed Name shows, I have seized control of all Assumed Names related to my Trade Name and corrected their domicile, too, as of the dates shown." (Boom, Boom, Boom.) Then you lay down your Private Registered Indemnity Bond number and you say, "I and my vessels are all private persons engaged in peaceful international trade and any other presumption is made in error. Here is the indemnity bond on file with the United States Treasury, demonstrating our private capacity." (Boom, Boom, Boom. Boom.) Then you lay down your Revocation of all Powers of Attorney and you say, "This is my revocation of all Powers of Attorney. I am the only attorney-in-fact and I object to any and all other presumptions of this court and its officers." (Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom. Boom.) Then you say: "Does the Court Administrator wish to examine the records?" If the judge says yes or nods, hand the paperwork over the Bar to the Bailiff to carry to the judge. While they are shuffling around or if they decline seeing the paperwork, say: "I serve Notice on this court that I am tax exempt and that all vessels related to my name are tax pre-paid. I serve Notice on this court that I am owed The Law of Peace in all military venues. I serve Notice on this court that my Vessels are all permanently domiciled on the land and soil of ______________. (California, Nevada, etc.) I serve Notice on this court that my Vessels are owed the General Session Law and Public Law and are not subject to any private statutory or municipal law administered by this court. Pause a moment, then say: I wish for the complete elimination of all claims and dismissal of all charges related to this matter ---with prejudice. I wish to be compensated by the prosecutor in the amount of five thousand dollars for this trespass upon my person. (Can be more, if you have been severely bothered or incurred more expense than just the trip to court.) I wish for the Court Administrator to properly discipline court personnel to prohibit the bringing of such false claims in the future." And now, I am leaving this foreign vessel in dry dock and I do not expect to be further mis-addressed." Give the judge a good long stare and look around. Then turn on your heel and exit without stopping to answer any further questions, without looking back, and certainly without paying any attention to anything or anyone short of a direct physical attempt to stop you ---- which would result in a constitutional level complaint against the court under Article IV, Sections 1 and 2. It's time that you all learned how to stand up for yourselves against these bullies and also how to help defend each other. Anyone can appear as a Counselor at Law to assist you. In fact, the more Witnesses you can bring with you, the better. There is no need to stand up when the Judge enters the courtroom, because they are acting as a court administrator and they are not carrying a copy of the Bible, which is the whole reason that people ever stood up when judges entered courtrooms in this country. I hope, pray and trust that giving you all a blow-by-blow example of how to use the indemnity bond in a court case you can all finally see its function and the reason it is important as evidence that you are functioning properly in a private capacity. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
By Anna Von Reitz Back in the 1860's in England, an enigmatic figure played an incalculable role in destroying the lives of millions, if not billions of people. His name name was Benjamin Disraeli. He was an infamous fop and dandy who became an elder statesmen in Britain, Lord of the Exchequer and Prime Minister. His debates with William Gladstone, his chief adversary, are still studied by those interested in Forensics. Those interested in the history of the modern world will study Disraeli, as I did in college, for other reasons. The long and the short of it is that after Prince Albert died, Queen Victoria became disconsolate. Like King Solomon she despaired of any greater purpose for human life than the grave and became ensnared in a cynical and destructive frame of mind that meshed well with the wit and guile of a man like Disraeli. Disraeli approached the Queen with a new scheme (or, to be honest, actually a very, very old scheme) to make money for the Crown and then use the financing to conquer India. It would, if one were cynical enough to do it, solve two problems at once -- the burgeoning economic and political power of the industrial working class, and the crimp in the royal coffers caused by losing the American Revolutionary War and War of 1812. All you had to do, was "enfranchise" the working class and convince them that the ability to "vote" was a good thing. They would be too ignorant and lazy to grasp why it was also a supremely bad thing. While millions of British workers hailed Disraeli's enfranchisement as a step forward for the working class, he cynically and very quietly placed claims upon their names and estates, their lands and small businesses, and began using these formerly private assets as chattel to "hypothecate" debt and finance the Raj -- the vicious British mercenary forces sent to conquer India. Hypothecation is a quintessentially evil--- and should be illegal ---process of making claims against someone else's property as chattel backing your own debts, without notifying them, and without formally taking title to the property. It's all done under the table, by a process of "debt assumption". Thus the seizure of private property and the de facto enslavement of British workers via this process of enfranchisement was used to