![]() By Anna Von Reitz The American Courts have the power to try both Law and facts. Let me repeat that: our American Courts have the power to try both Law and facts. In other words, our courts can not only make decisions about the facts of the matter at hand, but can make decisions about the law being brought forward to prosecute any controversy. Average Americans, properly declared, operating their State Assemblies, can -- as juries --- strike down any law perpetuated by the State-of-State Legislature, and can, more broadly, set aside Acts of Congress from having any effect within the borders of their States. This is a startling fact when first presented to the downtrodden slaves among us who think -- erroneously -- that they are U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States. It's a power so vast and relevant, that they might even react in fear. Yet it is precisely this power which the Employers retain and which they must exercise to prevent the proliferation of injustice along with the cancerous growth of literally millions of codes, regulations, and statutes, which are alternately burdening and wrongly empowering everyone who works for us. None of the other courts that you presently see in operation all around you have this ability. They are strictly limited to enforcement of their own peculiar jurisdiction and their own codes, statutes, and regulations on their own citizenry. They are all legislative courts and are the creatures of their Masters, using forms of law that are international and global in nature, and which are unavoidably foreign with respect to this country and its people. In the interests of getting the horses in front of the carts, let us observe that this awesome power of jury nullification can only be exercised by Americans who are declared and recorded as being Americans-- that is, by people who are eligible to act in the capacity of State Nationals and State Citizens and who officially chose to do so. Anyone born in this country can hop through the hoops, anyone born to American parents outside this country is also eligible, and so are legal immigrants and even immigrants who have survived in this country for over seven years without being convicted of a felony or taking public assistance. All these people can adopt their State of the Union as their permanent house and home, and they can come home and populate it. They can then boot up their American Courts and start nullifying all the unjust and outrageous nonsense coming out of the "federalized" court system, the Municipal CONGRESS, and the various State of State Legislatures. But only for and on the behalf of themselves and other Americans. Obviously, if you are not British and not adopting British citizenship. British law does not apply to you. Just as obviously, the powers of an American Court cannot be applied to a British citizen living in America, who is standing under the jurisdiction of the Territorial District Courts, and cannot be applied to a Papist Municipal citizen of the United States, standing under the Municipal District COURTS, either---except insomuch as they are required to abide by our "Law of the Land" and their constitutional obligations while "residing" here among us. We and our courts do have the absolute right to enforce the constitutions, every jot, comma, and space thereof. Our courts and our powers apply to us and to our people--- not generally, apart from the Constitutions, to the foreign citizenry on our shores. This now takes us to the second point --- in order for our courts to have traction on an issue, people must be acting as Americans, as much as possible, they should be acting in the capacity of Americans before any foreign "legal" issues arise and the jurisdictional waters get muddied. Put a Red Flag on that, all of you who are worried about: (1) Forced vaccinations; (2) Mask mandates; (3) Business closures;(4) Child custody theft;(5) School closures;(6) Shut down of public services; (7) Mortgages and evictions; (8) IRS and other taxes; (9) Traffic infractions; (10) Access to medical care; (11) Freedom to travel;(12) Bail-ins and other theft;(13) Worthless currencies; (14) Rioting and civil unrest;(15) "Suspension" of the Constitutions;(16) Police being defunded; (17) Credit cards;(18) International threats; (19) And so on and on..... If you are acting as a declared and recorded American, none of that clap-trap applies to you and never actually did. It was being imposed upon you via falsification of public records, registrations, and other means of "legal presumption" which you have the power to rebut and overcome. The faster you rebut being a British Territorial U.S. Citizen --- like someone born in Puerto Rico, and also rebut any claim that you are operating a Municipal Corporation as YOUR NAME, INC., the better for everyone concerned. It's a matter of safety and good sense. Why would anyone object to admitting that they are a Minnesotan by birth and claiming their constitutional guarantees? Why would anyone refuse to accept and enjoy the freedoms that they and their ancestors have fought and died for? Obviously, they wouldn't, if they knew what the choices were. So, now, you can act as an American and you can join your State Assembly and you can boot up your State Courts and you can start doing your job of self-governance by nullifying no end of foreign nonsense heaped upon your peers--- all those others who also claim their proper political status and birthright as Americans. Facing eviction based on a fraudulent mortgage imposed under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit? The Credit River Decision of 1968 already decided that for Americans. So your jury of twelve honest Americans looks at it, decide that the mortgage was misapplied, and sends a Nullification Order to the foreign court issuing the Eviction Order. Your children have been snatched by the State-of-State CPS? Your Court considers the matter and sends a Nullification Order setting their court case aside, telling them that you are a State Assembly member and that you and your children are outside their jurisdiction.... remand custody of the children to your County Sheriff for return to their home and their natural biological parents. You've been arrested and charged with "Fleeing from Justice" or "Contempt of Court" or some ancient impound "warrant" issued by one of these foreign courts? Your court sends them a Nullification Order informing them of your Assembly membership and of their (foreign court) obligations under Article IV prohibiting arrest and detainment of Americans who are not subject to foreign law or statutory authority. Worried about Joe Biden? Well, he's not your President. Get busy and elect your own. Restore your Federal Republic. Operate your Confederation and your Federation of States. It's your long-settled right and prerogative. It's perfectly lawful and legal for you to do this, and take charge of your own country. Now that all the State Assemblies are in Session, it's high time that you did. Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net. For your sake and your freedom and your safety and that of all your family and all your countrymen, get off your duffs. Elect your Sheriffs and your Justices of the Peace. Accept the burden of acting as Jurors, and the responsibility of enforcing the Constitutions and the responsibility of nullifying foreign court orders that don't apply to Americans---- exercise your rights in the proper way, with the proper authority, and watch how fast things get reformed for the better. ---------------------------- See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com All Hands On DeckThe eighty million cheated voters in this country are now waking up, if they weren't awake before. Any fool can look at this situation and conclude that something is wrong. Well, here's the "something".