finance the conquest of another people half a world away and the entire Indian Subcontinent was soon under the iron hoof of Crown rule. That's how the Babylonian Slave System got a new foothold in the modern world and how the current malaise began. And now we are seeing how it ends. As has been endlessly repeated, the Territorial and Municipal United States conglomerates have accrued a so-called National Debt of around 21 Trillion Dollars. At the same time, the Pentagon has "lost" 21 Trillion Dollars. Let me observe that in a "debt-credit" system, such as the one we have, it is impossible to accrue a debt ---national or otherwise -- because any debt is instantly expunged by a credit. Every single transaction generates an equal and opposite credit. So when someone advances the idea that a 21 Trillion dollar National Debt exists, one should immediately ask --- what happened to the National Credit? Now, we know. It was siphoned off and spent by the Pentagon, leaving the hapless American people who earned all that credit in the first place, still holding the bag. And what was all that money actually used for? To subjugate the entire world, much as India was subjugated a century earlier, to the greed of the Royal Family and all their megalomaniac pals. The Americans, Aussies, Canadians, Germans, Japanese, and others around the world were all "enfranchised" according to Disraeli's model. A surreptitious "assumed" title was taken against their names and labor and material property. Debt was hypothecated against these private assets. The resulting wealth was spent on expanding "American" military power, howbeit, all this military power was actually under the secretive, surreptitious command of the British Crown. Because, remember, the British Territorial United States usurped upon our actual Federal Government in the wake of the Civil War and the Brits have been commandeering everything behind the scenes ever since. It is well past time for these Odious Debts to be recognized for what they are, and for the British Interlopers and their Allies in this criminality, to be removed from our shores. And you have a simple choice. Either correct the falsified political status records and reclaim your birthright political status, assemble with like-minded people and give face, force, and body to your land and soil jurisdiction counties and States --- or live as slaves of these criminals. Forever. Their mental and moral illness has reached terminal velocity. Either put a peaceable and public end to it, or suffer the consequences. To get started, make your claim to your birthright part of the land jurisdiction record by recording it and re-conveying your Trade Name and all attached Assumed NAMES back to the land and soil of the state where you were born. Contact The American States Assembly, locate and contact your State Coordinator. Next, assemble your Counties and your States. Attend The American States Assembly Webinar Each Monday Night For additional information about the "missing" National Credit that the Pentagon purloined, please see:…/ron-paul-heres-21-trillion-reas… ---------------------------- See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. I was having dinner with a very elite group of academics and high rent businessmen. Doctors, lawyers, and literally--Indian Chiefs, business moguls, heirs of great fortunes, clergymen of renown--- and suddenly, there was a brief silence. Into that silence I heard my own voice tossing this innocent-sounding question: "Who or what do you think controls the Federal Government?" Since the "Federal Government" has become a vast mish-mash of separate corporate interests and privatized agencies and foreign mostly British and French commercial conglomerates, this is a somewhat disingenuous question. I was asking it almost as a rhetorical query to see what they would all say. The President, according to more than half of our experts, controls the Federal Government. The Congress, according to about a quarter of the pundits. Political Parties split the rest of the vote with "Private Business Interests". Not one single person in that whole assembly came up with the actual correct answer, which is ---- the States. Not the States of States. The States. So while we are moaning and groaning and seeking answers, it seems that we need to do some remembering as well. We, the People of this country, are in the process of reclaiming our birthright, We are assuming our proper political status and assembling our Counties and our States. There are no "citizens" of our States, except those that serve our States in some public capacity or office, as I do. The Justices, Sheriffs, and other Public Officers are known as "State Citizens". By definition, a "citizen" owes an obligation of service to the government, either voluntary or paid, but most people occupying our States are simply Minnesotans or Vermonters or Oregonians, New Yorkers, Floridians, Virginians and so on. So far as the "United States" is concerned, we are known as United States Nationals, not United States Citizens, not citizens of the United States, and certainly not US CITIZENS. This is not actually confusing. It's just different than what we have been taught and led to suppose. To get to the truth about our government and how it is supposed to be organized -- and run --- and by whom -- requires us to delve far more deeply into our own history than US History 101. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. By Anna Von Reitz I have been carrying on a conversation for many days now with Americans who consider themselves "United States Citizens" yet insist on making references to the federal constitutions. These references almost always include the word "people" or "people's", such as the "people's right to peacefully assemble" or the "people's right to petition". The problem is that thanks to deliberate and self-interested falsification of the public records, nearly all of us have been misidentified as "persons", not "people". Until and unless we all wake up en masse and object, the vermin can get away with this----and it is very profitable for them, so they have no motivation short of law suits and pitchforks to stop making these insane false claims against us and continuing to act in Gross Breach of Trust. We must all grasp the fact that "United States Citizens" and especially Municipal "citizens of the United States" have NEVER had any recognized guarantees under any of the constitutions----and they still don't. So, are you operating in the capacity of a Territorial or Municipal United States citizen---- that is, as a "person" merely "residing" here on our shores, obligated to provide us with "essential government services"??? Or are you a native of a sovereign State of the Union, operating in the capacity of a United States National without any obligation of public servitude? In other words, are you a "person" or one of the "people" of this country? Bear in mind that PERSONS like "AMY MARIE MARTIN" are foreigners by definition and that they have no constitutional guarantees, can't own land in the actual States, and can't elect anyone to serve their interests in any lawful public election. At most, they can act as shareholders and officers of corporations---- like "The United States of America, Inc." or the "UNITED STATES, INC." and participate as "voters" in elections hosted by "political parties". Is everyone on the same page? Beginning to see how you've been "impersonated"? And abused? ---------------------------- See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. ANNOUNCEMENTS --TAKE NOTICE!!!! From Anna Von Reitz As of the first week of October 2017 the Municipal UNITED STATES ceased functioning. Attempts to replace it with a UN Corp "Regional Government" have thus far been successfully rebuffed and prevented. That leaves us to deal with the Territorial United States government, which is controlled by the military and has substantially different rules and procedures than the old Muni government. As a result some of the recommendations I have made to people in the past either no longer apply or require tweaking to make them work in this altered scenario. Those who got their paperwork done and in before October 2017 are grandfathered in and have their records established via the old Muni process. They have to be recognized as civilians. Those who didn't do this have to follow a different process which has yet to be negotiated to the same ends-- correction of the public record, reclaiming ownership of your Name/NAMES, and recognition of your civilian status with respect to the military government. The criminals in charge have made a great hash of things. It will require a lot of effort to correct and some confusion is unavoidable. Just remember the key points -- you are no kind of "citizen" but are a civilian non-combatant "national". Make use of all means to establish public claim of your Names/NAMES as of your actual birthday. This can be accomplished by publication in newspapers, sealed registered mail record copies, Certificates of Assumed Names, formal name changes followed by Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance of Deed and Title to the land and soil of your birth state recorded with the local Land Recording Office. A Corrected Deed to your Name and Estate --land, etc., can be used to the same effect. Whatever means and route you use to claim back your Name and Estate, it will be necessary to begin carrying copies of paperwork with you, ready to produce as part of your identification process. URGENT NOTE FROM ANNA: The most urgent thing people need to do besides cleaning up their own political status records is organize their county and state jural assemblies. The national level quorum is growing and will soon be able to redress grievances at a national level. HOW TO FIND PEOPLE IN YOUR AREA The National Assembly Thursday night conference call is at nine o'clock p.m., EST, 1-712-770-4160, access code 226823#. First hour is assembly roll call and business. The second hour is general chat and education. For those who have not participated in your county and state assembly but want to participate please send an email to [email protected] with your state in the subject line. You will be connected with your state coordinator. The national assembly has a full website and forums packed with history and information. You are welcome to register and participate. National Assembly Website: National Assembly Forums: DeFacto to DeJure handbook: The old website and the hotline phone number are now obsolete and no longer used. The Michigan General Jural Assembly created and supported the national level assembly website and conference call for the people to return to self governing. Mr. Trump is doing the best he can with a bad situation.