Our actual government has been moth-balled for 160 years. We've been letting our foreign Federal Subcontractors, large privately-owned, for-profit commercial corporations, run the show "for" us. Every time anyone cast a vote for a politician, they were unknowingly giving them their shareholder proxy to run a corporation we didn't even know existed. To paraphrase Pope Benedict XVI when the situation was explained to him --- nobody told us. But now you are being told and enabled to act. Your States have been called into Session. You now have fifty State Assemblies that need your support and direct action. This is how you control your government and the means by which you lawfully control your employees. And it is already in motion. We are restoring our American Government to full function after more than a century of dormancy. So here we are, engaged in doing what we always should have been doing --- self-governance. As more and more people catch on to what that actually means, our State Assemblies are suffering growing pains. Newbies are pouring in, and all of these people are in desperate need of orientation and education. Computer systems have to be reworked, email contacts expanded, recording capability expanded, research and program implementation expanded, outreach expanded, publications expanded, archive and reference accessibility expanded, peacekeeping forces expanded, judicial services expanded.... I usually stay pretty silent and close to the vest about the needs we have, but we need your help -- the help of everyone reading this, and not just Americans, either. For example, our Land Recording System is a vital life-line for people throughout the world to be able to access an international land recording office. In case you hadn't noticed, the Vermin are shutting down all the land recording offices, so that nothing but sea jurisdiction "registry services" remain. As a result, you are being forestalled from taking the corrective action needed to regain your identity as something more than corporate chattel. Every week we get calls and letters and emails from foreign countries where the same corrupt corporate tricks were played. This is a worldwide problem, folks, and there is worldwide need for research into the particulars in each country. We can't hope to do it without help, and a lot of it. How can you help? Pray. Everyone can focus their goodwill and energetic good wishes on our endeavor to preserve the Natural and Unalienable Rights of mankind. Use your skills. Everyone has skills that are needed. Are you a good communicator? Talk it up! Can you network people and groups together? Please, do. Are you a teacher? Teach. There's something for everyone to do. Vote with your donations. Every dollar is a vote for American traditional government--- our government the way it is meant to be, not the way it has been in recent decades--- and a vote against the "New World Order". Vote with your buying power. Part of their scheme is to reduce our world economy to a "Company Store" environment, in which we are forced to be dependent on big box stores owned and operated by them. Every time you use Open Source computer resources, you are voting against Bill Gates. Every time you buy locally, you are voting against Jeff Bezos and for keeping your local options open. So don't be lazy and don't be thoughtless. Every move you make, every dollar you spend, makes a difference --- and so does every word you speak. Tell your friends and neighbors that there is a peaceful, lawful, already-in-place remedy and all it requires is their participation and support. Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net to learn more and connect. We realize that times are both scary and tight, but among the things we all need is a government dedicated to protecting us and our assets and that is what your traditional land jurisdiction government does. Paypal is: [email protected] Other donations may be sent to: Anna Maria Riezinger c/o Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 ---------------------------- See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.