Our country as a whole is indeed facing an emergency of sorts. Now more than ever it is imperative that those born in this country claim their names and their natural political status and organize their county jural assemblies. There is not a moment to waste. Your destiny and the destiny of your country depends on your willingness to set the records straight and organize the local county government you are owed. Assistance is available from the Michigan General Jural Assembly. In addition, given the history and the current state of affairs, it seems only prudent for people to make the effort to set aside emergency stocks of food, fuel, water and yes, some silver coinage. I am now and will continue to benefit somewhat if you decide to make use of the Mint Builder opportunity offered by Paul to acquire some silver, but the real benefit may be to you and to your families to get serious about a moderate amount of preparation for possible disruptions. At present there is no better or other option on the table than to fall back to using gold for international transactions and silver for domestic purchases. I am hopeful that we will get through the woods and be able to ultimately outgrow our belief in money and be able to transition to a more enlightened system of value soon but, until then, a transition via the old gold and silver standard is in my opinion likely to happen. ---------------------------- See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website By Anna Von Reitz I have just issued a short and scathing article explaining to everyone that the Norman Conquest happened. I know it may be "Big News" to those who dropped out in the Sixth Grade, but if you are an actual "White Hat", then stop promoting self-interested British Bunko and remember basic historical facts. King John was not "king" in Britain. That right was shared by all the Norman Barons who were the conquerors in 1066 and their progeny--- their great--great grandsons in the early 1200's when the whole issue of The Magna Carta and John's double-dealing with the Pope arose. All John had was a title --- and a title is nothing more than a function of a trust, in this case, the Church's trust property in England at the time---the churches, monasteries, and other assets of the Roman Catholic Church, together with whatever "commonwealth" wasteland was given to the church's administration. It does not involve the rest of us then or now. Those who are misinterpreting or deliberately spreading this gross disinformation about King John need to be shut down--intellectually-- with extreme prejudice, because they are knowingly or unknowingly promoting not only a gross falsehood, but are seeking to build a basis for equally false British claims in the present time against our nation. Britain does not own us any more than "King" John owned the Norman Conquerors, and his actions do not undermine The Magna Carta then or now. If the idea was not so pernicious, it would be laughable, so let's all laugh --- and tune up your Shinola Sensors and clue in "American Intelligence Network" that they have fallen on their noses and will be known as "American Un-Intelligence Network" and a storefront for the British Bunko Squad until they redeem themselves. Remember that these Brits work under Roman Civil Law, and one of the main Maxims of Roman Civil Law is: "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived." If they can fool you into thinking you are a slave or subject to them, then you are. If you don't know the history of the Norman Conquest and The Magna Carta and you believe their false re-telling of it, then that becomes your reality and you naturally fall victim to all their other lies and the false assumptions resulting from them. It therefore behooves everyone to crack the books and examine the circumstances and know the history and the law so that you recognize it when these people try to pass a Whopper like this whole "King John and the Pope" story off on you. Remember Amos? "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Remember "Study to make yourself approved." A man cannot be lazy and free. As I explained earlier today, the actual circumstance is that the Britain doesn't actually own anything related to the United States and was only allowed to exercise "Delegated Power" in the Territorial United States. Britain acted in Gross Breach of Trust and Fraud and Usurpation against our actual Federal Government and so, abused our Delegated Powers for a hundred and fifty years. One of its primary abuses was to misuse our Patent Office to create a system of Territorial and Municipal Governments that then "enfranchised" all the commercial corporations. This nefarious activity was staged out of our Patent Office in the (vain) hope and assumption that Britain would not be detected as the source of this foul scheme and we would be blamed for it, if it ever came to public knowledge. Well, it has come to public knowledge. And so has the bankruptcy fraud. And so have the "Life Force Value Annuities". And so has the whole lousy, rotten, immoral, barbaric, fraudulent "Birth Certificate" system. And so has the "dollar for dollar" exchange rate. And so has the quasi-military court system. And so has the role of the "American" Bar Association. And so has the plot to undermine and vacate the constitutional agreements from the federal side of the equation. It's all exposed. And the perpetrators responsible are not the Americans. The perpetrators are the Brits who usurped upon our Delegated Powers by means of fraud and semantic deceit. Ironically, as Our Father would have it, because the Brits did all this evil "in our names" and used our Patent and Trademark Office and Copyright Office to do it, we are the actual owners of all the Territorial and Municipal Governments worldwide, and therefore also the owners of the charters of all the commercial corporations that those "governments" issued. Not the Queen. Always remember that she held only delegated power. She never had any power of her own on our shores. She merely operated in Gross Breach of Trust and commercial contract and used our own powers to abuse us and everyone else. And now that the rats have finally outsmarted themselves by rendering all three levels of the "federal government" incompetent, and by Operation of Law, all the delegated powers have returned to the Delegating Authority, The United States of America [Unincorporated], and we have acknowledged, accepted, and re-conveyed those delegated powers back to our control----Britain no longer has a word to say to our government, except perhaps --- "We're terribly, terribly sorry. We will be happy to return all the assets that are owed to you." ---------------------------- See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website By Anna Von Reitz This video is all disinformation published by the guilty Brits: "King John" was not "the" King in Britain. All these fools keep forgetting (perhaps on purpose) about the Norman Conquest. John's actions had no such force, effect, or authority as the idiots promoting this crappola suppose. His actions affected only his titles and ownership, not anyone else's--- which is why the Magna Carta was agreed to in the first place. Use your heads! If the Barons hadn't had the sovereign right (granted by William of Normandy upon his death in 1087) to enforce the Magna Carta lawfully, because they were all "kings" in their own right as much as John ever was---- how do you think it was lawful and preserved despite the vermin? Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!!!!! This is not true and it does NOT have the affects or authorities that people are assuming. You are once again being misled by those who have something to gain. Stuff their lies back down their throats and get with the actual program. Now. I am counting on you and every single one of your readers to help put this pernicious nonsense down and put it down fast. Nothing that King John did affects us in the least. We have always operated under The Magna Carta and we still do. To bring it all forward to the present day, we are once again facing a situation in which British guile is being used to try to deceive us into submitting to them. It isn't going to happen. They abused the powers we delegated to them and used our Patent Office to patent all the Territorial and Municipal Governments in the world (with a few exceptions) and that in turn resulted in all the corporations that were chartered by those Territorial (State of State) and Municipal Governments being chartered by us ---- not the Queen of England, who was only acting under our Delegated Power. Recently, the vermin outsmarted themselves, with the result that all the Delegated Powers returned to the Delegator ---- The United States of America [Unincorporated]and we, not the Queen, not only now own (which we always technically did) but are free to operate all those corporations. And all the Brits can think to do, is try to lie their way out of it and rewrite and obfuscate history ---- again. The Territorial United States was controlled by the British Government as a base of operations for their duties providing us and our States with "essential government services". But as you should all have cause to know, Puerto Ricans and people from Guam do not have the same citizenship or nationality as the rest of us. We are not under British control. And now that the Delegated Powers have returned to The United States of America [Unincorporated] ----neither are the Territorial or Municipal citizens bound to Britain. It's over. Finally. Kick them in the ass on their way out and fully inform the "United Nations". And do not fall for any of their BS again. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website AMERICA IS A CORPORATION AND THE STATE OWNS YOUR CHILDREN By Anna Von Rietz Amazingly, Human Beings have no idea who they are or even where they came from. And they don’t seem to be too concerned about this either. Perhaps I’m too obsessed with the topic as well as a bit crazy, but personally I can’t just go about my pedestrian day without at least often and serious consideration of this subject. And that’s just on a metaphysical level. How about who we are physically? Do we even know who we are from a physical standpoint? Are you even aware that at all times during your entire life you are being lorded over physically, legally, financially and even morally? You should know that these Controllers consider you cattle and dispensable. So what exactly is this Civilization we are all forced into upon birth? It is a prison disguised as a matrix of control systems by which our lives our inevitably, completely and blindly led.....the legal system, the banking system, the education system, the medical system, all ruled over by the omniscient State. These systems are all nationalized and follow strict regulations. So it doesn’t matter how sweet your teacher or doctor is, they must obey the rules of their particular system. We are brain-washed with the help of the Media and our Schooling to believe that the people have affect over the government and this is just fantasy. Each one of these pillars or rather bars of Civilization serves to continually and increasingly control and dehumanize us at such an invisible rate we as humans have lost all sight of where and who we are supposed to be. We are spiritual beings who have been shown time and time again the power and beauty of our minds and emotions in healing and creation, and yet a group of unseen men give us a number at birth like a product and make a list of what we can and cannot do while alive on planet earth. Rules which they of course do not follow themselves. And agents of the State will