![]() 3731. Public and International Notice: Proof of Treason and Sabotage http://annavonreitz.com/proofoftreason.pdf 3734. About Public and International Notice -- and Obama's Activities http://annavonreitz.com/obamaactivities.pdf 3732. Public and International Notice: How the Entire World (Almost) Became Indebted to America http://annavonreitz.com/indebtedtoamerica.pdf 3733. Public and International Notice of Trespass and Breach of Trust http://annavonreitz.com/internationaltrespassandbreachoftrust.pdf http://annavonreitz.com/ ![]() By Anna Von Reitz Part of what was destroyed in the Civil War was the Confederation of States --- (actually, States-of-States belonging to the States, not States at all) formed under The Articles of Confederation. Our American Federal Subcontractor, known as the States of America, or more popularly, The Federal Republic, was also left inoperable. It has stood vacant since 1860. So our British Would-be Overlords hit upon The Plan to ditch their own bankrupt governmental services corporation, offload their debts on the American people (again) and substitute their organization for our Federal Republic. Just wiggle into position and pretend to be us --- steal our identity, and skate on. This Plan was well on its way to being implemented, with nobody the wiser, least of all the rank and file officers and enlisted, or the American General Public, but, there's a fly in the ointment, a kink in the hose, and an international objection in the air. We, those who adopt and accept and uphold our political status as plain old American people, have been usurped and imposed upon by our Employees one too many times. And our civilian government is in Session in all fifty States as it has been for the last three years. Meantime, both the US, INC and the USA, Inc., or what has filled those British Crown and Municipal Service shoes since the last round of bogus planned bankruptcies, have again gone bankrupt in hopes of off-loading their debts on the clueless, helpless "franchises". Purportedly, we are all magically transformed into franchises like Dairy Queen franchises as a result of undisclosed adhesion contracts foisted off on our Mothers when we were babies in our cradles and Voter Registrations. Goes to show you just how low the Brits and their Holy Roman Empire collaborators will stoop. What they could never win by force of arms they have contrived to win by guile. And, how could we object, when neither we nor our Mother or Father were told a word about these cozy arrangements? We have been defrauded. Our identity has been stolen. And these cretins who owe us "Good faith and service" have twisted things around to misrepresent us as their indentured servants and/or slaves. They hoodwinked all of you even worse than the rest of us. They gave you the idea that you were signing up to be part of an "honorable soldiery" to protect and defend your country, but instead, you were signing up to be ultra-cheap commercial mercenaries instead. Did you all know that PFCs and beginning Airmen and Privates in the Army haven't had a raise in pay since the 1970's? Fifty years without a pay raise? Do you know that you've been used as lab rats and farmed out to foreign dictators and even drug cartels? Hmm? Join Pope Benedict who famously said, "Nobody told me!" The Rest of Us are telling you now. Listen up. That contract you signed obligating you to "serve" isn't worth the paper it's written on for lack of full disclosure and it is certainly not a license to kill. The foreign "governmental services corporation" you are working for doesn't have a contract with us, the actual American Government. Oh, yes, the Principals are still obligated to provide service under the provisions of the Constitutions (all three of them) but your specific corporation doesn't have a contract and can't act as a Successor because: (1) it chose to go bankrupt and break the chain of succession it had established the last go around, and (2) the civilian government of this country has objected to any assumption of Successorship. We are sick and tired of all this criminality and fraud and "secrecy" and abuse of ourselves and our goodwill and our property assets by organizations and people who owe their Employers and Benefactors "good faith and service". The only reason there is any secrecy involved is that those promoting this continuing behavior are making money off of it, at everyone else's expense. Yours, too. So the bad news is, you are acting in an illegal capacity as a cheap hired commercial mercenary and used as a lab rat. The good news is that the contract you autographed obligating you to do this is worthless. And the Rest of Us have caught up to the Shinola Pushers known as Bar Attorneys and Politicians at last. I've been told that your Generals and Admirals are all standing around letting the criminals run rampant, waiting for Mr. Trump to "act" --- just like Lincoln "acted as" Commander-in-Chief, but he's in a sticky-wicket, too, as the CEO of yet another British Crown Corporation in the business of providing governmental services --- without a contact to do so --- he has no firm authority or foundation allowing him to proceed. And he certainly can't sneak into the vacant American Federal Republic at the head of a British Crown Corporation and pretend that "a" Federal Republic is the same as "The" Federal Republic, can he? Not with several million Americans watching. No, you will wait a long time for Mr. Trump to act on that opportunity. Now what? You can do what we, the civilian government, told you to do two and a half years ago. You can come home and bring all five branches of the American Armed Forces with you. It's just a name change and a new piece of paper away, but until your leaders wake up and stop listening to British Admiralty Attorneys as their font of wisdom, your lives and our country will continue to go to ruin in front of your faces. Mr. Trump needs to negotiate a contract for you to act as the American Armed Forces. He signs. We autograph. The deal is done. You're back in the saddle, redefined as an honorable soldiery for the first time in a 157 years, fully funded, and agreeably assigned to rid us of the vermin infestation that has plagued our country for a century and a half. The rotten middle men at SERCO are seizing our money to pay you, and misdirecting you to abuse us--- the people you are supposed to serve and protect. We'd rather pay you direct and come to an understanding about your job duties. We can provide our own Quartermaster and Paymaster. Please contact: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America In care of: Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 [email protected] (907) 250-5087 PS: To any foreign government loony enough to think that we are helpless and disarmed because of any of this, think again. Our boys are still on duty and frustrated enough to enjoy blowing something to smithereens. ---------------------------- See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here. The American States Assemblies |
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You Choose the Amount Differences between being American and being a U.S. CitizenAnna von reitz