come with guns and lock you in a cage if you do not obey their rules. And the men who dress up in costumes and assume their false authority over us are the most psychopathically disenchanted of all. Doctors, police, judges, priests.....Where the hell are we? Who runs all this? And most importantly, are they good or evil? I personally take great offense to all of this. We grow up acclimated and accustomed and told to obey a world run by pedophile Satanists.......Who controls them? If you follow the progression which their laws and concepts direct you it is clear. They are proceeding with and succeeding in taking everything away from you. Your money, land, your very children, humanity and individuality and even your Soul. Three pieces ( and certainly not nearly the only ones available ) which open up some of the hidden reality and questions the legalities of these systems.....they reveal that your birth certificate really means you are a human resource owned by the banks and the State has authority over your children. And so it begins: In Scotland they have forced every child to be under the authority of a social worker at birth regardless of the home or family conditions. And this will never end until complete, mindless control over everyone is achieved. But that can never happen here in the gold paved streets of America where the citizens actually believe we are somehow magically protected from anything bad ever happening....... This is only one story and it takes place right here in America, in Boston. Fifteen-year-old Justina Pelletier has been held by the State of Massachusetts for over a year against her wishes, her parents’ judgment, or the advice of her doctors, because of a diagnosis disagreement with Boston Children’s Hospital. Justina, who was diagnosed with Mitochondrial disease (or “mito,” a chromosome disorder that creates a broad range of symptoms), went to BCH in February, 2013, for flu complications. While there, attending physicians rejected her mito diagnosis and removed her from her prescribed regimen, claiming instead that she had a somatoform disorder — that her problems were all in her head. When her parents disagreed, the hospital called in state actors to remove the girl from her parents’ custody. Although the prior mito diagnosis had been issued by a duly licensed physician at a respected teaching hospital, and although its treatment was effective for keeping her symptoms in check, the hospital accused the parents of medical child abuse for accepting their own doctor’s diagnosis over that of BCH. These hospital kidnappings are occurring more and more often and are actually becoming commonplace. And the purpose of the health bill is to unite the government and medical industry and put these in charge of you and your children from birth to death......that’s a horrific proposition. We do not want nor do we need anyone in charge of us especially the two most psychopathic organizations ever. There are two other pieces of writing I would like to bring to your attention which are both fascinating and revealing....a conversation between former attorney for the IMF Karen Hudes and Judge Anna Von Reitz. This is a sample, the full conversation is at the link. These two women have many more interviews and articles available that contain even more startling information. The Global Bankers defrauding America and the world, the illegality of the banking and legal systems, and where the hell has all the world’s gold gone to anyway? No, Karen, the fraud is that the corporation doing business as the United States of America (Inc.) — a governmental services company owned and operated by the Federal Reserve — “redefined” us as foreign situs trusts owned and operated under our own Names. They grossly abused the rights of usufruct to do this and created “States” and Americans on paper that they then “Pledged” as sureties backing the debts of the already bankrupt United States of America, Inc. The further fraud is that FDR then signed over both the debts and the assets of the United States of America, Inc. to the IMF, which glutted itself on the lucrative service contracts via yet another governmental services corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.) Interesting stuff, no? And now from “Structure of The Birth Certificate” by David Deschesne: The state claims an interest in every child within its jurisdiction. The state (via CPS) will, if it deems it necessary, nullify your parental rights and appoint a guardian (trustee) over your children. The subject of every birth certificate is a child. The child is a valuable asset, which if properly trained, can contribute valuable assets provided by its labor for many years. It is presumed by those who have researched this issue, that the child itself is the asset of the trust established by the birth certificate, and the social security number is the numbering or registration of the trust, allowing for the assets of the trust to be tracked. If this information is true, your child is now owned by the state. Each one of us, including our children, are considered assets of the bankrupt UNITED STATES. We are now designated by this government as “HUMAN RESOURCES” with a new crop born every year. And if you’re still reading and interested, the great website Humans Are Free does an excellent breakdown of world power in this article: Know Thyself...... Enjoy, bobby Anna Von Are you new to this information? Get up to speed fast! Order: You Know Something is Wrong When.....: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause Read: FROM DE FACTO |
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